Pokemon Legends: Arceus

All Ancestors of Pokemon Characters

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Pokemon Legends Arceus Ancestors

Commander Kamado in Pokemon Legends Arceus is confirmed to be the ancestor of Professor Rowan from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Read on to learn about all ancestors of Pokemon characters different Pokemon games!

All Ancestors of Pokemon Characters

Commander Kamado and Professor Rowan

Pokemon Legends Arceus Commander KamadoCommander Kamado Pokemon Legends Arceus Professor RowanProfessor Rowan

Commander Kamado in Legends Arceus is officially confirmed to be the ancestor of Professor Rowan from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Kamado is Commander of the Galaxy Team organization in Hisui, while Rowan is the regional professor of the modern-day Sinnoh region. Both are stern but respected and deeply trusted leaders of their fields.

Captain Cyllene and Galactic Boss Cyrus

Pokemon Legends Arceus Captain CylleneCaptain Cyllene Pokemon BDSP Galactic Boss CyrusBoss Cyrus (BDSP)

While not officially confirmed, it's highly speculated that Captain Cyllene in Legends Arceus is the ancestor of Galactic Boss Cyrus from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.

Cyllene is the Captain of Galaxy Team's Survey Corps, while Cyrus is the boss of the modern-day Team Galactic. Additionally, it's unlikely to be coincidence that both characters share the same design and blue color scheme, while also having names that start with “Cy”.

Warden Arezu and Commander Mars

Pokemon Legends Arceus Arezu.pngWarden Arezu Pokemon BDSP Commander Mars.jpgCommander Mars (BDSP)

Similarly, Warden Arezu is speculated to be the ancestor of Commander Mars from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, due to the identical haircut and character design.

However, not many similarities are currently known between the two. Arezu is a Warden of the Diamond Clan and is interested in finding a certain lady Pokemon, while Mars is one of the top Commanders of Team Galactic, who serves as an antagonist to you throughout Diamond and Pearl.

Warden Mai and Marley

Warden Mai Marley (BDSP)

Warden Mai in Legends Arceus is also speculated to be the ancestor of Marley from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, due to the near identical character design and Marley's name in Japanese being “Mai” as well.

That said, the two characters are quite different. Not much is known about Marley, other than the fact that she focused on the Speed stat with her partner Pokemon Arcanine and that she was investigating the path to Shaymin on Victory Road. Meanwhile, Mai is a Warden of Diamond Clan, who watches over the Noble Pokemon Wyrdeer with her partner Pokemon Munchlax.

Colza and Gardenia

Colza Gardenia (BDSP)

There is a strong theory that Colza, who runs the Farm at Jubilife Village, is Gardenia's ancestor. Colza is a synonym for the rapeseed plant, while gardenia is a genus of plant. There is an even closer connection between their Japanese names: Colza's Japanese name, nabana (ナバナ), means rapeseed blossom, which is the flower that produces rapeseed, or natane (ナタネ)--also known as Gardenia!

His Short Hairstyle Resembles Gardenia's

Gardenia Hairstyle

If the name connection wasn't enough to convince you of that they're related, Colza's hairstyle is nearly identical to Gardenia's.

Charm, Clover, Coin and Bertha, Candice, Saturn

From left: Clover, Charm, and Coin
Candice (BDSP) Bertha (BDSP) Saturn (BDSP)

Judging from their hairstyles alone, there seems to be a clear connection between Clover, Charm, and Coin, & Candice, Bertha and Saturn, respectively.

Clover and Candice use the Ice-type Pokemon Abomasnow, Coin and Saturn both use Toxicroak, and while Clover uses Rhydon and Gengar, Bertha trades out Rhydon for Rhyperior and Agatha uses Gengar.

Pesselle and Nurse Joy

Pesselle Nurse Joy

Long before there were Pokemon Centers and Nurse Joy, there was Pesselle and her fellow trainers passionately researching how to spread medical facilities. It's probably safe to assume Passelle was the pioneer of the Pokemon Center!

Pesselle Also Resembles Mira


Pesselle also bears an uncanny resemblance to Mira, the character who gets lost inside the Wayward Cave in BDSP. Perhaps they are also related somehow?

Sanqua and Karen

Sanqua Karen (HGSS)

Sanqua has a similar appearance to Karen, an Elite Four member from Pokemon Gold and Silver.

Volo and Cynthia

Volo Cynthia (BDSP)

Volo's similarities to Cynthia don't stop at their hairstyles--they also use similar Pokemon. Additionally, both Cynthia and Volo have a knack for discovering things. Volo travels around Hisui to research more about it, while Cynthia was shown to be interested in mythology and Sinnoh's history.

Cogita and Cynthia


Another rumored ancestor to Cynthia is Cogita - the mistress who lives in a tiny hut at the Ancient Retreat. Just like the modern day Sinnoh's champion, Cogita is also knowledgeable about the Sinnoh myths. Both characters don black clothing and share the same hairstyle too.

Warden Lian and Gym Leader Clay

Lian Clay (BW/BW2)

Additionally, Warden Lian of Pokemon Legends Arceus is speculated to be the ancestor of Gym Leader Clay of the Unova Region in Pokemon Black and White and its sequels. This is due to the characters having the same hair color and wearing an identical cowboy hat.

Lian is the warden of Pearl Clan who watches over Kleavor in the Obsidian Fieldlands, while Clay is the Ground Type Gym Leader of Driftveil in Unova.

It's interesting that Lian is wearing Clay's cowboy hat, given that Clay's cowboy aesthetic was due to Unova region being based off the United States of America, while the Hisui region is supposed to be the early Sinnoh region and does not seem to be drawing any inspiration from America at all.


Ingo is a leader of the Battle Subway in Pokemon Black and White/Black and White 2. Seeming to have lost his memory, Ingo appears suddenly in the main story of Pokemon Legends: Arceus, a curiously similar situation to that of the main character.

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7 Anonymousabout 3 years

To add to the list Zisu from the Training Grounds is Flints ancestor

6 Anonymousabout 3 years

Well he was Sir Aaron in the movie, but in the video games the character is called Riley


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