Genshin Impact

Potions Most Potent Quest Guide

Genshin Impact - Potions Most Potent Quest Guide

Potions Most Potent is the Act 1 Quest for Alchemical Ascension in Genshin Impact Version 4.5. Check out how to unlock Potions Most Potent, the quest walkthrough, and all the rewards here!

How to Unlock Potions Most Potent

Complete Archon Quest Prologue Act 3

Genshin Impact - Archon Quest Prologue Act 3 - The Song of the Dragon and Freedom
Players must be at least Adventure Rank 20 and have completed the Archon Quest Prologue Act 3 - The Song of the Dragon and Freedom to be able to unlock the Alchemical Ascension event quest!

Prologue: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide

Complete the Archon Quest and Eula Story Quest for the Full Experience

Genshin  - How to Unlock Alchemical Ascension Event Quest

To avoid spoilers and get the full experience, you can first complete the Archon Quest Chapter 4 Act 5 - Masquerade of the Guilty and Eula Story Quest - Aphros Delos Chapter Act 1!

It is not necessary to complete these quests to access the event but it is recommended!

Potions Most Potent Quest Walkthrough

Head to Mondstadt and Talk to Lisa

To start the quest, proceed to Mondstadt and enter the Knights of Favonius headquarters. You'll find Lisa in the headquarters library; approach her and speak with her.

Go to the Shop in Whispering Woods

During your chat with Lisa, she will tell you about Jean's plan to share the efforts and outcomes of their Alchemy research with others. She will then ask you to accompany her to the shop, which is located near Whispering Woods.

You can use the potion icon on the map to teleport directly to the place.

Try Brewing a Potion

Once you arrive, Lisa will tour you around and let you to try your hand at brewing a potion.

How to Brew a Potion

Use Lisa's ingredients and place them on the square. The more area you cover, the higher the Tuning Rate. Reaching a 100% Tuning Rate will conclude the process and give you the final product.

There will be areas on the square that you cannot cover, so arrange your ingredients carefully. You can begin by placing the L-shaped Calla Lily in the corners and the box Jueyun Chili in the center, and then just fill in the spaces with the Mushroom, which only takes up two tiles.

Take note that the location of the blocked tile may differ for each player.

Concocting Potions Event Guide

Try to Sell your Product

After brewing a potion you can now display it for sale!

How to Sell your Product

To sell your produce potions, simply select the potions you wish to display; for the time being, there is only one potion available, so choose that. After picking the potion, press the stock potions indicated below.

Selling Potions Event Guide

End the Current Operation Cycle

Once you've finished brewing and selling, you can complete the current operation cycle by interacting with the book on the table. Once the cycle is completed, a Financial Report will appear, displaying the current cycle's revenue as well as profits.

Talk to Lisa

Close the Financial Report, and Lisa will approach you to inform you of the market news. Based on demand, the Market News can assist you in brewing and selling the appropriate potion. This will let you check each cycle and help you maximize your revenues.

Market News Guide

Try to Cultivate Ingredients

Lisa will assign you the next task of cultivating some herbs. Cultivating ingredients is an important component of the events because it allows you to create more potions. Go ahead and grow herbs in the cultivating area!

How to Cultivate Ingredients

There will be several cultivation boxes, each of which can be used to grow a specific type of ingredient. To cultivate a herb, simply click the box and select the desired herb. You can also change the herb you grow after planting, but this will restart the cultivation process.

Each ingredient will have distinctive properties, so make sure to cultivate the ones you need. You can further expand the area where your ingredients can grow by purchasing the box from Freda, which is the next objective in this quest.

Cultivating Ingredients Event Guide

Talk to Freda

After the cultivation process is complete, Lisa will present you to Freda. Freda is in charge of supplying all of the shop's supplies, so go ahead and speak with her.

Speaking with Freda will unlock the Event Shop, where you may spend your profits on various Shop Supplies such as Cultivation areas and potion bottles. After speaking with her, you can now participate in the event and sell potions!

Freda's Supplies Shop and Upgrades Guide

Potions Most Potent Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

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