Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

City Center Map Guide: All Subdistricts and Fast Travel Dataterms

City Center Image

This is a guide to City Center, one of the districts found in Cyberpunk 2077. Read on to find out the important locations in this map, including subdistricts and fast point dataterms, as well as notable people you can meet and missions you can do.

City Center Map and Description

In-Game Description

Database Entry for City Center
If you stand in the middle of Corpo Plaza and observe what's around you - all the breathtaking megabuildings, office blocks, bars, clubs architectural structures, and dazzling neon signs - it's hard to believe that only a few decades ago the area looked like a smoldering battlefield in the aftermath of the 4th Corporate war and the nuclear attack on Arasaka Tower. As anyone with a pair of optics can see, City Center was fully rebuilt, surpassing even its former glory with more modern and cutting-edge architecture. It serves one purpose, and one purpose only - to flaunt the city's economic power and prove that Night City is freer than ever before.


City Center Subdistricts

Downtown (New).jpg
Corpo Plaza (New).jpg
Corpo Plaza

Places of Interest in City Center


Cyberpunk 2077 - Empathy.jpg
Empathy is a braindance strip club located in Downtown. The club caters to mid-ranking corpos and is run by Larry Fanghorn and Adam Ibrahimovic.

Gangs and Factions in City Center

Heavy Police Presence

Cyberpunk 2077 NCPD.png
City Center is not run by any gang, but the district has a heavy police presence that prevents any crime from interrupting worker productivity.
How to Escape the Police

Fast Travel Dataterms in City Center

Location Subdistrict
Petrel St Corpo Plaza
Ring Road Corpo Plaza
Metro: Memorial Park Corpo Plaza
Arasaka Tower Corpo Plaza
Reconciliation Park Corpo Plaza
Gold Beach Marina Downtown
Skyline & Republic Downtown
Halsey & MLK Downtown
Metro: Republic Way Downtown
Downtown North Downtown
Downtown Central Downtown
Metro: Downtown - Alexander St Downtown
Berkeley & Bruce Skiv Downtown
Corporation St Downtown

Available Gigs in City Center

Gig: Serial Suicide
Gig: Bring Me The Head of Gustavo Orta
Gig: The Frolics of Councilwoman Cole
Gig: Guinea Pigs
Gig: A Lack of Empathy
Gig: An Inconvenient Killer

List of Gigs and All Gig Guides

City Center Cyberpsycho Locations Map

City Center Cyberpsycho Sightings

All Cyberpsycho Locations

City Center NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations

Cyberpunk 2077 - Bounty Hunting.png

There are several NCPD Scanner Hustle jobs available in City Center. Check the links below to see every police job in each subdistrict, along with their location and rewards.

NCPD Scanner Hustle Locations
Downtown Corpo Plaza

NCPD Scanner Hustles

City Center Vendors and Shops

Weapon Vendors

Gun Vendor (Corpo Plaza)

Item Rarity
Add-VantageAdd-Vantage Uncommon
AshuraAshura Uncommon
Baseball BatBaseball Bat Uncommon
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
ChefChef's Knife Uncommon
Common Item ComponentsCommon Item Components Common
CountermassCountermass Epic
CQO MK.72 Kanone MiniCQO MK.72 Kanone Mini Uncommon
Crafting Spec: AshuraCrafting Spec: Ashura Epic
Crafting Spec: DB-2 TesteraCrafting Spec: DB-2 Testera Legendary
Crafting Spec: G-58 DianCrafting Spec: G-58 Dian Epic
Crafting Spec: HJSH-18 MasamuneCrafting Spec: HJSH-18 Masamune Legendary
Crafting Spec: L-69 ZhuoCrafting Spec: L-69 Zhuo Epic
Crafting Spec: M-179E AchillesCrafting Spec: M-179E Achilles Legendary
Crafting Spec: M221 SaratogaCrafting Spec: M221 Saratoga Epic
Crafting Spec: RT-46 BuryaCrafting Spec: RT-46 Burya Legendary
CrunchCrunch Uncommon
CrunchCrunch Rare
CS-1 TaipanCS-1 Taipan Common
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Uncommon
DB-2 TesteraDB-2 Testera Rare
E255 PercipientE255 Percipient Rare
E305 ProspectaE305 Prospecta Uncommon
Electric Baton AlphaElectric Baton Alpha Uncommon
Electric Baton AlphaElectric Baton Alpha Rare
F-GX Frag GrenadeF-GX Frag Grenade Common
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Uncommon
G-58 DianG-58 Dian Rare
HPO Mk.77 Kanone MaxHPO Mk.77 Kanone Max Uncommon
HyakumeHyakume Uncommon
KnifeKnife Uncommon
KnifeKnife Rare
L-69 ZhuoL-69 Zhuo Uncommon
L-69 ZhuoL-69 Zhuo Rare
L-69 ZhuoL-69 Zhuo Legendary
M-179E AchillesM-179E Achilles Uncommon
M-179E AchillesM-179E Achilles Legendary
M221 SaratogaM221 Saratoga Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Uncommon
MK. 8 ClearvueMK. 8 Clearvue Rare
MK.2X GrandstandMK.2X Grandstand Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Uncommon
OS-1 GimleteyeOS-1 Gimleteye Rare
PenetratorPenetrator Uncommon
PenetratorPenetrator Rare
Pistol AmmoPistol Ammo Common
Rare Item ComponentsRare Item Components Rare
Rare Upgrade ComponentsRare Upgrade Components Rare
Rifle AmmoRifle Ammo Common
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Uncommon
RT-46 BuryaRT-46 Burya Rare
Shotgun AmmoShotgun Ammo Common
Sniper Rifle AmmoSniper Rifle Ammo Common
SO-21 SaikaSO-21 Saika Uncommon
SOR-22SOR-22 Uncommon
TKI-20 ShingenTKI-20 Shingen Legendary
Type 2067Type 2067 Uncommon
Uncommon Item ComponentsUncommon Item Components Uncommon
XC-10 AlectoXC-10 Alecto Rare
XC-10 CetusXC-10 Cetus Uncommon
XC-10 StrixXC-10 Strix Uncommon

