ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Fall Season Guide | Seasonal DIY Recipes and Furniture

Maple Leaves header.png

This is a guide for Fall and its exclusive DIY recipes and furniture for Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out about how to get Fall's seasonal furniture and items!

Fall DIY Recipes

Maple Leaves (Maple Series)

Maple Series header.png

Seasonal Material Maple Leaves
Availability Northern Hemisphere: November 16 to November 25
Southern Hemisphere: May 16 to May 25
How to Get Get from Balloon Presents

Starting on November 16, Maple Leaves will begin to flutter on the island. You can catch these using the net and are used as DIY materials for the Maple Furniture Series.

List of Maple-Leaf Series Recipes

Mushrooms (Mushroom Series)

Mushroom Series header (1).png

Seasonal Material Mushrooms
Availability Northern Hemisphere: November 1 to November 30
Southern Hemisphere: November 1 to November 30
How to Get Get from Balloon Presents

Mushrooms start appearing during the last month of Fall in what is known as the Mushrooming Season.

This occurs on November for Northern Hemisphere players and May for Southern Hemisphere players.

List of Mushroom Series Furniture & Item Recipes

Acorns/Pinecones (Trees Bounty Series)

Trees Bounty header.png

Seasonal Material Acorns and Pine Cones
Availability Northern Hemisphere: September 1 to December 10
Southern Hemisphere: March 1 to June 10
How to Get Get from Balloon Presents

You can get Acorns and Pine Cones by shaking trees, and you'll need these to complete the Tree's Bounty Series Furniture collection.

These only last until Winter, so get tree-shakin'!
List of Tree's Bounty Series Furniture

Turkey Day Series

ACNH - List of Turkey Day Recipes and Furniture.png

Seasonal Material None
Availability November 26, 2020
How to Get Complete all Franklin's dishes with their secret ingredient on Turkey Day.
Nook's Cranny for 19,800 Bells (After Turkey Day)

Get ready as Franklin visits for Turkey Day! Help this world-famous chef complete his dishes for his bountiful gathering and receive exclusive Turkey Day Furniture and Items.

Keep an eye out for secret ingredients to make his dishes extra special!

List of Turkey Day Series Furniture

Where to Get DIY Recipes

Shoot Down Balloons

Balloon Present.jpg
You can get DIY recipes for Tree's Bounty Series items from balloon presents during the Fall Season. These recipes are very rare so make sure to keep an eye out for any and all balloons you come across!

How to Get Presents from Balloons

Red-Leaf Pile DIY Recipe

Receive red-leaf pile recipe.jpg

Recipe Availability November 16 - 25
(Northern Hemisphere)
May 16 - 25
(Southern Hemisphere)

The last few weeks of November also marks the end of Fall (Autumn). Between November 16 and 25, Isabelle will give you the Red-Leaf Pile DIY recipe during her daily broadcast.

This recipe is part of the Tree's Bounty and the Maple-Leaf Series Furniture collections, so make sure to get it to complete both collections!

Tree's Bounty Little Tree DIY Recipe

Receive Tree

Recipe Availability September 1 - December 10
(Northern Hemisphere)
March 1 - June 10
(Southern Hemisphere)

If you missed it on September and in October, you have another chance to get the Tree's Bounty Little Tree DIY recipe from Tom Nook.

You can only get this item once, from September 1 to December 10 in the Northern Hemisphere (March 1 to June 10 in the Southern Hemisphere), so make sure you don't miss it to complete the Tree's Bounty Series collection!

Mushroom Wreath DIY Recipe

Receive mushroom wreath recipe from Isabelle.jpg

Recipe Availability November Only
(Northern Hemisphere)
May Only
(Southern Hemisphere)

November marks the beginning of the Mushrooming Season and you will get the Mushroom Wreath DIY recipe from Isabelle during her daily broadcast on the first day of November. Collect all the Mushroom-themed DIY Recipes to complete the Mushroom Series Furniture collection!

Rewards from Franklin's Turkey Day

ACNH - Turkey Day DIY from Franklin.jpg
Franklin will reward you with DIY ricpes for the entire Turkey Day Series if you improve all his dishes with their respective secret ingredients.

Turkey Day Guide

Fall Exclusive Items

Turkey Day Series From Nook's Cranny

ACNH - Turkey Day chair on Sale.jpg
Nook's Cranny will start selling Thanksgiving related furniture after Turkey Day for a limited time. If you missed out on Franklin's Rewards, you can still purchase them from the Nooklings!

Turkey Day Items, Wall and Floor

ACNH - Furniture from Franklin.jpg
Completeing each of Franklin's dishes rewards you with four exclusive items from the Turkey Day series: the Turkey Day Rug, Turkey Day Wall, Turkey Flooring, and the Cornucopia.

You can't buy these four items anywhere, so make sure you get them from Franklin!

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