Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

The Dragon's Tears Walkthrough: All Geoglyph Locations to Unlock Memories

Zelda TotK - The Dragon

Find the Dragon’s Tear in each Geoglyph to complete the Dragon’s Tear main quest in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on to see a map and locations of all Geoglyphs and Dragon’s Tears, how to unlock all memories, and all rewards.

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Crisis at Hyrule Castle (Part 2) Find the Fifth Sage

All Geoglyphs and Recommended Order

Map of All Geoglyphs

Zelda TotK - Geoglyph Locations Map See Full-Size Image
Each name is only a designation of what we think these glyphs resemble!

We've also gone ahead and censored the names of cinematics to avoid any unnecessary spoilers!

All Geoglyphs and Dragon’s Tear Locations

Recommended Order

Click here to jump to a section!
1. Rauru Geoglyph 2. Castle Geoglyph 3. Purah Pad Geoglyph
4. Molduga Geoglyph 5. Kneeling Man Geoglyph 6. Long-Haired Lady Geoglyph
7. Dagger Geoglyph 8. Demon King Geoglyph 9. Tear Stone Geoglyph
10. Shrine Geoglyph 11. Master Sword Geoglyph 12. Final Dragon's Tear

1. Rauru Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates -1412, 0965, 0123

You can find the Rauru Geoglyph in front of New Serenne Stable. Fast travel to Sinakawak Shrine and head north to find the geoglyph.

The Dragon's Tear for this Geoglyph is located towards the top-center of the image, within the the figure's left “eye”.

As part of the Impa and the Geoglyphs main quest, completing this Geoglyph is required in order to progress the Dragon's Tears questline.

2. Castle Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates -2550, 1887, 0319

To find the Castle Geoglyph, use the Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower and paraglide north west to see the geoglyph.

This Geoglyph is located in the Hebra Region, just northwest of Lindor's Brow Skyview Tower. Take the tower elevator and glide your way towards the Geoglyph to find the Dragon's Tear located towards the top center of the castle, in the center tear above the castle's gate.

3. Purah Pad Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 1829, 0737, 0089

Take the elevator of the Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower and look south to see the Purah Pad Geoglyph and a nearby Sky Island.

From here, either glide all the way towards the Geoglyph or construct a small train on the Sky Island to traverse the nearby tracks.

Taking the train method will drop you off on a Sky Island much closer to the Geoglyph, making the Geoglyph much easier to reach incase you're low on stamina.

4. Molduga Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 0694, -1309, 0053

To find the Molduga Geoglyph, you can use either Popla Foothills Skyview Tower or Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower and paraglide down to the geoglyph. You can also drop from the nearest legde of In-Isa Shrine to see the geoglyph.

The Dragon's Tear for this Geoglyph is found within a copse of trees, located in the area where the Molduga's tail meets its body.

5. Kneeling Man Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates -3179, -1699, 1048

Use the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower and paraglide south east to see the Kneeling Man Geoglyph.

The Dragon's Tear for this Geoglyph is found along the ledge of the mountain-side.

6. Long-Haired Lady Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates --3096, -0077, 0211

Use the Gerudo Highlands Skyview Tower and paraglide north. You can land on a sky island if you're running low on stamina and only continue your flight down once you're ready.

You can also fast travel to Turakawak Shrine and climb the mountain to the east to see the geoglyph.

The Dragon's Tear for this Geoglyph is located on the lady's backside, amongst her hair.

7. Dagger Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 3325, -3567, 0004

To find the Dagger Geoglyph, use the Rabella Wetlands Skyview Tower and head southeast to Lurelin Village. You can also fast travel to Sifumim Shrine to see the geoglyph.

This Geoglyph's Dragon's Tear is located on the left-side of the dagger's guard.

8. Demon King Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates -1863, 3621, 0236

Use the Pikida Stonegrove Skyview Tower and paraglide east to find the Demon King Geoglyph. Land on a sky island to replenish your stamina and continue your flight down once you're ready.

Alternatively, you can fast travel to Oshozan-u Shrine to see the geoglyph.

You can find the Dragon's Tear on the left side of the geoglyph.

9. Tear Stone Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 4468, -0304, 0074

To find the Tear Stone Geoglyph, use the Mount Lanayru Skyview Tower and paraglide northeast. Glide towards the Geoglyph or take a break on one of the nearby sky islands to either replenish your stamina or craft a flying platform before continuing.

TotK - Tear Stone Sky Islands

You can also fast travel to Apogek Shrine and head east to the mountain where the geoglyph is.

This Geoglyph's Dragon's Tear is found near the “tail” side of the tear shape.

