Elden Ring

Bestial Sanctum Location and What to Do

Bestial Sanctum is a Point of Interest in Elden Ring that can be found in Caelid. Read on to learn more about Bestial Sanctum, including its location on the map, what to do here, and obtainable items!

Bestial Sanctum Location

How to Get to Bestial Sanctum

Bestial Sanctum

View Full Map
Type Point of Interest
Region Caelid
Location Greyoll's Dragonbarrow, northeastern Caelid

Located north of Farum Greatbridge on the far northeastern peninsula of Caelid.

What to Do in Bestial Sanctum

Bestial Sanctum Checklist

Meet Gurranq the Beast Clergyman

Gurranq - World View.png
In order to interact with Gurranq, players will need to have completed the first part of D, Hunter of the Dead's questline. From that point on, you'll be able to give Gurranq Deathroot in exchange for various items.

Deathroot Count Reward
1st Deathroot Clawmark Seal
Beast Eye
2nd Deathroot Incantation: Bestial Sling
3rd Deathroot Incantation: Bestial Vitality
4th Deathroot Ashes of War: Beast's Roar
5th Deathroot Incantation: Beast Claw

This rewards list is still currently under construction!

Gurranq Questline and Location

Elden Ring Related Guides

Maps and Locations

List of Maps and Locations

Caelid Dungeons and Points of Interest

Caelid Legacy Dungeons
Redmane Castle
Caelid Minor Dungeons
Sellia, Town of Sorcery Minor Erdtree (Caelid) Gael Tunnel
Caelem Ruins Gaol Cave Abandoned Cave
Sellia Crystal Tunnel Divine Tower of Caelid Minor Erdtree (Greyoll's Dragonbarrow)
Swamp of Aeonia Caelid Catacombs War-Dead Catacombs
Sellia Hideaway Dragonbarrow Cave Minor Erdtree Catacombs
Caelid Points of Interest
Cathedral of Dragon Communion Sellia Gateway Gowry's Shack
Church of the Plague Fort Faroth Lenne's Rise
Bestial Sanctum Wailing Dunes Fort Gael
Deep Siofra Well Isolated Merchant's Shack (Caelid) Swamp Lookout Tower
Street of Sages Ruins Caelid Waypoint Ruins Forsaken Ruins
Shack of the Rotting Smoldering Church Sellia Evergaol

The Overworld

Maps and Locations of The Lands Between
Elden Ring - Limgrave MapLimgrave Elden Ring - Liurnia of the Lakes MapLiurnia of the Lakes
Elden Ring - Caelid MapCaelid Elden Ring - Altus Plateau MapAltus Plateau
Elden Ring - Mountaintops of the Giants MapMountaintops of the Giants -

The Underground

Maps and Locations of The Underground
Elden Ring - Siofra River MapSiofra River Elden Ring - Ainsel River MapAinsel River
Elden Ring - Deeproot Depths MapDeeproot Depths -

Special Areas

Maps and Locations of Special Areas
Elden Ring - Crumbling Farum Azula MapCrumbling Farum Azula -


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