Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Who is Ingo: Ingo Character Profile

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Legends Arceus - Warden Ingo character profile

Ingo is a Warden from the Pearl Clan in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn more about Ingo and his role in the story!

Ingo Profile and Battle Guide
Ingo ProfileIngo Character Profile Ingo BattleHow to Beat Ingo

Who is Ingo?

Clan / Organization Pearl Clan
Role Warden
Noble Pokemon Sneasler

Ingo is one of the wardens from the Pearl Clan. He wears a white and pink Pearl Clan uniform, a blue trench coat, and a blue cap.

You'll first meet him at Jubilife Village at the beginning of the mission Scaling Perilous Heights.

Takes care of Sneasler

Legends Arceus - Ingo with Sneasler

As one of Pearl Clan's wardens, Ingo is tasked to watch over a special Sneasler. Ingo will challenge you to a Pokemon battle after exiting the Ancient Quarry, hoping that it will jog his memory. After winning, he will call his Sneasler and lend you its help to climb the cliffs to Moonview Arena.

How to Beat Ingo: Ingo Pokemon and Team

Summon with the Celestica Flute

Legends Arceus - Climbing with Sneasler

Using the Celestica Flute, you can summon this special Sneasler to climb cliffs and reach higher areas. You can also call Sneasler if you want to descend safely from a high place.

How to Ride Pokemon

Was sent back in time and lost his memories

Legends Arceus - Ingo recalling his memories

Yes, he is the same Ingo from the Unova region. Ingo was also sent back in time to the Hisui region and lost his memories—similar to what happened to the protagonist. After quelling the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Electrode, he will regain parts of his memories and tell how humans and Pokemon live together in the future.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides


List of All Characters

Clans and Organizations in the Hisui Region

Clans and Organizations in the Hisui Region

List of Wardens

List of Wardens and What They Do

Galaxy Expedition Team

Galaxy Expedition Team
KamadoCommander Kamado
CylleneCaptain Cyllene Akari and ReiAkari and Rei LaventonProfessor Laventon

Galaxy Expedition Team Profile

Diamond Clan

Diamond Clan
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IscanIscan ArezuArezu MaiMai
MelliMelli SabiSabi -

Diamond Clan Profile

Pearl Clan

Pearl Clan
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LianLian CalabaCalaba PalinaPalina
IngoIngo GaericGaeric -

Pearl Clan Profile

Ginkgo Guild

Ginkgo Guild
Ginter ProfileGinter
- Volo ProfileVolo -

Ginkgo Guild Profile

Ancient Retreat Residents

Ancient Retreat Resident
Cogita ProfileCogita

Jubilife Village Residents

Jubilife Village Residents
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1 Nabout 3 years

POOR INGO T_T isekai'd into PLA...


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