Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

All Thunder Gleeok Locations and How to Beat

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Thunder Gleeok

The Thunder Gleeok is a Miniboss enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (ToTK). See all Thunder Gleeok locations and where to find it, a boss strategy guide to learn how to beat the Thunder Gleeok, as well as its drops and possible variants.

List of Boss Variants
Tears of the Kingdom - Flame Gleeok
Flame Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - Frost Gleeok
Frost Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - Thunder Gleeok
Thunder Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - King Gleeok
King Gleeok

All Thunder Gleeok Locations and Where to Find

Thunder Gleeok Interactive Map Locations

To see all Thunder Gleeok locations and where to find them, toggle the Thunder Gleeok Icon (TOTK - Gleeok Wing,Gleeok Thunder Horn,Gleeok Guts Icon) on the right side of the Interactive Map, or use the Search function.

Be sure to select the right type of map and toggle between the Sky, Surface, and Depths on the lower left corner for the boss icon to appear.

Where to Find the Thunder Gleeok

There are only three Thunder Gleeoks in Tears of the Kingdom. You can find them all in three different regions.

Coliseum Ruins

Overworld Location Map Location
Coordinates: -1125, 1241, 0046

Use the Hyrule Field Skyview Tower and glide southwest to reach the Coliseum Ruins. You can also fast travel to Tsutsu-um Shrine and head east instead to find the coliseum. The Thunder Gleeok will be inside the Coliseum Ruins and can be accessed through the front entrance.

South Akkala Plains

Overworld Location Map Location
Coordinates: 3421, 1317, 0337

Fast travel to Domizuin Shrine in Akkala Citadel Ruins and head south east. You will immediately see the Thunder Gleeok on the other side of the hill.

Herin Lake

Overworld Location Map Location
Coordinates: 1042, -3609, 0078

Fast travel to Utsushok Shrine and head south east to reach Herin Lake. You will also see the Thunder Gleeok immediately from this shrine, so simply follow its direction to reach it.

How to Beat the Thunder Gleeok

How to Beat Thunder Gleeok

Phase 1

Find High Ground

The first thing to do when fighting Thunder Gleeok is to find high ground, or somewhere you can jump off and easily target its heads with arrows. Link's Ascend skill will come in handy for reaching high places.
Ascend Guide: How to Pass Through Ceilings

Hit All Three Heads

Hit All Three Heads
Draw your bow in mid-air, then disable all three of Thunder Gleeok's heads in one go. This will stun Gleeok, making it fall to the ground.

Melee the Heads When Stunned

Hit its heads with melee attacks when the Thunder Gleeok has been stunned. Keep on attacking until it begins to recover. Then, back off or risk getting hit with its wing and thunder attacks.

Phase 2

Ride Lightning Updrafts When Gleeok Flies High

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Thunder Gleeok Fight
When Thunder Gleeok's HP gets low enough, it will fly up into the sky, making it unreachable. Then, it will cast thunderbolts down on you. The thunder will leave behind wind updrafts, which you can ride up with your
How to Get the Paraglider and All Paraglider Designs

Things to Prepare Before Fighting Thunder Gleeok

High-Damage Weapons

Things to Prepare Before Fighting Thunder Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - Mighty Zonaite SwordMighty Zonaite Sword Tears of the Kingdom - Fierce Deity SwordFierce Deity Sword Tears of the Kingdom - Savage Lynel BowSavage Lynel Bow
Tears of the Kingdom - Gnarled Wooden StickGnarled Wooden Stick Tears of the Kingdom - Gnarled Thick StickGnarled Thick Stick Tears of the Kingdom - Mighty Construct BowMighty Construct Bow

Having these weapons will help you inflict massive damage on the Thunder Gleeok during your battle. If you do not have any of these, you can use early game weapons like the Dusk Bow and Steel Lizal Bow which you can get in the Hyrule Castle.

Keep in mind that all Thunder Gleeok fights will force a thunderstorm. This makes it dangerous to use any metal-based weapons or shields as it increases your chances of getting hit by lightning. It is recommended to use Zonai Weapons instead or any wood-based weapons when fighting Thunder Gleeok.

List of All Weapons


Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK
As the battle against Thunder Gleeok heavily relies on bows, it is recommended to stock up on arrows before fighting it. You can do this by buying arrows from Beedle near stables or from towns and settlements shops, and from breaking overworld crates.

How to Farm Arrows

Materials for Fusing

Recommended Fuse Materials for Thunder Gleeok Fight
Tears of the Kingdom - Keese EyeballKeese Eyeball Tears of the Kingdom - Bomb FlowerBomb Flower Tears of the Kingdom - Gibdo BoneGibdo Bone Tears of the Kingdom - Silver Bokoblin HornSilver Bokoblin Horn
Tears of the Kingdom - RocketRocket Tears of the Kingdom - SpringSpring Tears of the Kingdom - Silver Lynel Mace HornSilver Lynel Mace Horn Tears of the Kingdom - Silver Lynel Saber HornSilver Lynel Saber Horn

Attaching a Keese Eyeball to your arrow will help you improve your precision when hitting the Thunder Gleeok with your bow. This will also help you land explosive strikes without wasting the materials.

Additionally, it is recommended to have Zonai Rockets or Zonai Springs in your inventory as these can help you fly up efficiently without using the updrafts.

Best Fuse Materials and Weapon Combinations

Thunder Gleeok Overview and Drops

Thunder Gleeok Basic Info

Thunder Gleeok

This three-headed monster first appeared after the Upheaval. Fighting it alone is inadvisable, as its three heads will attack you all at once. When someone sets foot upon its turf, this beast will unleash a salvo of lightning strikes, not letting up until the intruder is reduced to a pile of ashes.
Species Gleeok
Compendium No. 182

All Possible Drops

Gleeok WingGleeok Wing Gleeok Thunder HornGleeok Thunder Horn Gleeok GutsGleeok Guts

List of Similar Enemies

Tears of the Kingdom - Flame Gleeok
Flame Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - Frost Gleeok
Frost Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - Thunder Gleeok
Thunder Gleeok
Tears of the Kingdom - King Gleeok
King Gleeok

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

List of All Bosses

List of All Bosses

List of Minibosses

Flux Construct I Flux Construct II Flux Construct III
Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare)
Battle Talus Igneo Talus Frost Talus
Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox
Stalnox Molduga Flame Gleeok
Frost Gleeok Thunder Gleeok King Gleeok
Frox Obsidian Frox Blue-White Frox

List of Bosses

Master Kohga Colgera Moragia
Marbled Gohma Sludge Like Mucktorok
Queen Gibdo Seized Construct Phantom Ganon
Demon King Ganondorf Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form) Demon Dragon


1 Anonymous11 days

This was so helpful! Thx


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