Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Spiritborn Orange Hulk Endgame Build (Season 6)

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This is a Spiritborn Orange Hulk endgame build and guide for Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4). Read on to learn more about the Orange Hulk build, including its skills, gear, gems, runes, mercenaries, and paragon boards, as well as how to play the build for Season 6!

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Orange Hulk Build Guide

Orange Hulk Build Summary

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This Spiritborn Endgame build is based on a build by AceOfSpades over at Goblin Inc (Youtube). The video includes details on how to gear up to get the build online. You can check AceOfSpades's Twitch Channel for more Diablo 4 content and to ask questions about the build!

Build Summary
Spiritborn Class ViewOrange Hulk Endgame Build
Crushing Hand Vortex Ravager Armored Hide Scourge The Hunter
Focus: Endgame, Torment Pushing
Diablo 4 Build - Pro High DPS and AoE Damage

Diablo 4 Build - Pro Great Crowd Control

Diablo 4 Build - Con Low Mobility

This build makes use of spamming Crushing Hand together with the Overpower Damage buff from Banished Lord's Talisman and procing it consistently with Rod of Kepeleke. Having the Jaguar as your primary and Gorilla as your secondary Spirit Hall specialization will give you more damage, and increase your stacks on Resolve.

We recommend this build for those who are reaching endgame and pushing for high tier Pits as this build has a good amount damage with enough survivability to last in higher Torment difficulties.

Orange Hulk Build Skills and Class Mechanic

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Orange Hulk Build Skills and Passives

※ More skills can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Active Skills
Basic Skill TreeBasic Skill Tree

Thrash Thrash (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ThrashEnhanced Thrash
Core Skill TreeCore Skill Tree

Crushing Hand Crushing Hand (5/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Crushing HandEnhanced Crushing Hand
  ┗ Rampant Crushing HandRampant Crushing Hand
Vigorous Vigorous (2/3)
 ┗ Balanced Exertion Balanced Exertion (3/3)
Focus Skill TreeFocus Skill Tree

Vortex Vortex (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced VortexEnhanced Vortex
  ┗ Measured VortexMeasured Vortex
Ravager Ravager (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced RavagerEnhanced Ravager
  ┗ Measured RavagerMeasured Ravager
Focal Point Focal Point (1/3)
 ┗ Apex Apex (3/3)
Mirage Mirage (1/3)
 ┗ Unrestrained Power Unrestrained Power (3/3)
Defensive Skill TreeDefensive Skill Tree

Armored Hide Armored Hide (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced Armored HideEnhanced Armored Hide
  ┗ Reinforced Armored HideReinforced Armored Hide
Counterattack Counterattack (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced CounterattackEnhanced Counterattack
  ┗ Reinforced CounterattackReinforced Counterattack
Scourge Scourge (1/5)
 ┗ Enhanced ScourgeEnhanced Scourge
  ┗ Adaptable ScourgeAdaptable Scourge
Endurance Endurance (1/3)
 ┗ Perseverance Perseverance (3/3)
Patient Guard Patient Guard (1/3)
Antivenom Antivenom (1/3)
Potency Skill TreePotency Skill Tree

Resilient Resilient (3/3)
 ┗ Dominant Dominant (3/3)
Potent Potent (3/3)
 ┗ Furnace Furnace (3/3)
Ultimate Skill TreeUltimate Skill Tree

The Hunter The Hunter (3/5)
 ┗ Harmonious The HunterHarmonious The Hunter
  ┗ Exalted The HunterExalted The Hunter
Resolution Resolution (3/3)
  ┗ Supremacy Supremacy (3/3)
Key Passives Skill TreeKey Passives Skill Tree

Orange Hulk Build Spirit Hall

Primary Spirit
Diablo 4 Jaguar SpiritJaguar
(Level 15)
Every 15th time you deal direct damage to an enemy with a Jaguar Skill, unleash additional slashes dealing 15% of the damage of the 0.5 seconds. All Skills are now also Jaguar Skills.
Secondary Spirit
Diablo 4 Gorilla SpiritGorilla
(Level 30)
Maximum Resolve is increased by 2. When you have at least 5 stacks of Resolve, you are Unstoppable.

