Genshin Impact Walkthrough Comments

Wolf-Fang Weapon GuideComment

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    15 Anonymousabout 2 monthsReport

    Sorry; I don't think the passive works if the character is off-field

    14 Anonymous3 monthsReport

    ayato's slashes count as normal attack so I don't think this would buff him too much

    13 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Does the skill work if the character is off-field?

    12 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Who cares, it has crit main stat.

    11 Anonymous6 monthsReport

    Lol, I bought BP last time and i tried it myself on Xingqiu with 96% of Crit Rate on him. When he is on-Field, all of his attack is Crit, but when he is off-Field his attack is misscrit for 2 or 3 times. Go buy that sword and try it yourself.

    10 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    are you sure?

    9 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Only the elemental skill and burst DMG bonus (16% at R1) can be triggered off-field, sadly the Crit Rate buff from the elemental skill and burst can only be triggered on-field, my friend already tested it on Xingqiu. This weapon is fully dedicated for DPS on-field unit.

    8 Anonymous7 monthsReport

    Can the effect be triggered off-field too? I think this can be worth getting for the hydro archon.

    7 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    it did say hits, not per use, sooo maybe

    6 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Ayaka burst?

    5 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    could this be good for layla?

    4 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Nilou 5head

    3 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    the real question is: are the dmg buffs to skill and burst multiplicative or additive?

    2 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    still pretty good

    1 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    HAVE 4 MAX STACKS... which character that can hit 4x skill or burst less than 10sec. none... So, that description is useless.

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