Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

All Flux Construct III Locations and How to Beat

Flux Construct III

The Flux Construct III is a Miniboss enemy in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (ToTK). See all Flux Construct III locations and where to find it, a boss strategy guide to learn how to beat the Flux Construct III, as well as its drops and possible variants.

List of Boss Variants
Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct I
Flux Construct I
Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct II
Flux Construct II
Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct III
Flux Construct III

All Flux Construct III Locations and Where to Find

Flux Construct III Interactive Map Locations

To see all Flux Construct III locations and where to find them, toggle the Flux Construct III Icon (TOTK - Large Zonai Charge,Zonai Charge, Zonai Capsules, Large Crystallized Charge Icon) on the right side of the Interactive Map, or use the Search function.

Be sure to select the right type of map and toggle between the Sky, Surface, and Depths on the lower left corner for the boss icon to appear.

How to Beat the Flux Construct III

Tips and Strategies

Hit Glowing Block Weak Spot

Hit Glowing Block
The Flux Construct III has a glowing block that is its weak spot. Hit this with arrows several times in order to stun it. The Flux Construct III will scatter into pieces if its weak spot has been hit enough times.

Best Strategy: Use Ultrahand on Glowing Block

You can use Ultrahand on the glowing block to instantly dismantle the Flux Construct III, making it easier to deal melee damage to its weak spot, as it will be on the ground. Keep on using Ultrahand throughout the fight to make it a quick and easy one.
Ultrahand Guide: How to Use

In Cube Mode, Hit the Weak Spot

In Cube Mode, Hit the Weak Spot on one of the Sides
The Flux Construct III will enter cube mode at half health. The weak spot will still be visible on one of its sides. Wait for it to roll over and hit the weak spot.

Sprint Away From Cube Smash

When its starts rolling toward you, it will soon do a cube smash, which is powerful and can instakill you. Sprint away from this before it lands on top of you.

Dismantle It

When facing a Flux Construct, it is recommended to use Ultrahand and pluck out the large blocks comprising its body.

Doing this repeatedly will immobilize the Flux Construct and reveal its glowing block weakness.

When It Floats, Use Recall

The Flux Construct will usually take the form of a rectangular panel when it floats in the air, and disperse some of its blocks on the surface. Use Recall towards one of the fallen blocks, and climb aboard it.

This will lead you back towards the main body, giving you an opportunity to attack the exposed, glowing block.

Flux Construct III Overview and Drops

Flux Construct III Basic Info

Flux Construct III

A construct composed of interconnected blocks, made by the Zonai with advanced techniques and magic. This model has increased defenses to protect its vulnerable core. Can change shape in order to block attacks. To provide sufficient energy to power its gigantic form, this construct contains a massive store of Zonai charge.
HP 1,080
Species Flux Construct
Compendium No. 162

All Possible Drops

Zonai ChargeZonai Charge BalloonBalloon BatteryBattery
FanFan Flame EmitterFlame Emitter Portable PotPortable Pot
RocketRocket Steering StickSteering Stick WingWing
Large Zonai ChargeLarge Zonai Charge Big WheelBig Wheel HydrantHydrant
Time BombTime Bomb Homing CartHoming Cart Shock EmitterShock Emitter
LightLight CartCart Beam EmitterBeam Emitter
CannonCannon Small WheelSmall Wheel Large Crystallized Charge
Construct HeadConstruct Head SpringSpring StakeStake
MirrorMirror Hover StoneHover Stone StabilizerStabilizer
Frost EmitterFrost Emitter SledSled Big BatteryBig Battery

List of Similar Enemies

Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct I
Flux Construct I
Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct II
Flux Construct II
Tears of the Kingdom - Flux Construct III
Flux Construct III

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

List of All Bosses

List of All Bosses

List of Minibosses

Flux Construct I Flux Construct II Flux Construct III
Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare)
Battle Talus Igneo Talus Frost Talus
Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox
Stalnox Molduga Flame Gleeok
Frost Gleeok Thunder Gleeok King Gleeok
Frox Obsidian Frox Blue-White Frox

List of Bosses

Master Kohga Colgera Moragia
Marbled Gohma Sludge Like Mucktorok
Queen Gibdo Seized Construct Phantom Ganon
Demon King Ganondorf Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form) Demon Dragon


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