Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Obsidian Fieldlands Map and Pokemon List

✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
☆ Check out all PLA Pokemon Transferrable to BDSP!
★ Finish the story → Story Walkthrough
┣ Complete the Dex → Pokemon Locations / Trading Board
┗ Research Tasks → Best Tasks / Farm Research Points

PLA Obsidian Fieldlands Banner

Obsidian Fieldlands is an area in Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see a map of the area, all Pokemon that can be encountered, as well as wisps, Old Verses, items, and available missions and requests!

Obsidian Fieldlands Map

Obsidian Fieldlands Map

View Full Map Image

Obsidian Fieldlands Pokemon

All Alpha Pokemon Locations

All Alpha Pokemon Locations and Maps

All Rare Pokemon in Obsidian Fieldlands

Tap to Jump Ahead!
Aspiration Hill Deertrack Path Deertrack Heights
The Heartwood Grandtree Arena Horseshoe Plains
Nature's Pantry Tidewater Dam Windswept Run
Worn Bridge Obsidian Falls Oreburrow Tunnel
Floaro Gardens Lake Verity Sandgem Flats
Ramanas Island Grueling Grove -

Aspiration Hill

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Bidoof ImageBidoof Starly ImageStarly Shinx ImageShinx
Drifloon ImageDrifloon

Deertrack Path

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Zubat ImageZubat Kricketot ImageKricketot Burmy ImageBurmy

Deertrack Heights

Alpha Pokemon

Stantler ImageStantler

Regular Pokemon

Burmy ImageBurmy Geodude ImageGeodude Stantler ImageStantler
Munchlax ImageMunchlax Chimchar ImageChimchar

The Heartwood

Alpha Pokemon

Lopunny ImageLopunny

Regular Pokemon

Wurmple ImageWurmple Silcoon ImageSilcoon Beautifly ImageBeautifly
Cascoon ImageCascoon Dustox ImageDustox Zubat ImageZubat
Buneary ImageBuneary Lopunny ImageLopunny Cherubi ImageCherubi
Cherrim ImageCherrim Psyduck ImagePsyduck Combee ImageCombee

Grandtree Arena

Alpha Pokemon

Scyther ImageScyther

Regular Pokemon

Scyther ImageScyther

Horseshoe Plains

Alpha Pokemon

Rapidash ImageRapidash

Regular Pokemon

Bidoof ImageBidoof Starly ImageStarly Wurmple ImageWurmple
Ponyta ImagePonyta Rapidash ImageRapidash Eevee ImageEevee
Drifloon ImageDrifloon Buizel ImageBuizel Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr.

Nature's Pantry

Alpha Pokemon

Parasect ImageParasect

Regular Pokemon

Staravia ImageStaravia Staraptor ImageStaraptor Zubat ImageZubat
Kricketot ImageKricketot Kricketune ImageKricketune Burmy ImageBurmy
Paras ImageParas Parasect ImageParasect Pichu ImagePichu
Pikachu ImagePikachu

Tidewater Dam

Alpha Pokemon

Bibarel ImageBibarel Kricketune ImageKricketune

Regular Pokemon

Bidoof ImageBidoof Bibarel ImageBibarel Starly ImageStarly
Staravia ImageStaravia

Windswept Run

Alpha Pokemon

Staravia ImageStaravia

Regular Pokemon

Starly ImageStarly Kricketot ImageKricketot Buizel ImageBuizel
Abra ImageAbra

Worn Bridge

Alpha Pokemon

Floatzel ImageFloatzel

Regular Pokemon

Buizel ImageBuizel Floatzel ImageFloatzel Geodude ImageGeodude

Obsidian Falls

Alpha Pokemon

Blissey ImageBlissey

Regular Pokemon

Magikarp ImageMagikarp Gyarados ImageGyarados Happiny ImageHappiny
Chansey ImageChansey Blissey ImageBlissey Machop ImageMachop
Machoke ImageMachoke

