Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon Boss

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK -Demon King Ganondorf

Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon are bosses split into three phases in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (ToTK). See boss strategy for how to beat Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon and learn Ganondorf's attack patterns!

Ganondorf Related Pages
Destroy Ganondorf
Main Quest
Demon King Ganondorf
Boss Guide

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Phase 1: Demon King Ganondorf

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf: Phase 1

Always Have Sunny Dishes

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Use a Sundelion in Dishes
Sunny dishes are cooked using Sundelions, and help to remove the Gloom status effect, which Ganondorf can inflict upon you to take away your hearts.

Gloom Status Condition: How to Cure

Use Flurry Rush to Damage Ganondorf

Flurry Rush is the best and easiest way to defeat phase 1 of Demon King Ganondorf. Simply dodge his attacks at the last moment, and engage Flurry Rush with Y.

How to Perfect Dodge and Flurry Rush

Sidestep Thrust Attack, Then Flurry Rush

Staying a slight distance away from Ganondorf will make him use a thrusting attack. This is very easy to dodge sideways, and counterattack with Flurry Rush.

Parry Ganondorf's Attacks

This is a higher skill level strategy but when timed right, Ganondorf will be stationary for a couple seconds. Use this time to get in several hits.

How to Parry

Phase 2: Demon King Ganondorf
(2nd Form)

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf: Phase 2

Let Your Companions Deal With the Phantoms

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Let Companions Deal with Phantoms
The Sages, your companions, will be able to help in this fight by getting the attention of Ganondorf's phantom images, leaving the real Ganondorf to focus on you.

You can also upgrade your companion's abilities using Sage's Will. This will further improve their damage output when auto-attacking enemies on the field.

All Sage Abilities and How to Use Them

Continue Using Flurry Rush

Wait for Ganondorf to perform his thrust attacks, and time your dodges to the side correctly in order to do more Flurry Rush counterattacks. Keep on using this strat until Ganondorf is defeated.

How to Perfect Dodge and Flurry Rush

Phase 3: Demon King Ganondorf
(2nd Form, One-on-One)

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf: Phase 3

Dodge Counterattacks

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Refocus on Ganondorf
When his health drops at 50%, Ganondorf will consume his summoned Phantoms, but he'll also knock out your Sages, turning the battle into a one-on-one again.

Ganondorf will also start dodging attacks from your flurry rush and immediately launch a counterattack, so you need to dodge another attack for the second time to land a flurry rush.

Advanced Combat Tips

Run Outside Ring of Gloom

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TotK - Run Outside Ring of Fire
On this third phase, Ganondorf will summon a ring of Gloom flames that converge upon you. Before they start moving, quickly run outside through the gaps, before it's too late.

Do note that if you get hit, you will lose a heart and will not be able to recover it by any means.

Run Away From Gloom Fireballs

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Run Away From Gloom Fireballs
When Ganondorf summons three homing gloom balls, run away from them to avoid them. Many of Ganondorf's Gloom fire attacks can all be avoided by keeping your distance and having the run button ready.

Like with the ring of Gloom, this attack will also remove a heart if you get hit.

Phase 4: Demon Dragon

How to Beat Demon King Ganondorf: Phase 4

Glide Towards Weak Spots

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Glide Towards Weak Spots
Use your paraglider to glide towards Demon Dragon's weakspots, which are located along its body.

Damage Weak Spots Till Destroyed

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Damage Weak Spots Till Destroyed
Get close to these weak spots and hit them until they disappear. Melee attacks will do.

Ride the Light Dragon to Get Higher

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Ride the Light Dragon to Get Higher
If you get too low in altitude, the Light Dragon will be there to lift you up and take you above the Demon Dragon.

Hit Demon Dragon's Other Weak Spots

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Hit Demon Dragon
Locate all four weak spots along its body and destroy all four of them.

Last Weak Spot is On Its Head

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom TOTK - Last Weak Spot is On Ganondorf
The last weak spot will be on the Demon Dragon's head. glide towards it, land on its head, and destroy it to defeat the Demon Dragon.

Demon King Ganondorf Attack Patterns

Demon King Ganondorf Attack Patterns
Phase 3

Gloom Sword Attack Patterns

Ganondorf can wield the Gloom Sword and has unique attacks with the weapon.

Gloom Sword Attack Patterns

Side Slash: Ganondorf's basic attack with the Gloom Sword. He can swing once, twice, or charge before attacking.

Jump backwards to dodge this attack.

