Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred (D4)

Howl from Below Unique Effect and How to Get

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The Howl from Below is a Unique pair of Gloves used by the Necromancer class in Diablo 4 (D4). Read on to know more about the Howl from Below, including its Unique Effect that modifies the Corpse Explosion skill, its list of affixes, as well as all builds that use the Howl from Below!

Howl from Below Overview

Howl from Below Class, Type, and Effect

Equipment Info
Howl from BelowHowl from Below Class Necromancer
Equipment Type Unique Gloves
Req. World Tier WT3+
Instead of detonating immediately, Corpse Explosion summons a Volatile Skeleton that charges at a random enemy and explodes. Corpse Explosion's damage is increased by 50 - 90%.

"Can you not hear it? That endless scream from the cold earth beneath your feet!? They are down there, trapped, blind with rage! Waiting to drag us down into the sod!" - Ravings of Madman Gustav

Howl from Below List of Affixes

Affix 1 + 8 - 12.5% Lucky Hit Chance
Affix 2 + 26 - 35% Corpse Attack Speed
Affix 3 Corpse Explosion Fears and Slows for 0.4 - 0.6 Seconds.
Affix 4 + 2 - 4 to Corpse Explosion

How to Get Howl from Below

Bosses That Drop Howl from Below

List of Bosses
Diablo 4 (D4) - Grigoire BossGrigoire Diablo 4 (D4) - The Beast in the Ice BossThe Beast in the Ice

Ladder Bosses and Uber Bosses allow for Target Farming of specific Uniques. Grind the bosses above until you get the drop you want!

All Boss Ladder and Uber Boss Loot Tables

Will Drop from Enemies and Chests

Diablo 4 - Nightmare Dungeon Unique Reward

Unique items can be obtained by killing enemies and opening chests in the open world. To raise your chances of getting Howl from Below, participate in World Events like Gathering Legions, slay World Bosses, or run Nightmare Dungeons as these are the best methods for acquiring high-tier loot.
How to Farm Uniques

Can Drop from Chests in Helltide Events

Can Drop from Chests in Helltide Events

You can also obtain the Howl from Below from chests found in Helltide Events. Keep watch of any active Helltide on the map since they spawn every hour and farm as many Cinders as you can to open chests.
Helltide Event Guide

Gamble from The Purveyor of Curiosity

Gamble from The Purveyor of Curiosity

If you are feeling lucky, you can also take your chances at the Purveyor of Curiosity and spend your Murmuring Obols for purchasing gear. Keep in mind that the rarity of gear you can get will range from Magic to Mythic Unique items so gamble at your own risk.

How to Farm Obols

Builds Using Howl from Below

All Related Builds
Corpse Explosion BlightCorpse Explosion Blight
Ring of Mendeln SummonerRing of Mendeln Summoner

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