Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Alpha Spiritomb Location and How to Catch

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PLA Alpha Spiritomb

All Spiritomb Pages
Spiritomb Alpha Spiritomb Eerie Apparitions in the Night Request

Alpha Spiritomb Location

Random Spawn at Shrouded Ruins in Crimson Mirelands

Actual Location Map Location

After completing Request 22: Eerie Apparitions in the Night, Spiritombs will start spawning very rarely at Shrouded Ruins in Crimson Mirelands.

In order to find an Alpha Spiritomb, you would need to frequently go back and forth from a Base Camp to sleep until nightfall, then back to Shrouded Ruins to see if the Alpha Spiritomb will appear.

Be warned that a regular Spiritomb has a very low spawn rate, so waiting for an Alpha Spiritomb might take a lot of patience.

Respawn Time: When Do Wild Pokemon and Items Reappear?

How to Catch Alpha Spiritomb

Catching Without Battling: Use Smoke Bombs and feed it a Razz Berry, then aim for its back
Catching Through Battling: As soon as battle starts, try to keep a status effect on it

Use Smoke Bombs and Razz Berries

1. While Spiritomb is turned away, throw a Smoke Bomb to get closer to it.
2. Throw a Razz Berry to a spot that will allow you to have an opening on Spiritomb's back.
3. Press B and approach slowly until you are close enough to throw a Heavy Ball (or a Leaden / Gigaton Ball) at its backside.
4. Head into the Smoke or flee the area immediately after (if the Pokemon busts out, being spotted will be a pain to deal with).

The most important skill for catching wild Pokemon is being able to lure them with berries so that you have a clear shot on their back. Razz Berries make Pokemon easier to catch, so when combined with Heavy/Leaden/Gigaton Balls, they can make it very easy to catch Alpha Pokemon.

Repeatedly catch them unawares

PLA Alpha Spiritomb Fight

1. Approach as normal and throw out a Pokemon to start battle.
2. On your turn, move to the backside of the Alpha Pokemon and choose to Run from battle.
3. As soon as battle ends, throw your Pokemon at the Alpha Pokemon again to catch them unawares.
4. Damage the Pokemon until they reach the yellow ~ Red HP Gauge (repeating steps 2. and 3. will allow you to continuously have the Pokemon be kept unawares).
5. Repeat steps 2. and 3. then use a Heavy Ball (or Leaden/Gigaton Ball).

This method of catching a Pokemon allows you to make use of the fact that your character can move freely during battle. Since it only involves going into battle, it requires less precision than the method that involves Smoke Bombs and Razz Berries.

Additionally, this method allows you to continuously have the Alpha Pokemon be caught unawares, so even if your Pokemon is at a much lower level than the Alpha Pokemon, you'll be able to damage them, run, catch them unawares, then repeat in a loop until their HP is low enough to easily catch them.

Alpha Spiritomb Type Effectiveness

Pokemon Legends Arceus Ghost Type Pokemon Legends Arceus Dark Type
Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fairy Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Psychic Type Icon

Unlisted types deal neutral damage to Spiritomb

Raise Star Rank to Increase Catch Rate

Increase Your Rank.png

One way of increasing an Alpha Pokemon's catch rate is by raising your Star Rank by completing Research Tasks.

If you find yourself having a hard time catching the Alpha Pokemon, raise the odds of capturing it by coming back with a higher Survey Corps rank.

How to Increase Star Rank and Rewards

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