Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

The Cage of Grief Walkthrough and Where to Collect a Yellow Lotus

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Diablo 4 - Cage of Grief

The Cage of Grief is a Main Quest in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Learn where to collect a yellow lotus, more about the objectives of the story, rewards, as well as completion tips!

The Cage of Grief Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Main Quest
Zone Hawezar
Starting Location Dismal Foothills
Quest Giver Taissa
Renown EXP Gold

How to Unlock The Cage of Grief

Diablo 4 Cage of Grief Quest

The Cage of Grief quest unlocks immediately after talking to Taissa at the end of the previous quest Encumbered Mind.

The Cage of Grief Quest Walkthrough

Hungering Swamp Ritual Site

Accompany your allies to the Hungering Swamp
Head west to the Crimson Soil, then enter the Hungering Swamp dungeon.
Bring Taissa and Donan to the ritual site
From the Hungering Swamp entrance, head north to the ritual site hut.
Speak with Taissa
Ask Taissa what you're doing there.

Where to Collect Maggot Queen Ichor

Collect Maggot Queen Ichor
You can collect Maggot Queen Ichor in the southernmost area of the Hungering Swamp. Head around the western path to reach the southernmost area.
Slay Maggots and the Maggot Queen at the Maggot Queen Nest
Defeat all the Maggot enemies until the elite enemy Maggot Queen arrives.
Pick up the Swamp Ichor
Pick up the Maggot Queen Ichor after defeating her.

Where to Collect a Yellow Lotus

Collect a Yellow Lotus
Head north of the ritual site to find the Yellow Lotus.
The Yellow Lotus is to the right of a blue flame and surrounded by a horde of maggots at the northernmost point of the map.
8 Return to the ritual site
Place the Maggot Queen Ichor and Yellow Lotus into the boiling pot
Speak with Taissa in the Hungering Swamp
Talk to Taissa after putting the ingredients in the pot.
Ignite Swamp Incense
Interact with the 3 Swamp Incense hanging around the site.
Speak with Taissa
Afterward, speak to Taissa again and enjoy the cutscene.
Enter the Fiery Portal
After the cutscene, enter the Fiery Portal.

Vision of Travincal

Speak with the Herald of Hatred
Head forward through the area then talk to Mephisto.
Follow the Herald of Hatred
Mephisto will walk you to a door at the back of the area. Listen to his dialogue then the Living Gate can be opened after.
Exit the Fiery Portal
Head out the Living Gate, then exit the Fiery Portal to complete the quest.

The Cage of Grief Previous and Next Quests

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Diablo 4 - Main Quests

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List of All Main Quests

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Act 1 Quests
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The Knight and the Magpie Undertaking
Below In Her Wake
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Act 2 Quests
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The Beast Within The Path of Rage
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As the World Burns -
Act 3 Quests
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Suffering Disquiet A Moment to Collect
Brought Low The City of Blood and Dust
Small Blessings Whispers from the Past
Through The Dark Glass Descent Into Flame
Loose Threads Oasis of Memories
Flesh from Bone Beneath the Mask
Piercing the Veil Exhumed Relics
Act 4 Quests
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Lost Arts A Meeting of the Minds
Anguish Incarnate Eye of the Storm
Act 5 Quests
The Path Divided Secrets of the Zakarum
Entombed Hatred Swamp Hospitality
Witch of the Wastes Encumbered Mind
The Cage of Grief One Step Forward
Tainted Flesh Wrack and Ruin
Cold Blood Judgement of the Swamp
The Serpentine Path Dirge of the Mire
The Slow, Beating Heart A Cold and Lifeless Shore
Picking Through the Bones Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea
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Knee-Deep in Filth A Chorus of Voices
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The Scouring of Caldeum The Walls Shake
Turning the Tide Essence of Hatred
In Desolation's Wake Light Extinguished
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Campaign Guides

Quest Guides
Best Quest Order How to Skip Campaign
Endgame Guide Campaign Length


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