10. Shrine Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates -0649, -2682, 0068

The fastest way to locate the Shrine Geoglyph is to fast travel to In-Isa Shrine. Teleport to or discover this location for easy access to the nearest jumping point to the Shrine Geoglyph.

Once there, climb to the top of the southern hill and look south to see the Shrine Geoglyph with its Dragon's Tear located on the center-left side of the Geoglyph.

11. Master Sword Geoglyph Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 0892, 2951, 0362

To find the Master Sword Geoglyph, use the Thyphlo Ruins Skyview Tower and look southward to see a cross-shaped sky island with a device dispenser on one end.

Head to the sky island and look off the edge behind the Zonai Dispenser to see the Master Sword Geoglyph below, while its Dragon's Tear is located towards the tip of the blade.

12. Final Dragon's Tear Location

From the Sky From the Surface

See Full-Size Image
Coordinates 4534, 2143, 0000

Use the Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower and paraglide down to the spiral-shaped sandbar to reach the Final Tear. You can also fast travel to Gemimik Shrine to reach the tear quickly.

You can also use a vehicle from a nearby Sky Island, east of the Skyview Tower, to get there faster.

You can find the Dragon's Tear in the middle of the island, in front of the Gemimik Shrine.

Tips for Locating Dragon's Tears

Tips for Locating Dragon's Tears
See Full-Size Image
Look for Full Tears
All Geoglyphs have tear shapes included in their designs, with multiple tears being hollow, and only one being full.

The Dragon's Tear is always found within the Full Tear.
2 Increase Your Stamina or Bring Stamina Food
Some Geoglyphs are located on the faces of mountains, or require you to glide long distances in order to reach them.

Make sure you're prepared to make the trek towards each Dragon's Tear by having a lot of stamina, or by having stamina replenishing items handy.

How to Start the Dragon's Tears Quest

Complete the Impa and the Geoglyphs Quest

Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Impa and the Geoglyphs How to Unlock

The Impa and the Geoglyphs quest can be started by speaking to Impa in New Serenne Stable, northwest of Lookout Landing. Impa can be found standing above a small platform just across the road from the New Serenne Stable.

The Dragon's Tears Main Quest will start immediately once you complete the Impa and the Geoglyphs quest.

Optional: Speak to Cado to start the quest

Zelda TotK - Cado

Players may also speak to Cado to begin the Impa and the Geoglyphs quest. Cado can be located by following the road east of Tabantha Bridge Stable until you hit a fork in the road, and then going down into the ravine where you'll find him on the lookout.

Hyrule Ridge - New Serenne Stable

The exact coordinates for this quest on the map are -1615, 0558, 0032.

Hyrule Ridge Region Map


There doesn't seem to be any reward for this quest... *sad Korok noises*

The Dragon's Tear Walkthrough Guide

The Dragon's Tear Walkthrough

Go to the Forgotten Temple

Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Forgotten Temple Entrance

Travel north of Hyrule Ridge after talking to Impa and go to the Forgotten Temple. Make sure to land on the entrance above the ground or it will be hard to climb up.

Connect the Wooden Planks

Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Connect Wooden Planks

Upon reaching the entrance talk to Cado and head down inside the temple. Connect the wooden planks using your Ultrahand to create a bridge and get to the other side.

There will be a few Bokoblins camping in the area. You can take them out first so you can make the bridge easier and faster.

Ultrahand Guide

Proceed to the Next Room

Go to the furthest side of the room using the platform on the right side to reach the next room. You can find the entrance to the next room up above the wall.

You can climb up using your Ascend to save up Stamina and get to the next room faster.

Ascend Guide

Head Deeper into the Temple

Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Talk to Impa

You'll see Impa right in front of the Mayausiy Shrine in the temple. You can talk to her and continue exploring the area.

Enter the Room Behind the Statue

Proceed to the next room with the fallen statue. You can find the entrance to the following room near it's foot.

Head to the Final Room

You'll get to a room with a flower-like sculpture in the middle. You can ignore that and head to the final room.

Investigate the Map

Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Stone Map

Once you reached the last room, jump down on the Stone Map to investigate it. You can now start collecting all the Dragon's Tear after this. You can choose to collect all the memories from the Dragon's Tears first or resume your search for the Fifth Sage right away.

Finding all the Dragon's Tears is optional for the story's completion but is recommended as the entire quest is lore-rich.

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Crisis at Hyrule Castle (Part 2) Find the Fifth Sage

Dragon's Tears Quest Reward

Main Quest Reward

Zelda TotK - Dragon

Completing the Dragon's Tear Main Quest reveals the true fate of Princess Zelda, and a better understanding of the events in the past!

