Elden Ring

Optional Boss Locations and Guides

Elden Ring - Optional Bosses
Optional Bosses in Elden Ring don't need to be killed to finish the game but offer great items and other forms of utility to help you progress through The Lands Between. Read on to see every Optional Boss across all regions, including how to beat them!

Elden Ring Optional Bosses


Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD Erdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) IconErdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) Minor Erdtree (Caelid)
Minor Erdtree (East Limgrave)
Minor Erdtree (East Liurnia)
Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)
TBD NightNight's Cavalry (Limgrave)
1 Soldier of Godrick IconSoldier of Godrick Stranded Graveyard
10 Tibia Mariner (Summonwater Village) IconTibia Mariner (Summonwater Village) Artist's Shack (Liurnia of the Lakes)
Summonwater Village
Wyndham Ruins
15 Bloodhound Knight Darriwil IconBloodhound Knight Darriwil Forlorn Hound Evergaol
15 Erdtree Burial Watchdog (Stormfoot Catacombs) IconErdtree Burial Watchdog (Stormfoot Catacombs) Cliffbottom Catacombs
Impaler's Catacomb
Minor Erdtree Catacombs
Stormfoot Catacombs
Wyndham Catacombs
15 Demi-Human Chief Duo IconDemi-Human Chief Duo Coastal Cave
15 Mad Pumpkin Head IconMad Pumpkin Head Caelem Ruins
Waypoint Ruins
15 Stonedigger Troll (Limgrave Tunnels) IconStonedigger Troll (Limgrave Tunnels) Limgrave Tunnels
Old Altus Tunnel
15 Flying Dragon Agheel IconFlying Dragon Agheel Dragon-Burnt Ruins
15 Beastman of Farum Azula (Groveside Cave) IconBeastman of Farum Azula (Groveside Cave) Dragonbarrow Cave
Groveside Cave
15 Patches IconPatches Murkwater Cave
20 Tree Sentinel (Limgrave) IconTree Sentinel (Limgrave) Altus Plateau
20 Leonine Misbegotten IconLeonine Misbegotten Castle Morne
20-40 Black Knife Assassin (Deathtouched Catacombs) IconBlack Knife Assassin (Deathtouched Catacombs) Black Knife Catacombs
Deathtouched Catacombs
20 Grafted Scion IconGrafted Scion Chapel of Anticipation
Stormveil Castle
20 Grave Warden Duelist IconGrave Warden Duelist Auriza Side Tomb
Murkwater Catacombs
25 Ancient Hero of Zamor (Weeping Evergaol) IconAncient Hero of Zamor (Weeping Evergaol) Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave
Sainted Hero's Grave
Weeping Evergaol
30 Guardian Golem IconGuardian Golem Highroad Cave
30 Crucible Knight (Stormhill Evergaol) IconCrucible Knight (Stormhill Evergaol) Auriza Hero's Grave
Stormhill Evergaol
30 Deathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) IconDeathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) Altus Plateau
Liurnia of the Lakes
30 Scaly Misbegotten IconScaly Misbegotten Morne Tunnel
35 Miranda the Blighted Bloom IconMiranda the Blighted Bloom Tombsward Cave
40 Runebear IconRunebear Earthbore Cave

Liurnia of the Lakes

Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD Erdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) IconErdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) Minor Erdtree (Caelid)
Minor Erdtree (East Limgrave)
Minor Erdtree (East Liurnia)
Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)
TBD NightNight's Cavalry (Limgrave)
15 Spirit-Caller Snail (RoadSpirit-Caller Snail (Road's End Catacombs) Road's End Catacombs
28 Adan, Thief of Fire IconAdan, Thief of Fire Malefactor's Evergaol
30 Omenkiller IconOmenkiller Perfumer's Grotto
Village of the Albinaurics
30 Deathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) IconDeathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) Altus Plateau
Liurnia of the Lakes
35 Crystalian Ringblade IconCrystalian Ringblade Academy Crystal Cave
Altus Tunnel
Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel
Sellia Hideaway
40 Royal Revenant IconRoyal Revenant Kingsrealm Ruins
40 Glintstone Dragon Smarag IconGlintstone Dragon Smarag Liurnia of the Lakes
50 Magma Wyrm Makar IconMagma Wyrm Makar Ruin-Strewn Precipice
50-70 Godskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) IconGodskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) Divine Tower of Liurnia
Spiritcaller's Cave
Volcano Manor
90 Death Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) IconDeath Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) Caelid
Liurnia of the Lakes
Mountaintops of the Giants
100 Glintstone Dragon Adula IconGlintstone Dragon Adula Cathedral of Manus Celes
Ranni's Rise


Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD NightNight's Cavalry (Limgrave)
TBD Godskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) IconGodskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) Divine Tower of Caelid
Dominula, Windmill Village
Spiritcaller's Cave
TBD Putrid Crystalian Trio IconPutrid Crystalian Trio Sellia Hideaway
•90 (Consecrated Snowfield)
Putrid Avatar (Elphael Outer Wall) IconPutrid Avatar (Elphael Outer Wall) Caelid
Mountaintops of the Giants
TBD Erdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) IconErdtree Avatar (Mausoleum Compound) Minor Erdtree (Caelid)
Minor Erdtree (East Limgrave)
Minor Erdtree (East Liurnia)
Minor Erdtree (Weeping Peninsula)
40 Cleanrot Knight Duo (Abandoned Cave) IconCleanrot Knight Duo (Abandoned Cave) Abandoned Cave
Stillwater Cave
50 Frenzied Duelist IconFrenzied Duelist Gaol Cave
50 Battlemage Hugues IconBattlemage Hugues Caelid
50 Misbegotten Warrior IconMisbegotten Warrior Redmane Castle
Unsightly Catacombs
50 Commander OCommander O'Neil Swamp of Aeonia
50 Flying Dragon Greyll IconFlying Dragon Greyll Caelid
60 Magma Wyrm IconMagma Wyrm Fort Laeidd
Gael Tunnel
Volcano Manor
60 Nox Swordstress and Nox Priest IconNox Swordstress and Nox Priest Sellia, Town of Sorcery
60 Putrid Tree Spirit (War-Dead Catacombs) IconPutrid Tree Spirit (War-Dead Catacombs) War-Dead Catacombs
70 Fallingstar Beast (Sellia Crystal Tunnel) IconFallingstar Beast (Sellia Crystal Tunnel) Sellia Crystal Tunnel
70 Decaying Ekzykes IconDecaying Ekzykes Caelid
80 Black Blade Kindred (Bestial Sanctum) IconBlack Blade Kindred (Bestial Sanctum) Bestial Sanctum
80 Bell Bearing Hunter (Isolated MerchantBell Bearing Hunter (Isolated Merchant's Shack) Church of Vows
Hermit Merchant's Shack
Isolated Merchant's Shack (Caelid)
Warmaster's Shack
90 Death Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) IconDeath Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) Caelid
Liurnia of the Lakes
Mountaintops of the Giants

