Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

List of amiibo Weapons

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - List of amiibo Weapons

Scan amiibo, open treasure chests, or complete quests to obtain amiibo weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on for a list of all amiibo weapon drops and how to get them, as well as how to get new weapons!

All Unique Weapons
TOTK - Champion WeaponsChampion Weapons TOTK - amiibo Weaponsamiibo Weapons

List of amiibo Weapons

All amiibo Weapon Drops

Champion Weapon amiibo to Scan How to Get
Tears of the Kingdom - Dusk ClaymoreDusk Claymore Tears of the Kingdom - Ganondorf (Super Smash Bros.)Ganondorf (Super Smash Bros.) Complete the Investigate the Thyphlo Ruins Side Adventure
Tears of the Kingdom - Sword of the HeroSword of the Hero Tears of the Kingdom - Link (Legend of Zelda)Link (Legend of Zelda) Open chest in chest in Dalite Grove, Hyrule Ridge Depths
Coordinates: -2044, -1129, -0546
Tears of the Kingdom - Fierce Deity SwordFierce Deity Sword Tears of the Kingdom - Link (MajoraLink (Majora's Mask) Complete the Misko's Treasure: The Fierce Deity Side Adventure
Tears of the Kingdom - BiggoronBiggoron's Sword Tears of the Kingdom - Link (Ocarina of Time)Link (Ocarina of Time)
Tears of the Kingdom - Young Link (Super Smash Bros.)Young Link (Super Smash Bros.)
Open chest in Akkala House of Bones, Deep Akkala Depths
Coordinates: 3249, 3443, -0065
Tears of the Kingdom - White Sword of the SkyWhite Sword of the Sky Tears of the Kingdom - Link (Skyward Sword)Link (Skyward Sword) Complete The Mother Goddess Statue Side Quest
Tears of the Kingdom - Sea-Breeze BoomerangSea-Breeze Boomerang Tears of the Kingdom - Toon Link (Super Smash Bros.)Toon Link (Super Smash Bros.)
Tears of the Kingdom - ToonLink (Wind Waker)ToonLink (Wind Waker)
Open chest in Hebra Canyon Mine, Hebra Mountains Depths
Coordinates: -2735, 2918, -1120
Tears of the Kingdom - Dusk BowDusk Bow Tears of the Kingdom - Zelda (Super Smash Bros.)Zelda (Super Smash Bros.) Obtain at the top of Hyrule Castle
Coordinates: -0256, 1061, 0509
Tears of the Kingdom - Sea-Breeze ShieldSea-Breeze Shield Tears of the Kingdom - Zelda (Wind Waker)Zelda (Wind Waker) Open chest in Tabahl Grove, Lanayru Wetlands Depths
Coordinates: 2655, 0216, -0556
Tears of the Kingdom - Shield of the MindShield of the Mind's Eye Tears of the Kingdom - Sheik (Super Smash Bros.)Sheik (Super Smash Bros.) Open chests from Like Likes near Kakariko Village or get from a chest in Sahasra Slope Cave, West Necluda
Coordinates: -3002, 0584, 0169

amiibo Support: All Compatible amiibo Rewards and Unlocks

How to Get New amiibo Weapons

Purchase from Bargainer Statues

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Buy New Weapons at Bargainer Statues

If you break or lose a weapon, bow, or shield obtained from a chest, as a quest reward, or from scanning amiibo, you can get a new one by exchanging Poes at Bargainer Statues.

You can find most Bargainer Statues below Hyrule in the Depths, or transact with the one found in Lookout Landing.

How to Exchange Poes and Bargainer Statue Locations

amiibo Weapon Details

Obtain from amiibo, Chests, or Quest Rewards

Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Obtaining amiibo Weapons

You can get special weapons from scanning certain amiibo and getting it from the treasure chest which drops after scanning them. The drop is not guaranteed, but you can reload a save and scan the amiibo again until you get your desired weapon.

Do note that all of these weapons can also be obtained in the game as loot from treasure chests inside caves or as a reward for completing quests. There are no exclusive weapons from amiibo.

List of All Weapons

Cannot Be Repaired By Rock Octoroks

Rock Octoroks will not be able to repair amiibo weapons unlike other regular weapons. This means that once you use a weapon in combat or during exploration, you only have a limited amount of hits to use them until they break.

How to Repair Weapons

Does Not Get Weapon Modifiers

Rock Octoroks also do not give amiibo weapons any modifiers once they spit them out. If you want to improve a weapon's damage output, consider fusing materials with high Fuse Attack Power instead.

Weapon Modifiers Explained

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

TOTK - Weapons and Equipment Partial Banner
List of All Weapons

Weapons and Equipment by Type

List of Weapons
TOTK - One Handed Weapon IconOne-Handed TOTK - Two Handed Weapon IconTwo-Handed TOTK - Spear IconSpear
TOTK - Bow IconBow TOTK - Shield IconShield
TOTK - ChampionChampion Weapons TOTK - amiibo Weapons Iconamiibo Weapons


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