Silent Princess Spawn in Rist Peninsula

Once you complete the final tear, 12 Silent Princess flowers will grow around the Tear in Rist Peninsula. This area has the most Silent Princesses in the game, and getting here is simple as it is within vicinity of the Gemimik Shrine which you can just fast travel to if you have it unlocked.

Finishing this quest will make gathering upgrade materials for armor pieces like the Champion's Tunic and the Stealth Set a lot easier since they require a lot of Silent Princesses.

Helps You Obtain the Master Sword

Zelda TotK - The Light Dragon Master Sword
After seeing all Dragon's Tears and Geoglyphs, you will find out where the Master Sword is. Always be on the lookout for the Light Dragon!

How to Get Back and Restore the Master Sword

All Memories and How to Unlock

Progress through the Main Quest and Obtain Dragon's Tear to Unlock Memories

Zelda TotK - Link Shocked Attention! Warning! This section contains story spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Proceed at your own risk!

There are a total of 18 Memories to unlock in the Adventure Log menu. 12 of these are obtained from picking up the Dragon's Tears while the remaining 6 are from completing main quests.

Memory How to Unlock
1 The Master Sword's Power Cure the Deku Tree.
2 The Awakening Complete Impa and the Geoglyphs main quest.
3 Where Am I? Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Rauru Geoglyph.
4 An Unfamiliar World Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Castle Geoglyph.
5 Mineru's Council Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Purah Pad Geoglyph.
6 The Gerudo Assault Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Molduga Geoglyph.
7 A Show of Fealty Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Kneeling Man Geoglyph.
8 Zelda and Sonia Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Long-Haired Lady Geoglyph.
9 Sonia Is Caught by Treachery Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Dagger Geoglyph.
10 Birth of the Demon King Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Demon King Geoglyph.
11 The Demon King's Army Complete Regional Phenomena main quest.
12 The Sage's Vow Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Tear Stone Geoglyph.
13 The King's Duty Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Shrine Geoglyph.
14 The Imprisoning War Complete Guidance of the Age Past main quest.
15 A Master Sword in Time Obtain the Dragon's Tear from the Master Sword Geoglyph.
16 Critical Decision Complete Guidance of the Age Past main quest.
17 Tears of the Dragon Find all the Dragon's Tears and head to the Final Tear location at the Rist Peninsula.
18 Zelda's Wish Pull the Master Sword from the Light Dragon.

Access Memories from the Adventure Log

Zelda TotK - Access Memories from the Adventure Log

You can rewatch the Memories that you have unlocked in the Adventure Log tab. If you cannot access it, you need to complete Impa and the Geoglyphs main quest.

What are Geoglyphs and Dragon's Tears?

Geoglyphs are Memories

Zelda TotK - Geoglyph Room Map

A map found within a room during the Dragon's Tears Main Quest

Similar to Memories in Breath of the Wild, Dragon's Tears allow Link to relive moments shared with Princess Zelda.

Locating these Geoglyphs is also a prerequisite to completing the Dragon's Tears Main Quest.

Dragon's Tears are “Glistening Light”

To “activate” Geoglyphs, Link must locate the TotK equivalent of the glistening lights found in BotW. These Dragon's Tears come in the form of small pools of emerald-colored water that must be interacted with to “complete” a Geoglyph.

Each Dragon's Tear contain a memory that shows Hyrule from the distant past and backstory of major characters.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Zelda TotK Walkthroughs

List of All Walkthroughs

All Quest Types
Tears of the Kingdom - Main Quests.png Main Quests Tears of the Kingdom - Side Quests.png Side Quests Tears of the Kingdom - Side Adventures.png Side Adventures

List of All Main Quests

Recommended Main Quest Order
0 Prologue
1 Find Princess Zelda
2 The Closed Door
3 Find Princess Zelda (Part 2)
4 To the Kingdom of Hyrule
5 Find Princess Zelda (Part 3)
6 Crisis at Hyrule Castle
7 Regional Phenomena
8 Camera Work in the Depths
9 Impa and the Geoglyphs
10 Tulin of Rito Village
11 A Mystery in the Depths
12 Riju of Gerudo Town
13 Yunobo of Goron City
14 The Sludge-Covered Statue
15 Sidon of the Zora
16 The Broken Slate
17 Clues to the Sky
18 Sidon of the Zora (Part 2)
19 Restoring the Zora Armor
20 Sidon of the Zora (Part 3)
21 Regional Phenomena (Part 2)
22 Crisis at Hyrule Castle (Part 2)
23 The Dragon's Tears
24 Find the Fifth Sage
25 Secret of the Ring Ruins
26 Guidance from Ages Past
27 Trail of the Master Sword
28 Recovering the Hero's Sword
29 Find the Fifth Sage (Part 2)
30 Destroy Ganondorf


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