Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Skyview Tower Map: Tower Order and Locations

TotK - All Tower Locations Top Banner

This is a map of all the Skyview Towers used to reveal the in-game map, and a guide on the best order to unlock each of them. Learn the locations of each tower, how to unlock all towers, what Skyview Towers are used for, and how to unlock the map for each region!

Skyview Tower Map

All Tower Locations

This map displays all 15 Skyview Towers found along Hyrule's Surface map.

Skyview Towers Best Order

Best Order Map

All Tower Locations
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Best Order and Difficulty

No. Tower and Coordinates Difficulty
1 Lookout Landing Tower
-0298, 0142, 0025
2 Hyrule Field Tower
-0761, -1019, 0064
3 Lindor's Brow Tower
-1909, 1245, 0297
4 Rospro Pass Tower
-3860, 2345, 0233
5 Pikida Stonegrove Tower
-2312, 3064, 0536
6 Thyphlo Ruins Tower
0343, 3133, 0180
7 Eldin Canyon Tower
1641, 1190, 0225
8 Ulri Mountain Tower
3497, 2025, 0188
9 Upland Zorana Tower
2865, 0580, 0379
10 Mount Lanayru Tower
3847, -1313, 0539
11 Rabella Wetlands Tower
2419, -2755, 0222
12 Sahasra Slope Tower
1341, -1176, 0166
13 Popla Foothills Tower
0604, -2127, 0098
14 Gerudo Canyon Tower
-2438, -2182, 0307
15 Gerudo Highlands Tower
-3959, -1313, 0422

Starting from Lookout Landing Tower, head south towards Hyrule Field's Tower then head west. Unlock towers by approaching them clockwise.

What are Skyview Towers Used For?

Unlock a Portion of the Map

TotK - Lookout Landing Surface Unlocked
Activating Skyview Towers unlock a portion of the map both on the surface and in the sky! Unlocking a total of 15 Skyview Towers are needed to completely fill the whole surface and sky map in Link's Purah Pad.

Use as a Jump Pad

TotK - Tower Jump Pad
Towers can launch Link up the sky, allowing him to reach nearby Sky Islands. This feature can also be used to get to another place without nearby warp points easily, since Link will be gliding his way towards it without obstacles.

Use as a Warp Point

TotK - Fast Travel
Like shrines, Skyview towers also function as warp points, enabling Link to teleport to them. This is especially helpful in reaching areas without having to travel far, given that the nearby tower's already been unlocked and activated.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

Tears of the Kingdom - Map of Hyrule Partial Banner

Interactive Map of Hyrule:
All Locations and Map Icons

All Area Maps and Locations

Hyrule Map Locations
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Other Maps

Collectible and Area Maps
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Tears of the Kingdom - Zonai DispensersZonai Dispensers Tears of the Kingdom - SageSage's Wills Tears of the Kingdom - Hudson SignsHudson Boards
Tears of the Kingdom - Great Fairy FountainsGreat Fairy Fountains Tears of the Kingdom - Bargainer StatueBargainer Statues Tears of the Kingdom - Forge ConstructsForge Constructs
Tears of the Kingdom - ColiseumsColiseums Satori Cherry Blossom Trees -


2 Anonymous23 days

eh when ur good doesn't matter

1 Twink's Awakeningalmost 2 years

OMG..absolutely love you guys, the coordinates are super helpful. So glad game8 is making guides on this


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