ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Fish Meunière | Turkey Secret Ingredients and DIY Recipe

Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) - Fish Meunière

Craving some Fish Meunière? Learn all its secret ingredients in our guide below to satisfy your island hungry bellies on Turkey Day!

Also, Version 2.0 now allows you to cook some fresh Olive-Flounder Meunière! Learn how to get the DIY recipes, and its ingredients below!

Turkey Day Event Guides
ACNH - Turkey Day EventEvent Guide ACNH - FranklinFranklin ACNH - Turkey Day DIY RecipesTurkey Day DIYs ACNH - Turkey Day Cooking GuideDishes & Ingredients
Turkey Day Dishes and Secret Ingredients
ACNH Turkey Day - Clam ChowderClam Chowder ANCH Turkey Day - Pumpkin PiePumpkin Pie ACNH Turkey Day - GratinGratin ACNH Turkey Day - Fish MeuniereFish Meuniere

Fish Meunière Turkey Day Ingredients

Main Ingredient

Northern Hemisphere

ACNH - Sea Bass Icon .png+
ACNH - Red Snapper Icon.png or ACNH - Dab Icon.png or ACNH - Olive Flounder Icon.png

If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, Franklin will require you to bring him a Sea Bass and a Red Snapper/ Dab/ Olive Flounder (random) for his Fish Meuniere.

As with any other ingredient, you can also trade ingredients with the villagers staying at their homes.

Southern Hemisphere

ACNH - Squid Icon + ACNH - Sea Urchin Icon

If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, Franklin will require you to bring him a Squid and a Sea Urchin for his Fish Meuniere instead!

How to Catch Fish Easily

Secret Ingredient

ACNH - Barred Knifejaw Icon.png

To further improve the taste of Fish Meuniere, you will need to bring Franklin a Barred Knifejaw. These can be found by fishing at the sea, as with all the other fish in this recipe. This makes it easier to find!

Olive-Flounder Meunière DIY Recipe

Olive-Flounder Meunière Sell Price and Stamina

Olive-Flounder MeunièreOlive-Flounder Meunière Sell Price
(Drop Off)
? Bells
(? Bells)
Category Savory
Stamina Gained ?
How to Get Turkey Day, Turkey Day Recipes

How to Cook Olive-Flounder Meunière

Needed Materials Qty
Flour ImageFlour 2
Olive Flounder ImageOlive Flounder 1

How to Get the Olive-Flounder Meunière DIY Recipe

Complete the Turkey Day Event

ACNH - DIY Food Recipes from Franklin.png
During the Turkey Day Event, Franklin will ask you to gather ingredients for four of his dishes. After completing all his dishes, he will give you all the DIY Recipes for the dishes.

If you were unable to complete the event before the end of the day, Nook's Cranny will also sell the recipes the next day for 6,860 Bells.

How to Use Olive-Flounder Meunière

Eat to Gain Stamina

ACNH - Eat to Regain Stamina

Similar to fruits, food items can also be eaten to regain your stamina. Stamina can be used to perform certain actions around your island such as breaking rocks or digging up trees.

Decorate Your Home or Island

ACNH - Decorating with Food

Food items can be placed on the ground or on top of tables similar to regular furniture items. Use them to decorate your island and create cool restaurants and cafés!

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