ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Stone-Egg Outfit Recipe and Required Materials

This page contains the DIY recipe for Stone-Egg Outfit, a Bunny Day exclusive item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH) for the Nintendo Switch, as well as information on how to get the recipe for Stone-Egg Outfit.

Stone-Egg Outfit: Basic Information

Stone-Egg Outfit ImageStone-Egg Outfit
Sell Price 1200

How to Get the Stone-Egg Outfit Recipe

Obtained During Bunny Day Only

Stone-Egg Outfit is one of the recipes that can be obtained during Bunny Day, which is held on April 1st through April 12th. During this you can find a variety of Eggs, and these are both used to craft and to obtain recipes.

Gather Eggs for their Outfit Recipes

Bunny Day - Wood Egg
There are 6 different Bunny Day Eggs, all found in different locations. Gathering enough of a single type of Egg will allow you to think up the DIY recipe for that Egg's Shoes, Outfit and Shell(Hat).

Gather All Egg Outfits for the Egg Party set

Bunny Day - Egg Party Set
Once you've obtained the recipes for all Egg type outfits, you will automatically learn the DIY recipe for Egg Party Hat and Egg Party Dress.

For info on where to find the different types of Eggs, check out our Bunny Day guide below:

Bunny Day Event | Where to Find Eggs and Recipes

Stone-Egg Outfit Recipe and Required Materials

Needed Materials Amount
Stone Egg ImageStone Egg 3

Related Links


All DIY RecipesAccessories

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Wobbling Zipper Toy ImageWobbling Zipper Toy Wood-Egg Outfit ImageWood-Egg Outfit Wood-Egg Shell ImageWood-Egg Shell Wood-Egg Shoes ImageWood-Egg Shoes

Bunny Day Event & Recipes

Recipes by Initial Letter

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