Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Arezu Character Profile

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Warden Arezu Character Profile

Arezu is a warden from the Diamond Clan in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn more about Arezu, her role in the story, and where you'll find her in the Crimson Mirelands!

Who is Arezu?

Pokemon Legends Arceus Arezu
Clan / Organization Diamond Clan
Role Warden
Noble Pokemon Hisuian Lilligant
Description Arezu feels a great deal of responsibility as a warden, and because of this, she tends to try to solve problems all by herself. She is tasked with the care of a certain lady Pokémon.

Arezu is a warden from the Diamond Clan. Just like her fellow Diamond Clan members, she dons blue clothing with a symbol of the Diamond Clan on it. She is dedicated to her responsibilities of being a warden and aims to solve the problems she encounters all on her own.

You'll first meet Arezu in Jubilife Village as the trigger to the mission Arezu's Predicament. Arezu will approach and speak with you about your recent feat regarding Kleavor's quelling as you pass by the hairdresser.

Taking Care of a Noble Pokemon

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Warden Arezu.png

Arezu serves as the warden to a Noble Lilligant, the Lady of the Ridge. When her Lilligant got struck by the strange lightning from the rift and became frenzied, Arezu decided to resolve the situation alone.

All Noble Pokemon

Interest in the Galaxy Expedition Team

Warden Arezu Galactic.png

At a certain point in the story, Arezu visited Jubilife Village to find someone who could help Ursaluna and learned how to make the necessary balms for Lilligant along the way. Since then, Arezu expressed her desire to learn more about the Galaxy Expedition Team.

Working as a Hairdresser

Legends Arceus - Arezu as a hairdresser

The next day after quelling the Noble Lilligant, you'll meet Arezu as the new hairdresser in the village! Arezu will attend to your hair styling needs in Edith's stead from now on. You will also unlock more hairstyles and hair colors with Arezu!

List of Hairstyles and How to Change Your Hairstyle

Resemblance to Commander Mars

Pokemon Legends Arceus Arezu.pngWarden Arezu Pokemon BDSP Commander Mars.jpgCommander Mars (BDSP)

Warden Arezu is speculated to be the ancestor of Commander Mars from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, due to the identical haircut and character design.

In addition, Arezu seems fascinated with the Galaxy Expedition Team's operations despite being a Warden of the Diamond Clan. She expressed that she would love to know more about the organization so there is a possibility that she might join the Galaxy Expedition Team later on in the game.

The Galaxy Expedition Team might evolve into Team Galactic that we know now but it's still not sure. If it is, it would make sense that one of Arezu's descendants, Commander Mars, would be loyal to Cyrus and Team Galactic.

All Ancestors of Diamond and Pearl Characters

Where is Arezu in the Crimson Mirelands?

Found North of Scarlet Bog

After calming Warden Calaba's Ursaluna during the mission Arezu's Predicament, you will receive a task to find Arezu in the Crimson Mirelands. You'll need to mount Ursaluna and let it track the scent of Beni's mochi on Arezu to find her.

Follow the direction in which the signals turn blue, and eventually, you'll end up in a narrow path between Solaceon Ruins and Scarlet Bog. Have one of your Pokemon destroy the boulder blocking the way, and you'll find Arezu on the other side.

Where to Find Arezu: Arezu's Predicament Mission Objective

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides


List of All Characters

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