Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Chizhang Wall Puzzle and How to SolveComment

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    3 AnonymousZ8 monthsReport

    I also had similar issue, I teleported out as soon as I teleported in because there was something I wanted to get first and I figured the big jade that I ported in from was near a waypoint so I could get back quickly, but unable to use it again. :(

    1 Anonymous9 monthsReport

    So, i've completed this puzzle, till the jade completed Then i teleported to the cave where there is a mural and a chest The problem is i forgot to collect the spirit carp at the jade location before we teleport to the cave, so i teleport out from the cave without thinking, and then collect the spirit carp When i try to teleport to the cave before, i cant. i cant press "T" any way to go back to the cave?

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