Oreburrow Tunnel

Alpha Pokemon

Golbat ImageGolbat

Regular Pokemon

Shinx ImageShinx Luxio ImageLuxio Zubat ImageZubat
Golbat ImageGolbat Geodude ImageGeodude Graveler ImageGraveler
Happiny ImageHappiny Machop ImageMachop

Floaro Gardens

Alpha Pokemon

Luxio ImageLuxio

Regular Pokemon

Shinx ImageShinx Luxio ImageLuxio Wurmple ImageWurmple
Silcoon ImageSilcoon Beautifly ImageBeautifly Cascoon ImageCascoon
Dustox ImageDustox Drifloon ImageDrifloon Pichu ImagePichu

Lake Verity

Alpha Pokemon

Snorlax ImageSnorlax Gyarados ImageGyarados

Regular Pokemon

Magikarp ImageMagikarp Gyarados ImageGyarados Togekiss ImageTogekiss

Sandgem Flats

Alpha Pokemon

Alakazam ImageAlakazam

Regular Pokemon

Staravia ImageStaravia Luxio ImageLuxio Luxray ImageLuxray
Drifblim ImageDrifblim Wormadam ImageWormadam Graveler ImageGraveler
Snorlax ImageSnorlax Abra ImageAbra Kadabra ImageKadabra
Alakazam ImageAlakazam Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon

Ramanas Island

Alpha Pokemon

Infernape ImageInfernape

Regular Pokemon

Staravia ImageStaravia Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim
Chimchar ImageChimchar Monferno ImageMonferno Infernape ImageInfernape
Combee ImageCombee Aipom ImageAipom Shellos ImageShellos
Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish

Grueling Grove

Alpha Pokemon

Graveler ImageGraveler Heracross ImageHeracross

Regular Pokemon

Beautifly ImageBeautifly Dustox ImageDustox Burmy ImageBurmy
Wormadam ImageWormadam Mothim ImageMothim Combee ImageCombee
Heracross ImageHeracross

Obsidian Fieldlands Space-Time Distortion Pokemon

Space-Time Distortions Spawn Type

Appears → Disappears
(Repeating Spawn)
Randomly Appear
(Limited Spawn)

There are two ways a Pokemon spawns in Space-Time Distortions. One way, the repeating spawn type, is that a set of 2-3 Pokemon will consistently appear and disappear near the player throughout the Space-Time Distortion.

The other method, the limited spawn type, is that some Pokemon will just spawn randomly and may not respawn once it vanishes. This is usually the case for rarer Pokemon and ones that can only be caught during Space-Time Distortions. After completing the main story and watching the credits, the Starter Pokemon can also appear as limited spawns as well.

Repeating Spawn
Eevee ImageEevee Leafeon ImageLeafeon Sylveon ImageSylveon Lickitung ImageLickitung
Lickilicky ImageLickilicky Haunter ImageHaunter Gengar ImageGengar Onix ImageOnix
Steelix ImageSteelix Ursaring ImageUrsaring Toxicroak ImageToxicroak
Limited Spawn
Weavile ImageWeavile Sneasel ImageSneasel

