Diablo 4 (D4) Walkthrough Comments

Legion Event Timer and LocationsComment

Displaying all 8 entries


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    8 Anonymous8 monthsReport

    Event did not show up at 12:05 PST. It did earlier. All Strongholds have been conquered. Watched the cloud site count down to zero as I rechecked map, exited and restarted Diablo several times. PLEASE FIX BUG

    7 Anonymous11 monthsReport

    On Sunday 4th June, for a few hours they were appearing for me every 30 minutes on the hour/half-hours. It may have just been a coincidence, but I got my spectral mount so happy. It also happened to me today exactly on the hour but I went into a cellar and popped out immediately, it was gone - so be prepared to drop what you're doing and make tail! They will appear on the minimap even if you're far away, with a small bar that fills up. This is the 5 minute timer you have to get over there.

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