Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

List of Bow Affixes

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This is a guide that lists all the affixes that Bow weapons can roll in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to see a full list of possible affix rolls for Bows.

How to Use the Affix List

Inherent vs Regular Affix Rolls

Diablo 4 - Inherent and Regular affixes

Inherent Affixes are a special type of affix that can only appear in certain pieces of gear. They will always show up near the top of the item tooltip, just underneath the damage or armor counter of the item.

In Diablo 4, Inherent Affixes are treated as separate affix rolls. An item like Rare-tier Pants will have both 1 Inherent Affix and 3 Regular Affixes.

All Diablo 4 Bow Affixes

All Bow Affixes

Weapon Class
+ X% Critical Strike Damage (Inherent) All
+ X Main Stat All
+ X% Critical Strike Damage All
+ X% Damage Over Time All
+ X% Overpower Damage All
+ X% Vulnerable Damage All
+ X Maximum Life All
+ X Life Per Hit All
Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Restore X Primary Resource All
+ X% Damage All
+ X Resource on Kill All

These are all the possible Affixes that you can obtain from Bows that you obtain as regular drops or via enchanting from the Occultist. There's also a chance of obtaining a Greater Affix for these affixes which will always be at the highest possible value of that Affix multipled by 150%.

All Bow Tempering Affixes

Affixes Type Manual
・88 - 115% Basic Skill Damage
・46.5 - 60% Core Skill Damage
・88 - 115% Ultimate Skill Damage
Offensive Sharpened Finesse
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Cold Damage
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Poison Damage
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Shadow Damage
Weapon Elemental Surge - Night
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Physical Damage
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Fire Damage
・Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal 900 - 2,400 Lightning Damage
Weapon Elemental Surge - Day
・62.5 - 85.0% Critical Strike Damage
・41.5 - 55.0% Vulnerable Damage
・108.5 - 140.0% Overpower Damage
Offensive Worldly Finesse
・41.5 - 55.0% Vulnerable Damage
・46.5 - 60.0% Cutthroat Damage
・9.0 - 11.0% Cutthroat Attack Speed
・4.0 - 6.0% Cutthroat Critical Strike Chance
Offensive Cutthroat Finesse
・46.5 - 60.0% Earth Damage
・4.0 - 6.0% Earth Lucky Hit Chance
・4.0 - 6.0% Earth Critical Strike Chance
Offensive Earth Finesse
・31.5 - 45.0% Damage
・47.0 - 65.0% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
・41.5 - 55.0% Damage to Close Enemies
・47.0 - 65.0% Damage to Distant Enemies
Offensive Natural Finesse
・21.0 - 30.0% Chance for Flurry to Hit Twice
・16.0 - 25.0% Chance for Dance of Knives Projectiles to Cast Twice
・16.0 - 25.0% Chance for Dash to Deal Double Damage
・16.0% - 25.0% Chance for Shadow Clone to Deal Double Damage
Weapon Agile Augments
Rogue only
・Shadow Step Cleaves for 15.5 - 20.0% Damage
・16.0 - 25.0% Chance for Smoke Grenade to Deal Double Damage
・16.0 - 25.0% Chance for Rain of Arrows to Deal Double Damage
Weapon Assassin Augments
Rogue only
・+ X% Chance for Twisting Blades to Hit Twice
・+ X% Chance for Rain of Arrows to Waves to Cast Twice
・Invigorating Strike Cleaves for + X% Damage
Weapon Warped Augments
Rogue only
・21.0 - 30.0% Damage per Dark Shroud Shadow
・219.0 - 300.0% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth
・31.5 - 45.0% Smoke Grenade Size
Offensive Subterfuge Expertise
Rogue only
・26.0 - 35.0% Chance for Blade Shift to Deal Double Damage
・Invigorating Strike Cleaves for 15.5 - 20.0% Damage
・13.0 - 17.5% Chance for Twisting Blades to Hit Twice
Weapon Cutthroat Augments
Rogue only
・Traps Arm 0.4 - 0.6 Seconds Faster
・31.5 - 45.0% Caltrops Size
・31.5 - 45.0% Caltrops Duration
Offensive Trap Expertise
Rogue only
・46.5 - 60.0% Agility Damage
・46.5 - 60.0% Core Damage
・88.0 - 115.0% Ultimate Damage
・82.5 - 105.0% Stun Grenade Damage
Offensive Skillful Finesse
Rogue only
・16.0 - 25.0% Chance for Death Trap to Deal Double Damage
・15.5 - 20.0% Chance for Caltrops to Consume No Charges
・29.0 - 42.5% Poison Trap Duration
Weapon Trap Augments
Rogue only
・13.0 - 17.5% Chance for Barrage Projectiles to Cast Twice
・13.0 - 17.5% Chance for Rapid Fire Projectiles to Cast Twice
・13.0 - 17.5% Chance for Penetrating Shot Projectiles to Cast Twice
Weapon Marksman Augments - Core
Rogue only
・23.5 - 32.5% Chance for Puncture Projectiles to Cast Twice
・23.5 - 32.5% Chance for Heartseeker Projectiles to Cast Twice
・23.5 - 32.5% Chance for Forceful Arrow Projectiles to Cast Twice
Weapon Marksman Augments - Basic
Rogue only
・26.0 - 35.0% Damage per Combo Point Spent
・16.0 - 25.0% Shadow Clone Duration
・26.0 - 35.0% Inner Sight Duration
Offensive Specialist Evolution
Rogue only
・47.0 - 65.0% Damage to Poisoned Enemies
・47.0 - 65.0% Damage to Trapped Enemies
・62.5 - 85.0% Imbued Damage
Offensive Scoundrel Finesse
Rogue only
・62.5 - 85.0% Critical Strike Damage
・46.5 - 60.0% Marksman Damage
・4.0 - 6.0% Marksman Critical Strike Chance
Offensive Marksman Finesse
Rogue only