Ripperdocs (Cyberware Vendors)

Ripperdoc (Downtown)

Item Rarity
Arasaka MK.3Arasaka MK.3 Epic
Arasaka MK.4Arasaka MK.4 Legendary
BioDyne Berserk MK.2BioDyne Berserk MK.2 Rare
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels Rare
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels Epic
Bioplastic Blood VesselsBioplastic Blood Vessels Legendary
Blade - Electrical DamageBlade - Electrical Damage Rare
Blade - Physical DamageBlade - Physical Damage Rare
Blood PumpBlood Pump Rare
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Sandevistan: Arasaka Software Common
Crafting Spec: Sandevistan: NeurotransmittersCrafting Spec: Sandevistan: Neurotransmitters Common
Crafting Spec: Threat DetectorCrafting Spec: Threat Detector Rare
Feedback CircuitFeedback Circuit Epic
Gorilla ArmsGorilla Arms Legendary
InductorInductor Epic
KerenzikovKerenzikov Rare
Knuckles - Thermal DamageKnuckles - Thermal Damage Rare
Mantis BladesMantis Blades Legendary
Memory BoostMemory Boost Rare
Metabolic EditorMetabolic Editor Epic
MicrogeneratorMicrogenerator Epic
Militech Incendiary RoundMilitech Incendiary Round Rare
MonowireMonowire Legendary
Moore Tech Berserk MK.3Moore Tech Berserk MK.3 Epic
NeofiberNeofiber Rare
Projectile Launch SystemProjectile Launch System Legendary
QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5QianT "Warp Dancer" Sandevistan MK.5 Legendary
Ram UpgradeRam Upgrade Rare
Sandevistan: Arasaka SoftwareSandevistan: Arasaka Software Legendary
Sandevistan: Rabid BullSandevistan: Rabid Bull Epic
Sandevistan: Tyger PawSandevistan: Tyger Paw Epic
Shock-N-AweShock-N-Awe Epic
Shock-N-AweShock-N-Awe Legendary
Smart LinkSmart Link Rare
Subdermal ArmorSubdermal Armor Rare
Currently UnavailableTabula E-Rasa Legendary
Titanium BonesTitanium Bones Rare
Zetatech Sandevistan MK.3Zetatech Sandevistan MK.3 Epic

