Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Druid Werebear Landslide Endgame Build

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This is a Druid Werebear Landslide endgame build and guide for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Werebear Landslide build, including its skills, gear, gems, runes, mercenaries, and paragon boards, as well as how to play the build for Season 6.

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Werebear Landslide Build Guide

Werebear Landslide Build Summary

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MercenaryMercenary ParagonParagon Playstyle Playstyle
Build Summary
Diablo 4 - Druid Werebear Landslide Build
Claw Landslide Earthen Bulwark Debilitating Roar Poison Creeper Petrify
Focus: Endgame, Torment 4
Diablo 4 Build - Pro High DPS and Crowd Control

Diablo 4 Build - Pro Excellent Mobility

Diablo 4 Build - ProLow Cooldowns

This build makes use of Landslide with the boost from Shroud of False Death for an added rank to all Passive Skills which is a great boost for damage, utility, and survivability.

The core of the build is to stack damage multipliers from our passives and paragon board.

Werebear Landslide Build Skills and Class Mechanic

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Werebear Landslide Build Skills and Passives

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Claw Claw (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ClawEnhanced Claw
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Landslide Landslide (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced LandslideEnhanced Landslide
  ┗ Primal LandslidePrimal Landslide
 ┗ Wild Impulses Wild Impulses (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

 ┗ Enhanced Earthen BulwarkEnhanced Earthen Bulwark
 ┗ Enhanced Debilitating RoarEnhanced Debilitating Roar
  ┗ Innate Debilitating RoarInnate Debilitating Roar
 ┗ Vigilance Vigilance (3/3)
Backlash Backlash (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Companion Skill Tree.pngCompanion Skill Tree

Poison Creeper Poison Creeper (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Poison CreeperEnhanced Poison Creeper
 ┗ Ferocious Poison CreeperFerocious Poison Creeper
Feral Aptitude Feral Aptitude (3/3)
Clarity Clarity (3/3)
Diablo 4 - Wrath Skill Tree.pngWrath Skill Tree

Mending Mending (1/3)
 ┗ Provocation Provocation (3/3)
Crushing Earth Crushing Earth (3/3)
 ┗ Stone Guard Stone Guard (3/3)
 ┗ Neurotoxin Neurotoxin (1/3)
  ┗ Envenom Envenom (3/3)
Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

Petrify Petrify (5/5)
 ┗ Prime PetrifyPrime Petrify
  ┗ Supreme PetrifySupreme Petrify
Defiance Defiance (3/3)
 ┗ Natural Disaster Natural Disaster (3/3)
Catastrophe Catastrophe (3/3)
Quickshift Quickshift (3/3)
Key Passives Skill TreeKey Passives Skill Tree

Werebear Landslide Build Spirit Boons

Werebear Landslide Druid Spirit Boons
Advantageous Beast
Gain +15% Movement Speed and +15% Impairment Reduction.
Avian Wrath
Gain x30% Critical Strike Damage.
Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 25% chance to reset the Cooldowns of your Companion Skills.
Obsidian Slam
Every 10th kill will cause your next Earth Skill to Overpower.
Calm Before the Storm
Lucky Hit: Nature Magic Skills have up to a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds.

Setup is available if you've bonded with the Snake Spirit.

For Spirit Boons, you would want to get the Advantageous Beast to gain more Movement Speed, Avian Wrath and Packleader to create a synergy between cooldowns and Critical Strikes, and Obsidian Slam for Overpowering Landslide, then finally Calm Before the Storm for higher Petrify uptime.

Spirit Boons Guide

Werebear Landslide Build Aspects and Affixes

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Blacksmith Icon Masterwork Priority Affixes marked with ★ are the ones you should aim to upgrade when masterworking.

※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Maximum Life
・Resource Generation
・All Stats★★★
・Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
・Maximum Life
・Attack Speed
・Critical Strike Chance
・Ranks to Landslide★★★
・Utility - Nature Magic Innovation
 ┗ Petrify Duration
・Offensive - Earth Finesse
 ┗ Earth Critical Strike Chance
・Maximum Life
・Willpower ★★★
・Utility - Nature Magic Innovation
 ┗ Petrify Duration
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Total Armor
・Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 Seconds
・Resistance to All Elements★
・Maximum Life
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Movement Speed ★★
Utility - Nature Magic Innovation
 ┗ Petrify Duration
・Ranks to Envenom★
・Ranks to Quickshift★
・Cooldown Reduction★
・Offensive - Earth Finesse
 ┗ Earth Critical Strike Chance
・Defensive - Worldly Endurance
 ┗ Maximum Life
・Chance for Landslide to Cast Twice★★★
・Earth Attack Speed
・Ranks to Landslide
・Critical Strike Chance
・Attack Speed
・Critical Strike Chance
・Lucky Hit Chance
・Ranks to Core Skills★★★

・Maximum Life
・Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Primary Resource
・Weapons - Earth Augments
 ┗ Chance for Landslide to Cast Twice★★★
・Offensive - Earth Finesse
 ┗ Earth Critical Strike Chance

Werebear Landslide Build Gems and Runewords

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Werebear Landslide Build Gems

Armor Weapons Jewelry
SapphireSapphire Runes DiamondDiamond

For gems, it's best to slot in Sapphire on armor slots to get more Willpower, and Diamond on jewelry slots to get more Elemental Resistance. Diamonds can be replaced with other gems depending on which resistances you need to get 70% or close across the board.

Runes will be placed on the weapon's slots to stack more Sapphire on the armor to get more stacks of raw Willpower.

Werebear Landslide Build Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
TamTam OhmOhm CirCir WatWat

The best runewords for the Landslide build are Tam + Ohm for raw damage increase through the War Cry, and Cir + Wat to for faster clearing in Pits and other high difficulty content.

List of All Runewords

Werebear Landslide Build Mercenaries

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Mercenary Reinforcement
Druid Mercenary VaryanaVaryana Raheir IconRaheir

The best mercenaries for the Werebear Landslide Build are Varyana, who can give Attack Speed and Movement Speed with Bloodthirst, and Raheir who can provide Unstoppable with Bastion every time you become control-impaired.

List of All Mercenaries

Werebear Landslide Build Paragon Boards

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Paragon Boards
1. Starting Board (Headhunter)
2. Heightened Malice (Spirit)
3. Earthen Devastation (Earth and Sky)
4. Ancestral Guidance (Fang and Claw)
5. Survival Instincts (Outmatch)

This is the best paragon board setup that shows the nodes you'll want to take for the build. Mainly prioritize getting Earth Damage, Damage, Maximum Life, and Resistances. You'll want to take all legendary nodes across all your boards for a significant damage boost as you spam Landslide.

Werebear Landslide Build Playstyle and Tips

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The Werebear Landslide Build playstyle focuses on spamming Landslide as the skill innately increases the overall damage and survivability of the build. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Cast Earthen Bulwark and Debilitating Roar to avoid getting one-shotted before diving into mob groups.
  2. Use Poison Creeper and Petrify to poison and stun enemies in the surrounding area.
  3. Spam Landslide until all enemies are dead.
  4. Use Claw to regenerate spirit.

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