ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Glowing-Moss Statue Price and Color Variations

How to Get Glowing-Moss Statue

Glowing-Moss Statue
Glowing-Moss Statue Image
Size 1×1 Catalog No
Buy Price Not for Sale
Sell Price
(Drop-Off Box)

Craft with the DIY Recipe and Materials

DIY Item Required Materials
Glowing-Moss Statue IconGlowing-Moss Statue
Stone IconStone (×8)
Glowing Moss IconGlowing Moss (×5)

Glowing-Moss Statue Colors and Variations

Basic Customization Information

Customize through DIY

ACNH - DIY Workbench at Residents Services

Customizable Yes
Can Use Patterns No
Can Use Custom Design No
Kits Needed 2

Customize through Reese & Cyrus

ACNH - Reese and Cyrus on Harv

We are still looking into Glowing-Moss Statue's customizations at Reese & Cyrus's shop!

Help us out by leaving your screenshots in the comments to let us know how many Bells it costs to customize the items!
The Gray version of Glowing-Moss StatueGray The Light Brown version of Glowing-Moss StatueLight Brown The Black version of Glowing-Moss StatueBlack
The Mossy version of Glowing-Moss StatueMossy

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