Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Infinite Loot Glitch Guide

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Diablo IV - Infinite Loot Banner
The Infinite Loot Glitch is an exploit found on one of the corpses in the Diablo 4 (D4) Beta. Read on to find out what the infinite loot glitch is, where the corpse is located, and how to use it to get infinite loot!

How to Do the Infinite Loot Glitch

The infinite loot glitch comes in the form of a corpse that can be interacted with an indefinite number of times. By clicking on it repeatedly, the corpse will keep spawning random loot.

It has not yet been confirmed if Legendary items can be spawned this way, as only common rarity items have been observed to drop from this corpse. Even with just common loot, the junk dropped by the corpse can still be farmed to sell for an endless supply of Gold!

However, watch out as doing this too many times can cause you to get kicked from the game.

Infinite Loot Glitch Location

Infinite Loot Glitch Map.pngView Full Size Image

The corpse that is needed to activate the infinite loot glitch is found directly north of Kyovashad. Simply find the corpse and click on it to start spawning infinite loot!

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3 Anonymousalmost 2 years

same but got back in and it still worked

2 Anonymousalmost 2 years

same here haven't been able to get back in


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