Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments


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    19 Jjkmax7 monthsReport

    Suuuper fun beatmap~!! -EU server Code: 3303585856442 Song: Klee Difficulty: medium?

    18 Jay-Flow7 monthsReport

    A fun little challenge Sever: USA Code: 1104418004967 Song: Rex Incognito Difficulty: Easy Medium

    17 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Server: Asia Code: 2204213566825 Song: Termination of Desires Difficulty: Medium Hard

    16 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    server: eu code: 2204036619497 song: devotion of the keeper somewhat high difficulty

    15 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Server: europe Song rim tim

    14 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Server: Europe Code: 16497678757196 Song: lustrous trick

    13 FIREFLOW7 monthsReport

    Server: Asia Code: 1104699651082 Song: Contemplation in Snow Medium-High difficulty Hard rhythms and fun runs, hopefully.

    12 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Some bullishit i made Drifters destiny 5502560362933 Uid 707256757

    11 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Server: Asia Code: 1104612547768 Song: Invitation of Windblume Somewhat hard difficulty

    10 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    3303541833707 Let's go, Crimson Knight! Eu

    9 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    2204083229818 My composition for Surasthana Fantasia Eu server

    8 Chuki_Chan8 monthsReport

    Try it, hopefuly itll suit your taste! Its a composition for Blossoms of Summer Night

    7 Vera Bloom8 monthsReport

    A composition of Rage Beneath the Mountains: 1104450832165 NA server

    6 Vega8 monthsReport

    2203982484552 My composition for blossoms of summer night. NA server

    5 Halcyon_Sky8 monthsReport

    Hi! Sharing my pattern for Itto's Time to Shine music: Beatmap code: 3303636646909 Server: Asia Type: Melody-driven pattern

    4 Reina8 monthsReport

    Server: 6 US Beatmap code: 1104419342919 Give my "Devotion of the Keeper" a try. =D

    3 Anonymous8 monthsReport


    2 Anonymous8 monthsReport


    1 Anonymous8 monthsReport


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