Clothing Vendors

Appel De Paris

Item Rarity
5HI3LD Superb Combatweave Aramid Breastplate5HI3LD Superb Combatweave Aramid Breastplate Uncommon
Abendstern Polycarbonate Dress ShoesAbendstern Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Uncommon
Anti-Puncture Cut-Off ShortsAnti-Puncture Cut-Off Shorts Rare
Anti-Puncture Cut-Off ShortsAnti-Puncture Cut-Off Shorts Uncommon
Aramid-Weave Tactical TurtleneckAramid-Weave Tactical Turtleneck Epic
Arasaka Polyamide Corpo SkirtArasaka Polyamide Corpo Skirt Rare
Arasaka Polyamide Corpo SkirtArasaka Polyamide Corpo Skirt Uncommon
Arasaka Tactical TechgogsArasaka Tactical Techgogs Uncommon
Arasaka Ultralight Hybrid Tactical HarnessArasaka Ultralight Hybrid Tactical Harness Uncommon
Arasaka Waterproof Combat TurtleneckArasaka Waterproof Combat Turtleneck Rare
Arasaka Waterproof Combat TurtleneckArasaka Waterproof Combat Turtleneck Epic
Arasaka Waterproof Combat TurtleneckArasaka Waterproof Combat Turtleneck Uncommon
ArmadilloArmadillo Rare
ArmadilloArmadillo Uncommon
Bai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-SilkBai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-Silk Rare
Bai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-SilkBai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-Silk Uncommon
Bara Kaika Syn-Leather BustierBara Kaika Syn-Leather Bustier Uncommon
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Rare
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Uncommon
Bitch V.13 Syn-Resistant PantsBitch V.13 Syn-Resistant Pants Epic
Boostknit-Polymer Military TechgogsBoostknit-Polymer Military Techgogs Uncommon
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Uncommon
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Rare
Canine Power Anti-Tear PantsCanine Power Anti-Tear Pants Rare
Canine Power Anti-Tear PantsCanine Power Anti-Tear Pants Uncommon
Canine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-JacketCanine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-Jacket Rare
Canine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-JacketCanine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-Jacket Epic
Canine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-JacketCanine Power Hybrid-Stitch Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Carbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-JacketCarbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Classic Aramid-Weave Denim ShortsClassic Aramid-Weave Denim Shorts Rare
Classic Aramid-Weave Denim ShortsClassic Aramid-Weave Denim Shorts Epic
Classic Aramid-Weave Denim ShortsClassic Aramid-Weave Denim Shorts Uncommon
Classic Armor-Coated AviatorsClassic Armor-Coated Aviators Uncommon
Classic Evening Pumps with Polycarbonate SupportClassic Evening Pumps with Polycarbonate Support Epic
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Rare
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Uncommon
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Rare
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Uncommon
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Epic
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Uncommon
Comfy Formal Pumps with Metal InsertsComfy Formal Pumps with Metal Inserts Rare
Comfy Tactical Thermoset-Padded PantsComfy Tactical Thermoset-Padded Pants Rare
Comfy Tactical Thermoset-Padded PantsComfy Tactical Thermoset-Padded Pants Uncommon
Composite-Coated Bitch V.13 T-ShirtComposite-Coated Bitch V.13 T-Shirt Epic
Composite-Coated Bitch V.13 T-ShirtComposite-Coated Bitch V.13 T-Shirt Uncommon
Composite-Coated Cut-Off ShortsComposite-Coated Cut-Off Shorts Rare
Composite-Coated Cut-Off ShortsComposite-Coated Cut-Off Shorts Epic
Composite-Coated Cut-Off ShortsComposite-Coated Cut-Off Shorts Uncommon
Cowboy Shirt and VestCowboy Shirt and Vest Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Antivenom Legendary
Crafting Spec: Composite Geisha Combat ShirtCrafting Spec: Composite Geisha Combat Shirt Legendary
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Deadly Lagoon Armored Syn-Silk Pozer-Jacket Legendary
Crafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated GlassCrafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Militoxic Ceramic-Layer Combat Exo-Jacks Legendary
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Multilayered Kasen Exo-Jacks with Anti-Shrapnel Lining Legendary
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Uniware Brass Office Pants with Membrane Support Legendary
Creamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole SupportCreamy Rhubarb Dress Shoes with Sole Support Epic
Creamy Rhubarb Dress Wedges with Sole SupportCreamy Rhubarb Dress Wedges with Sole Support Uncommon
Cut-It-OutCut-It-Out Epic
Cyan Multiresist Evening JacketCyan Multiresist Evening Jacket Uncommon
Dark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker PantsDark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker Pants Rare
Dark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker PantsDark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker Pants Epic
