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Desperate Remedies Quest Walkthrough

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Diablo 4 - Desperate Remedies

Desperate Remedies is a side quest in Diablo 4 (Diablo IV). Read on to learn how to unlock Desperate Remedies, a list of quest objectives, rewards, as well as a complete walkthrough.

Desperate Remedies Overview

Basic Information

Quest Type Side Quest
Zone Hawezar
Starting Location Dismal Foothills
Quest Giver Elder Lau
Renown EXP Gold
Herb Cache

How to Unlock Desperate Remedies

Speak to Elder Lau in Wejinhani

Map View World View


Dismal Foothills

Talk to Elder Lau inside a house in Wejinhani, in the Dismal Foothills.

Desperate Remedies Walkthrough

Speak with the other Elders
Talk to Elders Geza-Dali, Akos, and Oranii
Report your findings to Elder Lau
Head back to Elder Lau and speak to him.
Search the Pyres for Brecht's corpse
Brecht's corpse is located at the easternmost pyre.
Pick up Brecht's Journal after searching the corpse.
Speak with Elder Lau
Elder Lau will come running up to you after you retrieve the journal. Just speak to him to progress.
Retrieve Aldara's Amulet from Light's Refuge
Light's Refuge is a dungeon northwest of the pyre's location. Head there and enter the dungeon.
Aldara's Amulet is dropped by the elite enemy Aldara at the end of the dungeon. No need to spend your time searching every nook and cranny of the dungeon.
Speak with Elder Lau
Talk to Elder Lau in the Elderwood Grove. You can simply fast travel to the Wejinhani waypoint to get there faster since the location is just beside the waypoint.
▶︎ Hawezar Waypoint Locations
Place the amulet on the altar
Place the amulet on the altar, then speak once more to Elder Lau to complete the quest.

Diablo IV Related Guides

Diablo 4 - Side Quests
List of Side Quests

List of Side Quests by Region

Diablo 4 Region Side Quests
Fractured Peaks Scosglen Dry Steppes
Hawezar Kehjistan Nahantu

Side Quest Related Guides

Hawezar Side Quests

Side Quests
The Heretic The Swamp's Protection
Traveler's Superstition Brought to Heel
Remnants of Faith Desperate Remedies
Fungal Remedies Gift of the Swamp
Lost Cause Tangled Memories
Ire of the Witch Necrotic Research
Bad Blood Hungering Necrolyte's Cache
Chained Zakarum Repository A Price to Pay
Poisoned Hearts Coiled Grasp
To Walk a Dark Path At Any Cost
Turbulent Waters By Three They Come
Flesh and Blood Venom of the Nangari
One Little Red Sprig Timeworn Effigy
A Debt Repaid Dead in the Water
The Greater Good Discretionary Spending
Bait the Trap Dead to Rights
Growing Reminders Unearthed Regrets
Perceived Threat Song of Rot
Heart of Mold What Can't Be Cured
A Question of Self Past Regrets
A Series of Steps Closing the Book
Glittering Abundance Lost Legacy
Left Behind Overstepping the Mark
Heart's Burden Drink to the Past
Good Riddance


2 Anonymousover 1 year

Like anonymous said 20 days ago, that's also not where Aldara spawned for me. I had to search every nook and cranny to find the mechanical boxes to open the door. She was a little ways through there

1 Anonymousalmost 2 years

hmm that was not where Aldara spawned for me had to search every nook and cranny apparently as she was northwest of where you said.


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