Genshin Impact

Day 4 Raid: Joined Forces Guide

Genshin - Reminiscent Regimen Day 4  Guide

Raid: Joined Forces is Day 4 of Genshin Impact's 2.8 Reminiscent Regimen Event. Check out how to get 500 Points in the challenge, how to reach the Mooring Points with the Waverider, and all the rewards here!

Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide
Genshin - DescentDay 1 Genshin - DescentDay 2 Genshin - RaidDay 3
Genshin - RaidDay 4 Genshin - ConvoyDay 5 Genshin - ConvoyDay 6

Raid Joined Forces Guide

Raid Joined Forces Location

Raid Day 4 Challenge Area
Location Broken and Minacious Isle, Golden Apple Archipelago

How to Get 500 Points in Raid Day 4

Reach the Mooring Points with the Waverider

Genshin - Activate all Mooring Points

Similar to the first raid, you will need to use Waverider and drive them over Mooring Points to activate wind currents per stage. The wind currents will enable you to reach enemies at the top of the platforms! Get 120 points by activating at least 4 Mooring Points!

Sail through the Speed Boosting Circles

Genshin - Use Speed Boosting Circles
With 7 minutes to complete this challenge, make use of the speed boosting circles while riding the Waverider to get to the next stages faster! Make sure to complete the challenge within 360 seconds or 6 minutes to get 60 points!

Throw Enemies off the Platforms

Genshin - Throw Enemies off the Platform

Like in the first raid, Ranged Hilichurls make up 100% of the enemies in the Joined Forces raid. These enemies are extremely vulrenable to ranged and can easily be push them away with Charged Attacks, Elemental Skills, or Bursts. You only need to defeat 3 Hilichurls with this method to get 120 points!

Collect Tokens with the Waverider

Genshin - Collect as Much Tokens as Possible

Collect 70 to 100 Reminiscence Tokens in total to get 180 points! There will be a point in the challenge where you can find multiple tokens floating in the water. Make sure to get as much tokens as possible with your Waverider!

Raid Day 4 Scoring Targets

Scoring Targets Points
Waverider reached 2 Mooring Points. 60
Waverider reached 4 Mooring Points 60
Defeated 1 opponent by throwing them off the platform 60
Defeated 3 opponent by throwing them off the platform 60
The team obtained 70 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
The team obtained 85 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
The team obtained 100 Reminiscence Tokens in total. 60
Complete the challenge within 360s. 60
Challenge Completed 200
Total Amount: 680 Points

Best Characters to Get 500 Points

Character How they Can Help in Day 4
Genshin - Traveler (Anemo) Icon Traveler (Anemo) • Able to push enemies off the platforms with their Elemental Skill and Burst.
Genshin - Kazuha Icon Kazuha • His Elemental Skill can keep your character afloat, making it easier to return to platforms if by some chance you happen to fall.
• Charged Attacks fling enemies away from the platforms.
Genshin - Ganyu Icon Ganyu • Can snipe enemies from platforms away from you.
• Enables you to stay in one platform while attacking enemies from afar.
Genshin - Yoimiya Icon Yoimiya • Able to snipe and home Kindling Arrows to enemies far away from you.
• Excels at single-target fights.
Genshin - Jean Icon Jean • Elemental Skill easily pushes the Hilichurls off the platforms.
Genshin - Heizou Icon Heizou • Elemental Skill and Charged Attacks can push Hilichurls away from their platforms.

Best Characters Tier List

Raid: Joined Forces Rewards

2.8 Reminiscent Regimen Day 4 Rewards

Objectives Rewards
Rating reaches 200
Rating reaches 350
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000
Rating reaches 500
Genshin - Mora Image Mora x20000

Raid: Joined Forces Information

Part of the 2.8 Reminiscent Regimen

Genshin - Remiscent Regimen
Raid: Joined Forces is the secibd challenge level for the Raid themes within the Reminiscent Regimen Co-op Event!

Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide

How to Play Raid Challenges

Genshin - How to Play Raid Challenges

Ride the Waverider and activate the Wind Currents by stepping on all Mooring Points during Raid challenges. Afterwards, glide up and defeat the enemies atop the platforms to complete the stage.

  1. Collect Reminiscence Tokens while riding the Waverider and Wind Currents.
  2. Activate Wind Currents by reaching all Mooring circles with the Waverider.
  3. Glide up the Wind Currents and defeat all enemies.
  4. Continue sailing until all stages have been cleared.

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Reminiscent Regimen Event Guide

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