Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Harlequin Crest (Shako) Unique Effect and How to Get

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The Harlequin Crest or the Shako is an Uber Unique Helm in Diablo 4 (D4) that can be used by All Classes. Read on to know how to get the Harlequin Crest, and learn more about its Unique Effect, its list of affixes, as well as all builds that use the the Harlequin Crest!

Harlequin Crest (Shako) Overview

Harlequin Crest (Shako) Class, Type, and Effect

Equipment Info
Harlequin CrestHarlequin Crest Class All Classes
Equipment Type Unique Helm
Req. World Tier WT3+
Gain 20% Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4 Ranks to all Skills.

"This headress was once worn by an assassin disguised as a court mage. Her treachery was unveiled, but not before she used its magic to curse the king's entire lineage." - The Fall of House Aston

Harlequin Crest List of Affixes

Affix 1 + 800 Maximum Life
Affix 2 + 18 Maximum Resource
Affix 3 + 2,500 Armor
Affix 4 20% Cooldown Reduction

How to Get Harlequin Crest (Shako)

Bosses That Drop Harlequin Crest

List of Bosses
Diablo 4 (D4) - Varshan BossVarshan Diablo 4 (D4) - Lord Zir BossLord Zir Diablo 4 (D4) - Grigoire BossGrigoire
Diablo 4 (D4) - Echo of Duriel BossEcho of Duriel Diablo 4 (D4) - The Beast in the Ice BossThe Beast in the Ice Diablo 4 (D4) - Echo of Andariel BossEcho of Andariel

Ladder Bosses and Uber Bosses allow for Target Farming of specific Uniques. Grind the bosses above until you get the drop you want!

All Boss Ladder and Uber Boss Loot Tables

Transmute with Resplendent Sparks at the Alchemist

Unique Cost
Diablo 4 - Harlequin Crest Harlequin Crest
Lac Lac x6
Eom Eom x6
Ton Ton x6

Resplendent Sparks: 2

You can transmute the Harlequin Crest using two Resplendent Sparks at the Alchemist as well as spending the Rune requirements to caraft Harlequin Crest.

All Alchemist Features

Low Chance to Obtain by Gambling

Diablo 4 - Purveyor of Curiosities

Lastly, there is a low chance of obtaining Mythic uniques by gambling at the Purveyor of Curiosities using your farmed Obols. The chances for obtaining Mythic Uniques from the Purveyor of Curiosities are extremely low but can still be doable and a good way to spend your obols.

All Purveyor of Curiosities Features

Builds Using Harlequin Crest (Shako)

All Related Builds
Chain LightningChain Lightning
Double SwingDouble Swing
Rapid FireRapid Fire
Death TrapDeath Trap
Walking ArsenalWalking Arsenal
Twisting BladesTwisting Blades
Penetrating ShotPenetrating Shot

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Other Unique Item Lists

List of Other Uniques
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