These are the possible Affixes that you can add to your gear via Tempering from the Blacksmith. Each gear has a limited number of Tempering count and using a specific manual will allow you to get one of the possible Affixes from the said manual.

All Bow Legacy Affixes

Weapon Class
+ X% Damage to Frozen Enemies All
+ X% Marksman Skill Damage All
+ X Ranks of the Exploit Passive Rogue
+ X Ranks of the Impetus Passive Rogue
Lucky Hit: Up to a X% Chance to Execute Injured Non-Elites All
+ X% Ultimate Skill Damage All
+ X% Lightning Critical Strike Damage All
+ X% Damage While Berserking All
+ X% Damage to Enemies Affected by Trap Skills All
+ X% Damage to Stunned Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Slowed Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Poisoned Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Injured Enemies All
+ X All Stats All
+ X% Damage to Enemies Affected by Shadow DoT All
+ X% Damage to Distant Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Dazed Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Close Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Chilled Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Burning Enemies All
+ X% Damage to Bleeding Enemies All
+ X% Critical Strike Damage with Imbued Skills All
+ X% Core Skill Damage All
+ X% Basic Skill Damage All

These are all the affixes that used to be regular affixes from the gear you obtain in the map. This has been since, overhauled from Season 4's Loot Reborn update and is now only accessible as Legacy content.

Diablo 4 Related Guides

Diablo 4 - Affixes

List of All Affixes

All Item Affixes by Type

Affixes by Armor Type
Boots Pants Helm
Chest Gloves
Affixes by Weapon Type
Dagger Staff Wand
Crossbow Bow Focus
Totem Shield 1h Mace
1h Sword 1h Scythe 1h Axe
2h Polearm 2h Sword 2h Axe
2h Mace 2h Scythe Glaives
Quarterstaff - -
Affixes by Accessory Type
Ring Amulet


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