Dark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker PantsDark Sapphire Thermo-Fabric Rocker Pants Uncommon
Ded-Zed Hybridweave T-ShirtDed-Zed Hybridweave T-Shirt Rare
Ded-Zed Hybridweave T-ShirtDed-Zed Hybridweave T-Shirt Epic
Ded-Zed Hybridweave T-ShirtDed-Zed Hybridweave T-Shirt Uncommon
Double-Varnished Formal PumpsDouble-Varnished Formal Pumps Uncommon
Durable Custom-Printed JeansDurable Custom-Printed Jeans Rare
Durable Custom-Printed JeansDurable Custom-Printed Jeans Uncommon
Durable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-ShirtDurable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-Shirt Rare
Durable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-ShirtDurable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-Shirt Epic
Durable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-ShirtDurable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-Shirt Uncommon
Durable Synthetic Biker CoatDurable Synthetic Biker Coat Rare
Durable Synthetic Biker CoatDurable Synthetic Biker Coat Uncommon
Durable Synweave Corporate SkirtDurable Synweave Corporate Skirt Rare
Durable Synweave Corporate SkirtDurable Synweave Corporate Skirt Epic
Durable Synweave Corporate SkirtDurable Synweave Corporate Skirt Uncommon
Elastic Microplated Sporty TurtleneckElastic Microplated Sporty Turtleneck Epic
Elastic Microplated Sporty TurtleneckElastic Microplated Sporty Turtleneck Uncommon
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Rare
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Epic
Flash Formal Pants with Additional LiningFlash Formal Pants with Additional Lining Uncommon
Flazh Armored Thermoset Tactical HarnessFlazh Armored Thermoset Tactical Harness Rare
Formal Pumps with Cushioned Composite InsolesFormal Pumps with Cushioned Composite Insoles Rare
Frayed Recycled JeansFrayed Recycled Jeans Rare
Frayed Recycled JeansFrayed Recycled Jeans Epic
Gatto Nero Evening Jacket With Tungsten-Steel MicroplatesGatto Nero Evening Jacket With Tungsten-Steel Microplates Uncommon
Geisha Tactical Extra-Guard PantsGeisha Tactical Extra-Guard Pants Rare
Geisha Tactical Extra-Guard PantsGeisha Tactical Extra-Guard Pants Uncommon
Gin no Hoshi Neo-Silk Shirt and VestGin no Hoshi Neo-Silk Shirt and Vest Epic
Gold Punk Aviators with Coated GlassGold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass Uncommon
Golden Hive Formal Antichem Membrane JacketGolden Hive Formal Antichem Membrane Jacket Uncommon
Golden Hive Polyamide Designer PantsGolden Hive Polyamide Designer Pants Epic
Golden Hive Polyamide Designer PantsGolden Hive Polyamide Designer Pants Uncommon
Heavy-Duty Biker Exo-JacksHeavy-Duty Biker Exo-Jacks Epic
Hjudge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker VestHjudge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker Vest Uncommon
Impact-Absorbent Padded Biker VestImpact-Absorbent Padded Biker Vest Rare
Impact-Absorbent Padded Biker VestImpact-Absorbent Padded Biker Vest Uncommon
Junge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker VestJunge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker Vest Rare
Junge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker VestJunge Werther Reinforced Leather Biker Vest Uncommon
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Rare
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Uncommon
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Rare
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Epic
Kyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker CoatKyuketsuki Flame-Resistant Polyamide Rocker Coat Uncommon
Lezard Beige Leather-Composite Dress ShoesLezard Beige Leather-Composite Dress Shoes Uncommon
Light Pink Snow Boots with Protective MeshLight Pink Snow Boots with Protective Mesh Uncommon
Light SaekoLight Saeko's Derakkusu Sturdy-Mesh Pants Rare
Light SaekoLight Saeko's Derakkusu Sturdy-Mesh Pants Epic
Light SaekoLight Saeko's Derakkusu Sturdy-Mesh Pants Uncommon
Light Synfiber Evening JacketLight Synfiber Evening Jacket Rare
Light Synfiber Evening JacketLight Synfiber Evening Jacket Uncommon
Light XX Punch! Heat-Resistant Biker TurtleneckLight XX Punch! Heat-Resistant Biker Turtleneck Rare
Light XX Punch! Heat-Resistant Biker TurtleneckLight XX Punch! Heat-Resistant Biker Turtleneck Uncommon
Magenta Cut-Off Duolayer Nanoweave ShortsMagenta Cut-Off Duolayer Nanoweave Shorts Epic
Magenta Cut-Off Duolayer Nanoweave ShortsMagenta Cut-Off Duolayer Nanoweave Shorts Uncommon
Marbre Doré Suit Jacket With Discreet Bulletproof LiningMarbre Doré Suit Jacket With Discreet Bulletproof Lining Uncommon
Melting Ceramic Membrane Pozer JacketMelting Ceramic Membrane Pozer Jacket Uncommon
Midday Glow Polycarbonate Dress ShoesMidday Glow Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Midday Glow Polycarbonate Dress ShoesMidday Glow Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Epic
Midday Glow Polycarbonate Dress ShoesMidday Glow Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Uncommon
Midday Glow Polycarbonate Formal PumpsMidday Glow Polycarbonate Formal Pumps Uncommon