Altus Plateau

Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD NightNight's Cavalry (Limgrave)
TBD Godskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) IconGodskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) Divine Tower of Caelid
Dominula, Windmill Village
Spiritcaller's Cave
20 Tree Sentinel (Limgrave) IconTree Sentinel (Limgrave) Altus Plateau
30 Crucible Knight (Stormhill Evergaol) IconCrucible Knight (Stormhill Evergaol) Auriza Hero's Grave
Stormhill Evergaol
30 Deathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) IconDeathbird (Leyndell Outer Wall) Altus Plateau
Liurnia of the Lakes
50-70 Godskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) IconGodskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) Divine Tower of Liurnia
Spiritcaller's Cave
Volcano Manor
50 Misbegotten Warrior IconMisbegotten Warrior Redmane Castle
Unsightly Catacombs
50 Necromancer Garris IconNecromancer Garris Sage's Cave
50 Onyx Lord IconOnyx Lord Sealed Tunnel
60 Draconic Tree Sentinel IconDraconic Tree Sentinel Leyndell, Royal Capital
60 Demi-Human Queen Gilika IconDemi-Human Queen Gilika Lux Ruins
65 Fell Twins IconFell Twins Divine Tower of East Altus
70 Abductor Virgins IconAbductor Virgins Volcano Manor
70 Fallingstar Beast (Sellia Crystal Tunnel) IconFallingstar Beast (Sellia Crystal Tunnel) Sellia Crystal Tunnel
70 Elemer of the Briar IconElemer of the Briar The Shaded Castle
70 Godefroy the Grafted IconGodefroy the Grafted Golden Lineage Evergaol
70 Sanguine Noble IconSanguine Noble Writheblood Ruins
70 Wormface IconWormface Altus Plateau
70 Demi-Human Queen Margot IconDemi-Human Queen Margot Volcano Cave
70 Demi-Human Queen Maggie IconDemi-Human Queen Maggie Hermit Village
70 Kindred of Rot Duo IconKindred of Rot Duo Seethewater Cave
70 Perfumer Tricia and Misbegotten Warrior IconPerfumer Tricia and Misbegotten Warrior Unsightly Catacombs
70 Red Wolf of the Champion IconRed Wolf of the Champion Gelmir Hero's Grave
70 Esgar, Priest of Blood IconEsgar, Priest of Blood Altus Plateau
75 Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast IconFull-Grown Fallingstar Beast Altus Plateau
85 Crucible Knight Ordovis and Crucible Knight IconCrucible Knight Ordovis and Crucible Knight Auriza Hero's Grave
100 Mohg, The Omen IconMohg, The Omen Leyndell, Royal Capital
100 Ancient Dragon Lansseax IconAncient Dragon Lansseax Altus Plateau

Mountaintops of the Giants

Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD NightNight's Cavalry (Limgrave)
TBD Godskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) IconGodskin Apostle (Dominula Windmill Village) Divine Tower of Caelid
Dominula, Windmill Village
Spiritcaller's Cave
•90 (Consecrated Snowfield)
Putrid Avatar (Elphael Outer Wall) IconPutrid Avatar (Elphael Outer Wall) Caelid
Mountaintops of the Giants
50-70 Godskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) IconGodskin Noble (Liurnia Tower Bridge) Divine Tower of Liurnia
Spiritcaller's Cave
Volcano Manor
80 Black Blade Kindred (Forbidden Lands) IconBlack Blade Kindred (Forbidden Lands)
90 Borealis the Freezing Fog IconBorealis the Freezing Fog Mountaintops of the Giants
90 Death Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) IconDeath Rite Bird (Apostate Derelict) Caelid
Liurnia of the Lakes
Mountaintops of the Giants
100 Vyke, Knight of the Roundtable IconVyke, Knight of the Roundtable Lord Contender's Evergaol

Siofra River

Rec. Level Boss Location
TBD Valiant Gargoyle Duo IconValiant Gargoyle Duo Siofra Aqueduct
• 50 (Siofra River)
• 80 (Lake of Rot)
Dragonkin Soldier (Lake of Rot) IconDragonkin Soldier (Lake of Rot) Siofra River
50 Ancestor Spirit IconAncestor Spirit Hallowhorn Grounds (South)

Ainsel River

Rec. Level Boss Location
60 Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella IconDragonkin Soldier of Nokstella Ainsel River

Elden Ring Related Guides

Elden Ring - Bosses

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3 Anonymous9 months

Because she is a cannon/official boss in the Souls universe Optional bosses are considered non cannon to actually dying so in the future if they release Elden Ring 2, you will see the same bosses/people even if they were defeated by you in your other run All the main bosses/official bosses of the game are dead for lore reasons so we shall not see them in the second game if they did make one

2 Anonymousover 1 year

Malenia *


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