Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Malign Devotion Quest Walkthrough

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Malign Devotion is a side quest found in Dry Steppes in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to learn starting location of Malign Devotion, a list of quest objectives, rewards, as well as a complete walkthrough.

Malign Devotion Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Side Quest
Zone Dry Steppes
Starting Location Kotama Grasslands
Quest Giver Husun
Renown EXP Gold

Malign Devotion Location

Found in Kotama Grasslands

There are no known requirements for unlocking this side quest.

Malign Devotion Walkthrough and Objectives

Diablo IV Side Quest IconHeads up! We’re prioritizing side quest walkthroughs for tricky objectives. If you’re stuck on a quest or objective that we don’t have a guide for yet, leave us a comment and we’ll work on fleshing out the walkthrough!
  1. Speak with Husun
  2. Travel to Alzuuda in search of Lakren the mason
  3. Speak with Lakren in Alzuuda
  4. Meet Lakren at the Lost Monument
  5. Investigate the crypt below the Lost Monument
  6. Defeat Lakren
  7. Defeat the summoned demon
  8. Inspect the Gospel of the Mother

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Side Quest Related Guides

Dry Steppes Side Quests

Side Quests
Reject the Mother Sealed Penitent's Cache
Keeping the Old Traditions Sealed Oxen Tribe Cache
Fury Against Fate Tarnished Amulet
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Salt Begets Salt Corroding Mettle
Scorched Debts Weight of Sin
Curious Curios Hunting the Relic Hunter
More Than Meets the Eye Consumed by Pride
Raising Spears Worthy of Arreat
Dust Daisy Thieves' Famine
Crucible of Worth Malign Devotion
Hunger for a New Life Strange Ore Sample
No Deed Unpunished Exhuming Faith
Firsthand Knowledge The Unlucky Ones
Kith and Kin A Pound of Flesh
Sentimental Value What Remains
Treasure or Trash In the Name of Love
Augury of Bones Hubris Smiles Back
Blistered Heart Culling of Flesh
Currencies From Afar


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