Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Co-op Not Working in Beta

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Co-op Not Working in Beta
This is a guide to the Co-op feature during Diablo 4's Beta release! Read on to know how to play Co-op during the beta and all issues and bugs encountered for local couch co-op.

How to Fix Couch Co-op Beta Issue

Wait for the Second Controller to Activate

Users in our comments section have submitted potential solutions to the issue.

One suggestion from user AwakenTheGamer gives a tip to first attempt to connect the controller, and then when nothing happens, simply continue playing the game as normal for 5-10 minutes until a prompt appears, at which point you'll be able to start the couch co-op.

This seems to imply that there are cases where the second controller activation is working, but is simply delayed, possibly due to the server-side overload currently causing other errors and kicking players from the game in the Beta.

Complete the Prologue First

Player 2 may experience issues joining games with a pre existing hero while playing couch co-op during the prologue.

It has been stated on the official Diablo 4 Beta list of known issues that couch co-op may encounter issues during the Prologue part of the game. This lets us know that Blizzard is aware of the problem and working on a fix, and that one solution may be to complete the Prologue first before attempting to start couch co-op. As the Beta includes both the Prologue and Chapter 1, this should still leave plenty of time for you and others to play together during the Beta!

Create Two Characters

To play co-op, you'll need to create two characters, so if the second player does not yet have a character created, this may be the source of the problem. You can also have the second player press the option button on their 2nd controller to initiate couch co-op.

Have a Battle.Net Account Connected to Playstation Account

In addition to having two characters, you also have to make sure that your account have a respective battle.net account connected to your playstation account. This is a necessary requirement to playing couch co-op so if you weren't able to play co-op, this can possibly be the issue.

Couch Co-op Beta Issues Explained

Second Controller Activation Issues

Access to the co-op feature has been inaccessible for many players during the Beta period, with reports of a second controller not successfully activating and causing confusion and frustration. What's your experience with the beta's couch co-op feature? Leave a comment and discuss it with us!

Co-op Beta Issues Discussion

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17 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Benn trying to connect a 2nd player coouch co-op for 3 hours. NO SUCCESS

16 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Ps4 pro co-op not working still. There's an icon but no dice.


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