Overhead Slash: An attack where Ganondorf runs towards Link and slashes his sword from above.

Jump sidewards to dodge this attack.

Gloom Spin: Ganondorf charges up and executes a spinning attack, spreading Gloom near him.

Leap backwards to not get hit.

Gloom Projectile: A long-range attack with the Gloom Sword. Ganondorf swings his sword and sends out three Gloom projectiles.

Gloom Club Attack Patterns

Ganondorf can switch to using a Gloom Club, which has its own heavy, powerful moves.

Gloom Club Attack Patterns

Smash: Ganondorf leaps into the air and smashes his Gloom Club on the ground, damaging Link if he is near his landing spot.

Side Swipe: An attack where Ganondorf swings his club sidewards. He will use this move when Link is standing near him.

Jump backwards to dodge this attack.

Charged Gloom Smash: Ganondorf infuses Gloom into his weapon, creating a ring of updraft. After a few seconds of charging, Ganondorf strikes the ground, sending out a Gloom shockwave which lingers on the floor.

Ride the updraft to dodge this attack.

Gloom Spear Attack Patterns

Ganondorf can also wield a Gloom Spear, allowing him to execute lightning-fast attacks.

Gloom Spear Attack Patterns

Lunge: Ganondorf strikes forward, piercing his spear in the air. He can launch a follow-up after the initial attack.

Jump sideways to dodge this attack.

Gloom Slide: An attack where Ganondorf slides forward, leaving a trail of Gloom behind.

Run away from his line of sight to avoid this move.

Phase 3 Attacks

After transforming into a more fiercesome appearance and lowering his health to 50%, Ganondorf will have new moves in his arsenal. He can also use the Demon King Bow during this phase.

His attacks will also permanently remove hearts, rather than disable them, when you get hit, so watch out!

Phase 3 Attack Patterns

Gloom Fireball: Ganondorf sends out Gloom fireballs, which chase Link around.

Bow Gloom Shot: Ganondorf spawns a ring of Gloom which closes in on Link. He then whips out the Demon King Bow and fires off Gloom shots towards Link.

Gloom Wave: Ganondorf charges his weapon and hits the ground, sending out a wave of Gloom which spread out.

Demon King Ganondorf Details and Locations

Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon Boss Overview

Demon King Ganondorf
Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form)
Demon Dragon
Demon King GanondorfDemon King Ganondorf
The Menace Unleashed
An evil man who lived long ago in the era of Hyrule's founding. He was imprisoned beneath Hyrule Castle for ages, but the magic weakened, and his power has steadily been growing since. Now he has revived as a threat beyond the knowledge of any. A master of every known weapon, he will not hesitate to crush any foe who stands in his way.
No. 199
Locations ・Unknown
Drops ・None
Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form)Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form)
Master of the Secret Stone
The fearsome form that Demon King Ganondorf attained after unleashing the power of the secret stone. The ancient sages were no match for him and only barely managed to contain his devastating power. The gloom he produces is a corrosive substance so foul that it can wither anyone who touches it.
No. 200
Locations ・Unknown
Drops ・None
Demon DragonDemon Dragon
Draconified Demon King
The form that Ganondorf, the Demon King, attained after swallowing a secret stone and attaining his true power. No trace of his original form remains. Its overwhelming magical strength would shake the skies. The jet-black scales covering it repel any and all attacks, save for those of the one and only Master Sword.
No. 201
Locations ・Unknown
Drops ・None

Tip: Take a picture of each boss to add them to your compendium!

Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon Location

Gloom's Origin

Map Image Overworld Image

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XYZ Coordinates: -0250, 0888, -2460

Demon King Ganondorf and Demon Dragon are fought in Gloom's Origin, in Central Hyrule Depths during the Destroy Ganondorf main quest.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Related Guides

List of All Bosses

List of All Bosses

List of Minibosses

Flux Construct I Flux Construct II Flux Construct III
Stone Talus Stone Talus (Luminous) Stone Talus (Rare)
Battle Talus Igneo Talus Frost Talus
Hinox Blue Hinox Black Hinox
Stalnox Molduga Flame Gleeok
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Frox Obsidian Frox Blue-White Frox

List of Bosses

Master Kohga Colgera Moragia
Marbled Gohma Sludge Like Mucktorok
Queen Gibdo Seized Construct Phantom Ganon
Demon King Ganondorf Demon King Ganondorf (2nd Form) Demon Dragon


1 Anonymous3 months

The fact that you will permanently lose your hearts if phase 3 Ganon hits you makes me go 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲.


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