Pokemon Legends: Arceus

How to Beat Giratina and Volo: Volo Pokemon and Team

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Beating Gioratina Pokemon Legends Arceus

This guide covers everything you need to know to beat Giratina and Volo Team in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn about Giratina and Volo's Pokemon team, recommended Pokemon to use against Giratina and Volo's Pokemon team, as well as how to beat Giratina.

Volo Profile and Battle Guide
Volo ProfileVolo Character Profile Volo BattleHow to Beat Volo

Giratina and Volo's Pokemon Team and Types

Suggested Level

Suggested Level Lv. 70 ~ Lv. 80

Battle 1: Volo's Pokemon

Pokemon Weakness
Pokemon Legends Arceus Ghost Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Dark Type

Lv. 68
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Fairy Type
Pokemon Legends Arceus Fairy Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Flying Type

Lv. 68
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Electric Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Ice Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Poison Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Rock Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Steel Type
Pokemon Legends Arceus Fire Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Rock Type

Lv. 68
Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Water Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Ground Type

Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Fighting Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Rock Type
Pokemon Legends Arceus Fighting Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Steel Type

Lv. 68
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Ground Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Fighting Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Fire Type
Pokemon Legends Arceus Grass Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Poison Type

Lv. 68
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Ice Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Flying Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Psychic Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Fire Type
Pokemon Legends Arceus Dragon Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Ground Type

Lv. 68
Takes 4x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Ice Type
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends Arceus Dragon Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Fairy Type

Battle 2: Giratina (Altered Forme)

Renegade Pokemon
Legends Arceus - Giratina
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dragon Type Icon
Height 14' 09" Weight 1653.5 lbs
Pokedex Entry There is one Hisuian verse that tells of a powerful light creating a deep shadow. I imagine that this deep shadow is Giratina.

Battle 3: Giratina (Origin Forme)

Giratina (Origin Forme)
Renegade Pokemon
Legends Arceus - Giratina (Origin Forme)
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dragon Type Icon
Height 22' 08" Weight 1433 lbs
Pokedex Entry Giratina loses its legs upon changing into this form. I believe this Pokémon must hail from a world where the heavens and the earth are as one, though I have no way of proving it.

You will go against 8 Pokemon

The battle against Giratina and Volo is a series of 8 consecutive battles, as defeating Volo's team of 6 will be followed up by Giratina in both its Alternate Forme and Origin Formes.

Make sure that you and your team are well prepared and stock up on Full Restores and Max Revives!

How to Catch Giratina - Forms and Learnset

How to Beat Volo Team

Strategies to Beat Volo

Use Fairy, Rock, and Ground Type Moves

It's recommended to bring Pokemon that focuses on Fairy, Rock, and Ground type moves since these are enough to cover the weaknesses of Volo's Pokemon.

In addition, having Fairy type Pokemon will also help out with the second phase of the fight!

One Shot Volo's Team Using Strong Style Moves

PLA Dialga Strong Style
It is highly recommended to take down Volo's team by knocking them out in one move. Otherwise, he will use a Full Restore to heal his Pokemon and prolong the fight.

In order to do this, make sure to master the strongest moves of your Pokemon, make sure its type matches with the enemy's weakness, and attack using Strong Style!

Heal Before Beating Volo

Full Restore ImageFull Restore Max Revive ImageMax Revive

Volo's fight is just the first phase of a series of battles you'll have for this Mission. As you're about to beat Volo, make sure to heal your Pokemon since beating him will start the fight with Giratina right away.

How to Beat Giratina

Strategies to Beat Giratina

Giratina Weaknesses

Giratina is a Ghost and Dragon-type Pokemon, which makes it weak to Ghost, Ice, Dragon, Dark, and Fairy-type moves.

It has equal stats in its Defense and Special Defense, so it is recommended to use super-effective moves that complement your Pokemon's stats. If your Pokemon has high Attack stats, use a physical move; if it has high Special Attack stats, use a special move.