Space-Time Distortions: How to Find and List of Pokemon

Obsidian Fieldlands Massive Mass Outbreak Pokemon

Bidoof ImageBidoof Bibarel ImageBibarel Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia
Staraptor ImageStaraptor Shinx ImageShinx Luxio ImageLuxio Luxray ImageLuxray
Wurmple ImageWurmple Silcoon ImageSilcoon Beautifly ImageBeautifly Cascoon ImageCascoon
Dustox ImageDustox Ponyta ImagePonyta Rapidash ImageRapidash Zubat ImageZubat
Golbat ImageGolbat Crobat ImageCrobat Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim
Kricketot ImageKricketot Kricketune ImageKricketune Buizel ImageBuizel Floatzel ImageFloatzel
Geodude ImageGeodude Graveler ImageGraveler Golem ImageGolem Stantler ImageStantler
Wyrdeer ImageWyrdeer Munchlax ImageMunchlax Snorlax ImageSnorlax Paras ImageParas
Parasect ImageParasect Pichu ImagePichu Pikachu ImagePikachu Raichu ImageRaichu
Abra ImageAbra Kadabra ImageKadabra Alakazam ImageAlakazam Chimchar ImageChimchar
Monferno ImageMonferno Infernape ImageInfernape Buneary ImageBuneary Lopunny ImageLopunny
Scyther ImageScyther Kleavor ImageKleavor Mime Jr. ImageMime Jr. Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Spheal ImageSpheal Sealeo ImageSealeo
Chatot ImageChatot Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark

Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

Obsidian Fieldlands Wisps

Wisp Locations in Obsidian Fieldlands

Obsidian Fieldlands Wisps Map
Obsidian Fieldlands Wisp Map Small.png
View Full Map Image
Number of Wisps 20

Obsidian Fieldlands Wisp Locations and Maps

Old Verse Locations in Obsidian Fieldlands

Old Verse Locations and Maps

Obsidian Fieldlands Missions and Requests


No. Mission/Request Requested By
Mission Description
2 The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial Captain Cyllene
You've been set on a trial you must clear to join the Galaxy Team. If you want to stay in the village, catch yourself a Bidoof, a Starly, and a Shinx in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
4 Getting to Work on Research Tasks Professor Laventon
In order to complete the Pokedex, you'll need to accomplish research tasks set by Professor Laventon. Speak to the professor to learn more.


No. Mission/Request Requested By
How to Complete
6 Mushroom Cake Marketing Morel
Give Morel a Springy Mushroom.
Mushroom Cake Recipe
11 The Timbre of the Fields Yeo
Show Yeo the completed Pokedex entry for Kricketot.
Vivichoke (x3)
13 Trees that Bear Berries Bjorn
Give Bjorn Cheri Berries.
Poke Ball (x15)
15 Balloon Race in the Fieldlands Balloon Race
Burst 17 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Obsidian Fieldlands.
Rare Candy (x1)
Feather Ball (x15)
51 Coming Up Roses Heimo
Catch a Scyther and show Heimo
Seed of Mastery (x1)
102 Daybreak -
Finish the cutscene
Dawn Stone (x1)
Seed of Mastery (x1)
Exp. Candy XL (x3)

Obsidian Noble Pokemon (Boss)


PLA Kleavor Intro.png

Kleavor will charge at you, at which point you can dodge with Y. This will render him temporarily unconscious, allowing for you to summon a Pokemon and battle with it! After defeating it in battle, throwing balms will drain the bar above it more quickly than if you do not engage in battle!

How to Beat Kleavor

Obsidian Fieldlands Items

Obtainable Items

Obsidian Fieldlands Items
Apricorn ImageApricorn Black Tumblestone ImageBlack Tumblestone Bugwort ImageBugwort
Cheri Berry ImageCheri Berry Dazzling Honey ImageDazzling Honey Iron Chunk ImageIron Chunk
KingKing's Leaf Leppa Berry ImageLeppa Berry Medicinal Leek ImageMedicinal Leek
Medicinal Leek ImageMedicinal Leek Nanab Berry ImageNanab Berry Oran Berry ImageOran Berry
Pep-Up Plant ImagePep-Up Plant Pinap Berry ImagePinap Berry Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry
Sky Tumblestone ImageSky Tumblestone Spoiled Apricorn ImageSpoiled Apricorn Springy Mushroom ImageSpringy Mushroom
Stardust ImageStardust Tumblestone ImageTumblestone Vivichoke ImageVivichoke
Wood ImageWood

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Maps & Locations

Full Hisui Map: All Maps and Locations

Main Locations
Jubilife Village Obsidian Fieldlands
Crimson Mirelands Cobalt Coastlands
Coronet Highlands Alabaster Icelands


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