Militech Ultralight Aramid BreastplateMilitech Ultralight Aramid Breastplate Uncommon
Mosaic Gleam Blazer With Puncture-Resistant MeshMosaic Gleam Blazer With Puncture-Resistant Mesh Uncommon
Mosiac Gleam Skirt With Composite LiningMosiac Gleam Skirt With Composite Lining Uncommon
Noble White Albino Alligator Evening JacketNoble White Albino Alligator Evening Jacket Uncommon
Old Hex Camo ShirtOld Hex Camo Shirt Rare
Old Hex Camo ShirtOld Hex Camo Shirt Epic
Old-Gold Tac-Fabric Duolayer Cut-Off ShortsOld-Gold Tac-Fabric Duolayer Cut-Off Shorts Epic
Old-Gold Tac-Fabric Duolayer Cut-Off ShortsOld-Gold Tac-Fabric Duolayer Cut-Off Shorts Uncommon
Padded Denki Hachi Hybrid-Weave BraPadded Denki Hachi Hybrid-Weave Bra Uncommon
Padded Tactical TurtleneckPadded Tactical Turtleneck Rare
Patched JeansPatched Jeans Rare
Patched JeansPatched Jeans Uncommon
Pixel Neige Snow Boots with Canvas DuolayerPixel Neige Snow Boots with Canvas Duolayer Epic
PlumePlume Uncommon
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Rare
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Epic
Polka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat with Puncture Resistant Lining Uncommon
Psycho Impact-Absorbent Nanoweave T-ShirtPsycho Impact-Absorbent Nanoweave T-Shirt Rare
Psycho Impact-Absorbent Nanoweave T-ShirtPsycho Impact-Absorbent Nanoweave T-Shirt Uncommon
Puncture-Resistant Nusa T-ShirtPuncture-Resistant Nusa T-Shirt Uncommon
Red Alert Anti-Surge Netrunning SuitRed Alert Anti-Surge Netrunning Suit Uncommon
Reine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof LiningReine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof Lining Rare
Reine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof LiningReine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof Lining Epic
Reine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof LiningReine de Abeilles Bustier with Bulletproof Lining Uncommon
Reinforced Office ShoesReinforced Office Shoes Rare
Reinforced Office ShoesReinforced Office Shoes Epic
Reinforced Office ShoesReinforced Office Shoes Uncommon
Reinforced Office WedgesReinforced Office Wedges Uncommon
Resist!Resist! Epic
Resist!Resist! Uncommon
Rigid Tigre Urbain Street ShoesRigid Tigre Urbain Street Shoes Uncommon
Royal Gray Aramid-Weave Dress PantsRoyal Gray Aramid-Weave Dress Pants Rare
Royal Gray Aramid-Weave Dress PantsRoyal Gray Aramid-Weave Dress Pants Uncommon
Ruined Life Sturdimesh T-ShirtRuined Life Sturdimesh T-Shirt Rare
Ruined Life Sturdimesh T-ShirtRuined Life Sturdimesh T-Shirt Epic
Ruined Life Sturdimesh T-ShirtRuined Life Sturdimesh T-Shirt Uncommon
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Epic
SaekoSaeko's Limited Elegant Duoweave Skirt Uncommon
Samurai Combat TurtleneckSamurai Combat Turtleneck Rare
Samurai Combat TurtleneckSamurai Combat Turtleneck Uncommon
Scaled Kinryu Blazer With Carbon-Composite InsetsScaled Kinryu Blazer With Carbon-Composite Insets Uncommon
Silbermond Tough-Lined Dress ShoesSilbermond Tough-Lined Dress Shoes Uncommon
Silbermond Tough-Lined Dress ShoesSilbermond Tough-Lined Dress Shoes Rare
Silbermond Tough-Lined Office PumpsSilbermond Tough-Lined Office Pumps Uncommon
Simple Biker Aramid-Weave TurtleneckSimple Biker Aramid-Weave Turtleneck Rare
Simple Biker Aramid-Weave TurtleneckSimple Biker Aramid-Weave Turtleneck Uncommon
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Rare
Simple Duolayer BustierSimple Duolayer Bustier Uncommon
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Epic
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Uncommon
Simple Polycarbonate Office PumpsSimple Polycarbonate Office Pumps Uncommon
Sport-Flex AT-AK Thermoactive TurtleneckSport-Flex AT-AK Thermoactive Turtleneck Uncommon
Spotted Armor-Coated Corpo-SkirtSpotted Armor-Coated Corpo-Skirt Rare
Spotted Armor-Coated Corpo-SkirtSpotted Armor-Coated Corpo-Skirt Uncommon
Spotted Flexi-Membrane BustierSpotted Flexi-Membrane Bustier Epic
Spotted Flexi-Membrane BustierSpotted Flexi-Membrane Bustier Uncommon
Street Shoes with Multilayered ProtectionStreet Shoes with Multilayered Protection Rare
Street Shoes with Multilayered ProtectionStreet Shoes with Multilayered Protection Uncommon
BackpackerStreet Smart Rare
BackpackerStreet Smart Uncommon
Sturdy-Stitched Punk JeansSturdy-Stitched Punk Jeans Rare
Sturdy-Stitched Punk JeansSturdy-Stitched Punk Jeans Uncommon
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Uncommon
Stylish Atomic Blast Composite BustierStylish Atomic Blast Composite Bustier Epic
Stylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-ShirtStylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-Shirt Uncommon
Stylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-ShirtStylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-Shirt Rare
Stylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-ShirtStylish Big Fish Steel-Sequined T-Shirt Epic
Stylish Rock Garden Tungsten-Alloy Steel-ToesStylish Rock Garden Tungsten-Alloy Steel-Toes Legendary
Suichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat ShirtSuichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat Shirt Uncommon
Suichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat ShirtSuichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat Shirt Epic
SuperinsulatorSuperinsulator Epic
Tear-Resistant Office SkirtTear-Resistant Office Skirt Uncommon
TenacityTenacity Rare
Thick Double Knit Evening JacketThick Double Knit Evening Jacket Uncommon
Thick Double Knit Evening JacketThick Double Knit Evening Jacket Rare
Trendy Ultralight Exo JacksTrendy Ultralight Exo Jacks Uncommon
Ultimate Punch Sturdimesh T-ShirtUltimate Punch Sturdimesh T-Shirt Uncommon
Ultimate Punch Sturdimesh T-ShirtUltimate Punch Sturdimesh T-Shirt Rare
Ultimate Punch Sturdimesh T-ShirtUltimate Punch Sturdimesh T-Shirt Epic
Ultralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton BustierUltralight Jasmin Doucet Syn-Cotton Bustier Uncommon
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Uncommon
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Rare
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Epic
Utilitarian Burn Corpo Shit T-ShirtUtilitarian Burn Corpo Shit T-Shirt Uncommon
Utilitarian Composite-Mesh T-ShirtUtilitarian Composite-Mesh T-Shirt Uncommon
Utilitarian Composite-Mesh T-ShirtUtilitarian Composite-Mesh T-Shirt Rare
Utilitarian Composite-Mesh T-ShirtUtilitarian Composite-Mesh T-Shirt Epic
VanguardVanguard Common
Vintage Samurai Strongweave T-ShirtVintage Samurai Strongweave T-Shirt Uncommon
Vintage Samurai Strongweave T-ShirtVintage Samurai Strongweave T-Shirt Rare
Violet Nebula Anti-Tear Polyamide TurtleneckViolet Nebula Anti-Tear Polyamide Turtleneck Uncommon
Violet Nebula Anti-Tear Polyamide TurtleneckViolet Nebula Anti-Tear Polyamide Turtleneck Rare
Voodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner JacketVoodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner Jacket Uncommon
Voodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner JacketVoodoo Boys Anti-Interference Netrunner Jacket Epic
Wooden Breeze Dress ShoesWooden Breeze Dress Shoes Uncommon
Wooden Breeze Dress ShoesWooden Breeze Dress Shoes Rare
Wooden Breeze Dress ShoesWooden Breeze Dress Shoes Epic
Wooden Breeze Dress WedgesWooden Breeze Dress Wedges Uncommon
Yoru no Samurai GMO-Cotton T-ShirtYoru no Samurai GMO-Cotton T-Shirt Uncommon
Yoru no Samurai GMO-Cotton T-ShirtYoru no Samurai GMO-Cotton T-Shirt Rare
Yuki Snow Boots with Reinforced LiningYuki Snow Boots with Reinforced Lining Uncommon
Zero DragZero Drag Uncommon
Item Rarity
Abrasion-Resistant Trickster Dress Shirt and VestAbrasion-Resistant Trickster Dress Shirt and Vest Rare
Animals Heavy Composite-Plated Tactical HarnessAnimals Heavy Composite-Plated Tactical Harness Rare
Anti-Chem Synfabric Tank TopAnti-Chem Synfabric Tank Top Rare
Aqua Universe Luxe Aramid-Weave ShirtAqua Universe Luxe Aramid-Weave Shirt Uncommon
Arasaka Formal Jacket with Light ArmorplatingArasaka Formal Jacket with Light Armorplating Uncommon
Arasaka Polyamide Corporate DressArasaka Polyamide Corporate Dress Uncommon
Arasaka Reactive-Layer Office SkirtArasaka Reactive-Layer Office Skirt Uncommon
Arasaka Tactical TechgogsArasaka Tactical Techgogs Uncommon
Arasaka Ultralight Hybrid Tactical HarnessArasaka Ultralight Hybrid Tactical Harness Rare
ArmadilloArmadillo Epic
Arumajiro Dual-Armor Aramid BreastplateArumajiro Dual-Armor Aramid Breastplate Uncommon
Athletic Hybrid-Weave HotpantsAthletic Hybrid-Weave Hotpants Uncommon
Bai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-SilkBai Long Formal Pants with Reinforced Neo-Silk Uncommon
Bai Long High-Alloy Steel-Sequined JacketBai Long High-Alloy Steel-Sequined Jacket Rare
Basic Tank TopBasic Tank Top Uncommon
Beach Please Square Glasses With Tempered LensesBeach Please Square Glasses With Tempered Lenses Uncommon
Beige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite InsolesBeige Dress Shoes with Cushioned Composite Insoles Epic
Bermuda Triangle Kicks with Reinforced LiningBermuda Triangle Kicks with Reinforced Lining Uncommon
BITCH Armored Ice-Protected TechgogsBITCH Armored Ice-Protected Techgogs Uncommon
Bitch V.13 Kicks with Tungsten-Steel SequinsBitch V.13 Kicks with Tungsten-Steel Sequins Rare
Blauer Nebel Eazy-Breathe High-Alloy Sequined FoldtopBlauer Nebel Eazy-Breathe High-Alloy Sequined Foldtop Legendary
Boom-BreakerBoom-Breaker Uncommon
Boom-BreakerBoom-Breaker Rare
Border Guard Multilayer Aramid VestBorder Guard Multilayer Aramid Vest Rare
Boss Mafioso Trilby with Armored LiningBoss Mafioso Trilby with Armored Lining Uncommon
Brass Harmony Composite-Reinforced Formal DressBrass Harmony Composite-Reinforced Formal Dress Legendary
Brass Harmony Skirt with Double Nanofiber WeaveBrass Harmony Skirt with Double Nanofiber Weave Rare
BullyBully Legendary
Burgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced SynfiberBurgundy Formal Skirt with Reinforced Synfiber Uncommon
Camo Aramid-Weave Steel-ToesCamo Aramid-Weave Steel-Toes Uncommon
Canine Power Duolayer Tank TopCanine Power Duolayer Tank Top Uncommon
Carbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-JacketCarbon Triangle Graphene-Weave Pozer-Jacket Rare
Chic Pink Dragon Skirt with Fiberglass SequinsChic Pink Dragon Skirt with Fiberglass Sequins Uncommon
Claret Shine Armored Laceless Steel-ToesClaret Shine Armored Laceless Steel-Toes Uncommon
Classic Immuno-Cotton Corporate PantsClassic Immuno-Cotton Corporate Pants Rare
Classic Square Glasses With UV FilterClassic Square Glasses With UV Filter Uncommon
Classy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified SeamsClassy Bordeaux Pants with Fortified Seams Rare
Classy Pastel Shirt and VestClassy Pastel Shirt and Vest Uncommon
Comfy Dress Shoes With Metal InsertsComfy Dress Shoes With Metal Inserts Uncommon
Composite Geisha Combat ShirtComposite Geisha Combat Shirt Uncommon
Composite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jaga Silk-Threaded Hotpants Composite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded HotpantsComposite Ko Jagā Silk-Threaded Hotpants Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Aoi Tora Enhanced BD Wreath Legendary
Crafting Spec: Cyan Multiresist Evening JacketCrafting Spec: Cyan Multiresist Evening Jacket Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Durable Emerald Speed Polyamide Beanie Legendary
Crafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated GlassCrafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Gold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass Epic
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Paris Blue Office Shirt and Vest with Reinforced Seams Epic
CY-4N Hybrid-Knit Aramid Tactical VestCY-4N Hybrid-Knit Aramid Tactical Vest Uncommon
Dandy Classico Shirt with Fibrotube WeaveDandy Classico Shirt with Fibrotube Weave Uncommon
Decadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical HarnessDecadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical Harness Decadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical HarnessDecadencia Verde Bulletproof Tactical Harness Uncommon
Decadencia Verde Heavy Plate-Weave Combat ShirtDecadencia Verde Heavy Plate-Weave Combat Shirt Rare
Demon Rhapsody Reactive-Layer Pencil DressDemon Rhapsody Reactive-Layer Pencil Dress Rare
Denkyoku Rocker Strongweave Duolayer Slim-FitsDenkyoku Rocker Strongweave Duolayer Slim-Fits Uncommon
Diamant Noir Carbon-Reinforced Corporate BlazerDiamant Noir Carbon-Reinforced Corporate Blazer Uncommon
Dirty Nusa Tactical HarnessDirty Nusa Tactical Harness Uncommon
Dried Blood Metal-Reinforced Tactical TechgogsDried Blood Metal-Reinforced Tactical Techgogs Uncommon
Durable Basilisk Aramid-Weave Slim-FitsDurable Basilisk Aramid-Weave Slim-Fits Uncommon
Elegant Caret Cassico Blazer With Nanotube StripesElegant Caret Cassico Blazer With Nanotube Stripes Uncommon
Enhanced Cebra Excentrica Carbon-Reinforced TrilbyEnhanced Cebra Excentrica Carbon-Reinforced Trilby Uncommon
Faded Cirqt Laceless Steel-ToesFaded Cirqt Laceless Steel-Toes Uncommon
Flazh Armored Thermoset Tactical HarnessFlazh Armored Thermoset Tactical Harness Uncommon
FortunaFortuna Legendary
Frayed Underwater Work BootsFrayed Underwater Work Boots Uncommon
Geisha Samurai Nanoweave Long-SleeveGeisha Samurai Nanoweave Long-Sleeve Uncommon
Golden Hive Polyamide Designer PantsGolden Hive Polyamide Designer Pants Uncommon
Gray Area Anti-Tear KeffiyehGray Area Anti-Tear Keffiyeh Epic
Green Viper Double-Nanoweave Pencil DressGreen Viper Double-Nanoweave Pencil Dress Epic
Havskum Carbon-Fiber Steel-ToesHavskum Carbon-Fiber Steel-Toes Rare
Heavy Hybrid-Armor Trickster CoatHeavy Hybrid-Armor Trickster Coat Rare
Heise Trilayer Formal SkirtHeise Trilayer Formal Skirt Uncommon
Kang Tao Metalstitch Aramid VestKang Tao Metalstitch Aramid Vest Rare
Kinryu Deluxe Keffiyeh With Protective MeshKinryu Deluxe Keffiyeh With Protective Mesh Uncommon
Koumori Syn-Leather Trench CoatKoumori Syn-Leather Trench Coat Uncommon
Koumori Synleather Trench CoatKoumori Synleather Trench Coat Uncommon
Lady in White Hybrid-Weave Pencil DressLady in White Hybrid-Weave Pencil Dress Uncommon
Lazrpunk Tungsten-Plated Pozer-JacketLazrpunk Tungsten-Plated Pozer-Jacket Legendary
Licks Kicks with Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks with Recycled Resistant Materials Licks Kicks With Recycled Resistant MaterialsLicks Kicks With Recycled Resistant Materials Uncommon
Lilla Natt Composite-Leather Rocker BlazerLilla Natt Composite-Leather Rocker Blazer Epic
Mallow Breeze Triweave Shirt and VestMallow Breeze Triweave Shirt and Vest Uncommon
Marbre Doré Suit Jacket With Discreet Bulletproof LiningMarbre Doré Suit Jacket With Discreet Bulletproof Lining Uncommon
Melting Ceramic Membrane Pozer-JacketMelting Ceramic Membrane Pozer-Jacket Uncommon
Melting Hottie Tank TopMelting Hottie Tank Top Uncommon
Milky Gold Trench Coat With Bulletproof TriweaveMilky Gold Trench Coat With Bulletproof Triweave Uncommon
Mosaic Gleam Blazer With Puncture-Resistant MeshMosaic Gleam Blazer With Puncture-Resistant Mesh Uncommon
