Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Paya Profile and Backstory

Zelda TOTK - Paya Profile and Backstory
Paya returns as the chief of the Sheikah tribe in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Read on for details on Paya's backstory from Breath of the Wild, character traits, as well as her role in Tears of the Kingdom.

Paya's Role in Tears of the Kingdom

Quest Giver of the Secret of the Ring Ruins

Zelda TotK - Quest Giver of the Secret of the Ring Ruins

Paya is the quest giver of the Secret of the Ring Ruins main quest. The quest appears in Kakariko Village once you have the Find the Fifth Sage main quest active in the Adventure Log.

Secret of the Ring Ruins Walkthrough

Paya Character Profile

Chief of the Sheikah Tribe

Zelda Totk - Chief of the Sheikah Tribe
Paya is the current chief of the Sheikah tribe in Kakariko Village. The title was passed to her suddenly following Impa's retirement.

Kakariko Village Location

Character profile description

The chief of the Sheikah tribe. She takes the duties she inherited from her grandmother Impa seriously, and she draws sttrength in her own way from being a gentle soul at heart.

She has considerable affection for Link, in part because of her grandmother's many tales about the hero who defeated the Calamity.

Granddaughter of Impa

Paya is the granddaughter of Impa, the former chief of the Sheikah tribe.

Impa Profile and Backstory

Paya Backstory

Impa's Apprentice

In Breath of the Wild, Paya serves as Impa's apprentice and watches over the Sheikah Heirloom, an artifact that has been passed down to her family. She is first seen scrubbing the porch of Impa's house in Kakariko Village and instructs Link to go inside the house to see her grandmother.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

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All New and Returning Characters

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