Use Fairy Type Moves

Given that Giratina and a number of Volo's team are weak to Fairy-type moves, your best bet is to take advantage and choose Fairy-type moves that can also help you like Draining Kiss which restores part of your HP all while dealing damage.

Since Giratina's Aura Sphere never misses, you'll benefit quite a bit from any type of healing!

Avoid Using Pokemon Weak to Dragon, Fighting, or Ground-type Moves

PLA Giratina Strong Style

Giratina will use Earth Power and Aura Sphere quite a few times, making it difficult to keep your Pokemon from fainting if they're weak to these types of moves!

Regardless of weaknesses and resistances, these moves can hurt your chances by lowering your stats and giving Giratina's attack a better chance for a critical.

If you chose Cyndaquil as a starter, you may have difficulties against Giratina's Earth Power.

Lower Giratina's Stats

It is recommended that you lower Giratina's stats to improve your chances. Many Fairy Type moves can lower both defensive and offensive stats, making it harder for Giratina to take you down quickly.

You will need to do this as the fight will be prolonged due to Giratina's second form. Once you defeat Giratina, they will come back in their Origin Form. While Giratina is like this their Attack and Special Attack Stats will be higher!

Take Advantage of Cresselia's Moves

PLA Cresselia Lunar Blessing
Cresselia's move, Lunar Blessing allows the Pokemon to heal itself while also increasing its evasion. Doing this can increase the chances of Giratina missing its attacks, thus preventing your party to get wiped out by its strong moves.

It is possible to defeat Giratina by using Cresselia alone by switching between the defensive move Lunar Blessing and its offensive move Moonblast.

After defeating Giratina's Altered Forme, it will change to its Origin Forme and will be significantly stronger. However, the same steps still apply and continue using Fairy type moves to take the Pokemon down.

Best Team to Beat Giratina and Volo's Team

Best Pokemon to Use Against Volo's Team

Pokemon Details
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Location: Alabaster Icelands
Recommended move: Aqua Tail, Iron Tail
Cresselia ImageCresselia Location: The Plate of Moonview Arena Mission
Recommended moves: Lunar Blessing, Moonblast
Dialga ImageDialga Location: Atop Mount Coronet Mission or post-game unlock
Recommended move: Iron Tail
Palkia ImagePalkia Location: Atop Mount Coronet Mission or post-game unlock
Recommended moves: Aqua Tail,
Hydro Pump
Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra Location: Ancient Quarry
Recommended moves: Thunderbolt,
Ice Beam, Hydro Pump

A good variety of Pokemon that are able to attack using different types of moves are good for this match. Try to beat Volo using as few turns as possible. Doing this will help you preserve HP and PP for the rest of the battle. Defeating Volo's 6 Pokemon will then pit you against Giratina Altered Forme, then against Giratina Origin Forme.

Best Pokemon to Use Against Giratina

Pokemon Details
Blissey ImageBlissey Location: Obsidian Fieldlands
Recommended move: Draining Kiss
Cresselia ImageCresselia Location: The Plate of Moonview Arena Mission
Recommended moves: Lunar Blessing, Moonblast
Clefable ImageClefable Location: Fabled Spring, Coronet Highlands
Recommended move: Moonblast
Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna Location: Evolve using Peat Block during a Full Moon in Crimson Mirelands
Recommended moves: Play Rough

Giratina has good coverage with its moves, namely Shadow Force, Dragon Claw, Aura Sphere and Earth Power. Pokemon that do not have weaknesses to these moves will be very valuable in this battle because they will not get immediately get knocked out by a super-effective hit. Take big chunks out of Giratina's health points using super-effective moves, and soon enough you'll be victorious in this boss fight.

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18 Anonymousalmost 2 years

bro i have lvl 90 giratina from pokemon home will be one shotting volos giritina with it

14 Anonymousover 2 years

it's kind of the point. Plus, CPUs are pretty dumb.


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