Jaguar is the best specialization for the Primary slot in this Orange Hulk build since you will be spamming a lot of hits, procing this would be easy enough. As for the Secondary slot, Gorilla is your best bet so you can increase your max Resolve and become permanently Unstoppable.

Spirit Hall Guide

Orange Hulk Build Aspects and Affixes

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※ More gear Aspects can be seen by scrolling vertically.

Gear Aspect and Affixes
・Maximum Resource ★
・Maximum Life ★
・Dexterity ★
・Defensive - Spiritborn Recovery
 ┗ Bonus to Resilient
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation

Note: Swap the aspect out with Duelist's Aspect once you have the Shroud of False Death equipped.
・Maximum Life ★
・Armor ★
・Ranks to Defensive Skills ★
・Defensive - Spiritborn Recovery
 ┗ Bonus to Resilient
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation

Note: Swap this out once you have obtained the Shroud of False Death to help increase your mobility and clear higher The Pit tiers.
・Ranks to Crushing Hand
・Resource Cost Reduction
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Overpower Damage
・Maximum Life ★
・Dexterity ★
・Ranks to Basic Skills ★
・Defensive - Spiritborn Recovery
 ┗ Bonus to Resilient
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Movement Speed
・Mobility - Natural Motion
 ┗ Movement Speedf
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
・Maximum Life ★★★
・Overpower Damage
・Attack Speed
・Ranks to Core Skills
Ring 1
・Lucky Hit: Up to a Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable for 2 Seconds
・Maximum Life
・Attack Speed ★★★
・Offensive - Worldly Finesse
 ┗ Overpower Damage
・Utility - Natural Schemes
 ┗ Barrier Generation
Ring 2
・Dexterity ★★★
・Cooldown Reduction
・Critical Strike Damage
・Ranks to Mirage

・Critical Strike Damage
・Maximum Resource
・Ranks to Velocity
・Chance for Core Skills to Hit Twice ★★★

Orange Hulk Build Gems and Runewords

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Orange Hulk Build Gems

Armor Amulet Rings
EmeraldEmerald DiamondDiamond AmethystAmethyst

For Gems, it's best to slot in Emerald on your armor slot for more Dexterity, a Diamond on your amulet slot for more Resistance to All Elements, and Amethyst or Sapphire on your ring slots to get more Elemental Resistance for a specific element.

The Ring slots can be replaced with other gems depending on which resistances you need to get 70% or close across the board.

Orange Hulk Build Runewords

Runeword 1 Runeword 2
PocPoc QueQue XolXol XalXal

The best runewords for the Orange Hulk build are Poc + Que to consistantly grant yourself a Barrier, and Xol + Xal to increase your Maximum Life whenever you proc Que for more survivability.

Make sure to equip these on your Weapon and Pants as both of these can have 2 gem sockets that are perfect for slotting in Runewords.

List of All Runewords

Orange Hulk Build Mercenaries

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Mercenary Reinforcement
Spiritborn Mercenary RaheirRaheir Spiritborn Mercenary VaryanaVaryana

The best mercenaries for the Orange Hulk Build are Raheir, who can taunt enemies and provide you more Armor and Damage Reduction, and Varyana, who can give bonus Attack Speed to cast your Crushing Hand even faster.

List of All Mercenaries

Orange Hulk Build Paragon Boards

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Paragon Boards
1. Starting Board (Colossal)
2. Revealing (Spirit)
3. Viscous Shield (Outmatch)
4. Sapping (Menagerist)
5. In-Fighter (Headhunter)

For Glyphs, your best ones would be Colossal and Outmatch, for massively increasing your Gorilla Skill and Physical Damage to keep up in higher Torment difficulties.

We also recommend prioritizing getting the Viscous Shield and Sapping Legendary nodes as these will increase your damage significantly.

Orange Hulk Build Playstyle and Tips

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The Orange Hulk Build playstyle focuses on consistently dealing large amounts of Overpower Damage with enough crowd control to speed farm. The rotation is as follows:

  1. Activate Ravager for the damage buff, then dive in and cast Vortex to group up your enemies.
  2. Keep spamming Crushing Hand to lower the cooldowns of your skills every time.
  3. Use Armored Hide whenever your Resolve stacks are getting low.
  4. Cast The Hunter after you use Vortex to stack over more damage while you are spamming Crushing Hand.

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