ACNH - Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Switch)

Al Birthday and Personality

Al is a Gorilla villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons (ACNH). Check our Al's birthday, personality, catchphrase, HHP house, and more!

Al Profile

Al: Basic Information

Species Gorilla
Personality Lazy
Gender Male
Birthday October 18
Catchphrase ayyeeee

Al is a lazy gorilla villager from Animal Crossing. His birthday is on October 18.

Happy Home Paradise House

Al's HHP Theme Items

Required Furniture
School Locker ImageSchool Locker Ball Catcher ImageBall Catcher Pull-Up-Bar Stand ImagePull-Up-Bar Stand
Theme Name Gymnastics School for Kids
Thought Bubble My dream is to someday teach gymnastics to kids.

Happy Home Paradise Walkthrough

Al's Unlocked HHP Items

Al's HHP Items

Tire Toy ImageTire Toy Swinging Bench ImageSwinging Bench Drinking Fountain ImageDrinking Fountain Trophy Case ImageTrophy Case
Whiteboard ImageWhiteboard Water Cooler ImageWater Cooler Upright Piano ImageUpright Piano Tricycle ImageTricycle
Toy Box ImageToy Box Pull-Up-Bar Stand ImagePull-Up-Bar Stand Piano Bench ImagePiano Bench Outdoor Table ImageOutdoor Table
Outdoor Bench ImageOutdoor Bench Humidifier ImageHumidifier Handy Water Cooler ImageHandy Water Cooler Exercise Ball ImageExercise Ball
Elephant Slide ImageElephant Slide Digital Alarm Clock ImageDigital Alarm Clock Cone ImageCone Climbing Wall ImageClimbing Wall
ChampionChampion's Pennant Box Sofa ImageBox Sofa Box Corner Sofa ImageBox Corner Sofa Beach Towel ImageBeach Towel
Ball ImageBall Baby Chair ImageBaby Chair Playground Gym ImagePlayground Gym Bottled Beverage ImageBottled Beverage
Skateboard ImageSkateboard Baseball Set ImageBaseball Set Yoga Mat ImageYoga Mat Small Mannequin ImageSmall Mannequin
School Locker ImageSchool Locker Safety Railing ImageSafety Railing Reception Counter ImageReception Counter Mop ImageMop
Handwashing Area ImageHandwashing Area Ball Catcher ImageBall Catcher Currently UnavailableAl's Photo

Al's HHP Clothes

Athletic Jacket ImageAthletic Jacket Athletic Pants ImageAthletic Pants Athletic Shorts ImageAthletic Shorts Gym Tee ImageGym Tee
Slip-On School Shoes ImageSlip-On School Shoes Sports Cap ImageSports Cap

Al's HHP K.K. Slider Songs

K.K. Étude Image K.K. Étude

Related Villager Guides

ACNH Villagers

List of Villagers

List of Gorilla Villagers

Violet IconViolet Rocket IconRocket Peewee IconPeewee Louie IconLouie
Hans IconHans Cesar IconCesar Boyd IconBoyd Boone IconBoone
Al IconAl Rilla IconRilla

Villagers by Species

ACNH Alligators Alligators ACNH Anteaters Anteaters ACNH Bears Bears ACNH Birds Birds
ACNH Bulls Bulls ACNH Cats Cats ACNH Chickens Chickens ACNH Cows Cows
ACNH Cubs Cubs ACNH Deer Deer ACNH Dogs Dogs ACNH Ducks Ducks
ACNH Eagles Eagles ACNH Elephants Elephants ACNH Frogs Frogs ACNH Goats Goats
ACNH Gorillas Gorillas ACNH Hamsters Hamsters ACNH Hippos Hippos ACNH Horses Horses
ACNH Kangaroos Kangaroos ACNH Koalas Koalas ACNH Lions Lions ACNH Monkeys Monkeys
ACNH Mice Mice ACNH Octopuses Octopuses ACNH Ostriches Ostriches ACNH Penguins Penguins
ACNH Pigs Pigs ACNH Rabbits Rabbits ACNH Rhinos Rhinos ACNH Sheep Sheep
ACNH Squirrels Squirrels ACNH Tiger Tigers ACNH Wolves Wolves

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1 Anonymousover 2 years

He is apparently very popular in Japan.

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