Mosiac Gleam Skirt With Composite LiningMosiac Gleam Skirt With Composite Lining Uncommon
Mox Ultralight Tank Top with Micromesh LayerMox Ultralight Tank Top with Micromesh Layer Uncommon
Neokitsch Palm Bay Heat-Resistant Tank TopNeokitsch Palm Bay Heat-Resistant Tank Top Rare
Ocean Armor Aramid-Weave EdgerunnerOcean Armor Aramid-Weave Edgerunner Uncommon
Ocean Bulletproof Neotac Biker PantsOcean Bulletproof Neotac Biker Pants Uncommon
Old Banana Juice Neotac PantsOld Banana Juice Neotac Pants Rare
Old Maelstrom-Tagged Aramid VestOld Maelstrom-Tagged Aramid Vest Uncommon
Once We Were Boosted Tank TopOnce We Were Boosted Tank Top Uncommon
Orchid Snake Nanotube-Triweave Cocktail JacketOrchid Snake Nanotube-Triweave Cocktail Jacket Uncommon
Paris Blue Office Shirt and Vest with Reinforced SeamsParis Blue Office Shirt and Vest with Reinforced Seams Epic
Penguin Dress Shirt and VestPenguin Dress Shirt and Vest Uncommon
Phoenix Formal Dress With Microarmor LayerPhoenix Formal Dress With Microarmor Layer Uncommon
Pinku Inku Snow Boots Thermoactive InsolesPinku Inku Snow Boots Thermoactive Insoles Uncommon
Police Helmet with Anti-Shrapnel VisorPolice Helmet with Anti-Shrapnel Visor Rare
Polka Dot Trench Coat Puncture-Resistant LiningPolka Dot Trench Coat Puncture-Resistant Lining Uncommon
Polyamide-Lined Work BootsPolyamide-Lined Work Boots Rare
Punk Aramid VestPunk Aramid Vest Uncommon
Purple Dragon Aramid-Weave Tank TopPurple Dragon Aramid-Weave Tank Top Epic
Reinforced Breathable Dress ShirtReinforced Breathable Dress Shirt Uncommon
Reinforced-Plastic Biker TechgogsReinforced-Plastic Biker Techgogs Rare
Robust Spunky Monkey KicksRobust Spunky Monkey Kicks Rare
Rosa Escarlata Embossed Armoleather Biker VestRosa Escarlata Embossed Armoleather Biker Vest Uncommon
Rosa Escarlata Polyamide-Weave Slim-FitsRosa Escarlata Polyamide-Weave Slim-Fits Uncommon
Rosa Marmor Breathable Polycarbonate Jacket With BucklesRosa Marmor Breathable Polycarbonate Jacket With Buckles Uncommon
Rostiger Teich Thermoactive Puffed Work BootsRostiger Teich Thermoactive Puffed Work Boots Uncommon
Rusty Assault HelmetRusty Assault Helmet Uncommon
Sankaku Nichibotsu Tarp-Weave Tank TopSankaku Nichibotsu Tarp-Weave Tank Top Uncommon
Schwarze Limette Aramid-Fabric DressSchwarze Limette Aramid-Fabric Dress Uncommon
Secondhand Maelstrom Neotac PantsSecondhand Maelstrom Neotac Pants Uncommon
Senkoh LXSenkoh LX Uncommon
SilveRock Bulletproof-Laminate Biker VestSilveRock Bulletproof-Laminate Biker Vest Uncommon
Simple Polycarbonate Dress ShoesSimple Polycarbonate Dress Shoes Rare
Spotted Armor-Coated Corporate DressSpotted Armor-Coated Corporate Dress Uncommon
Spotted Sleeveless T-shirtSpotted Sleeveless T-shirt Uncommon
Sturdy Manganese Steel-ToesSturdy Manganese Steel-Toes Uncommon
Stylish Crystal Midnight Carbon-Fiber Long-SleeveStylish Crystal Midnight Carbon-Fiber Long-Sleeve Uncommon
Stylish Tora To Ryu Coat with Titanium InsertsStylish Tora To Ryu Coat with Titanium Inserts Uncommon
Suichu Yogan Extra-Protection Tactical PantsSuichu Yogan Extra-Protection Tactical Pants Uncommon
Suichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat ShirtSuichū Yōgan Syn-Fiber Combat Shirt Uncommon
Tear-Resistant Office Shirt and VestTear-Resistant Office Shirt and Vest Rare
Trendy Sazan Lily Square GlassesTrendy Sazan Lily Square Glasses Uncommon
Tyger Claws Reinforced Tactical HarnessTyger Claws Reinforced Tactical Harness Uncommon
Ultralight Amande Rose Anti-Puncture BraUltralight Amande Rose Anti-Puncture Bra Epic
Ultralight Shine Spectrum Trench CoatUltralight Shine Spectrum Trench Coat Uncommon
Urban Laser Anti-Puncture Neotac Biker PantsUrban Laser Anti-Puncture Neotac Biker Pants Uncommon
Wardat Zihria Aramid-Weave KeffiyehWardat Zihria Aramid-Weave Keffiyeh Uncommon
Worn Graffiti HelmetWorn Graffiti Helmet Rare
Worn Kang Tao Tactical PantsWorn Kang Tao Tactical Pants Rare
Worn Netrunning SuitWorn Netrunning Suit Uncommon
Worn Wraiths Neotac PantsWorn Wraiths Neotac Pants Rare
Yoru no Samurai Kicks with Carbon-Fiber LayeringYoru no Samurai Kicks with Carbon-Fiber Layering Uncommon
Yunami Formal Hybrid Duoweave JacketYunami Formal Hybrid Duoweave Jacket Uncommon


Old Nature Clinic

Item Rarity
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Health BoosterHealth Booster Rare
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Meds Vendor (Downtown)
Item Rarity
Bounce Back MK.1Bounce Back MK.1 Common
Bounce Back MK.2Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableBounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCapacity Booster Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.2 Uncommon
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Bounce Back MK.3 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Currently UnavailableCrafting Spec: Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Maxdoc MK.1Maxdoc MK.1 Uncommon
Maxdoc MK.2Maxdoc MK.2 Rare
Maxdoc MK.3Maxdoc MK.3 Epic
Oxy BoosterOxy Booster Common
Currently UnavailableStamina Booster Uncommon

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