Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Cobalt Coastlands Map and Pokemon List

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PLA Cobalt Coastlands

Cobalt Coastlands is an area in Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to see a map of the area, all Pokemon that can be encountered, as well as wisps, items and available missions and requests!

Cobalt Coastlands Map

Cobalt Coastlands Map

View Full Map Image

Cobalt Coastlands Pokemon

All Alpha Pokemon Locations

All Alpha Pokemon Locations and Maps

Tap to Jump Ahead!
Sand's Reach Crossing Slope Ginkgo Landing
Aipom Hill Bathers' Lagoon Hideaway Bay
Deadwood Haunt Tombolo Walk Tranquility Cove
Castaway Shore Windbreak Stand Veilstone Cape
Lunker's Lair Spring Path Islespy Shore
Seagrass Haven Firespit Island -

Sand's Reach

Alpha Pokemon

Gyarados ImageGyarados

Regular Pokemon

Gyarados ImageGyarados Remoraid ImageRemoraid

Crossing Slope

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Eevee ImageEevee Burmy ImageBurmy Wormadam ImageWormadam
Tangela ImageTangela Murkrow ImageMurkrow Glameow ImageGlameow
Purugly ImagePurugly

Ginkgo Landing

Alpha Pokemon

Walrein ImageWalrein Drapion ImageDrapion

Regular Pokemon

Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia Drifloon ImageDrifloon
Drifblim ImageDrifblim Burmy ImageBurmy Wormadam ImageWormadam
Mothim ImageMothim Geodude ImageGeodude Spheal ImageSpheal
Walrein ImageWalrein Skorupi ImageSkorupi Drapion ImageDrapion
Mantyke ImageMantyke Mantyke ImageMantyke

Aipom Hill

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Buizel ImageBuizel Floatzel ImageFloatzel Mothim ImageMothim
Geodude ImageGeodude Combee ImageCombee Aipom ImageAipom
Ambipom ImageAmbipom

Bathers' Lagoon

Alpha Pokemon

Golduck ImageGolduck

Regular Pokemon

Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Buizel ImageBuizel
Floatzel ImageFloatzel Burmy ImageBurmy Wormadam ImageWormadam
Geodude ImageGeodude Psyduck ImagePsyduck Golduck ImageGolduck
Togepi ImageTogepi Honchkrow ImageHonchkrow

Hideaway Bay

Alpha Pokemon

Ambipom ImageAmbipom

Regular Pokemon

Aipom ImageAipom Ambipom ImageAmbipom Happiny ImageHappiny
Chansey ImageChansey Murkrow ImageMurkrow

Deadwood Haunt

Alpha Pokemon

Dusknoir ImageDusknoir

Regular Pokemon

Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia Staraptor ImageStaraptor
Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Chatot ImageChatot
Duskull ImageDuskull Dusclops ImageDusclops Dusknoir ImageDusknoir

Tombolo Walk

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Chansey ImageChansey Budew ImageBudew

Tranquility Cove

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Shellos ImageShellos
Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Togepi ImageTogepi Togetic ImageTogetic
Remoraid ImageRemoraid Mantyke ImageMantyke Mantyke ImageMantyke
Mantine ImageMantine Basculin ImageBasculin

Castaway Shore

Alpha Pokemon

Octillery ImageOctillery Machoke ImageMachoke

Regular Pokemon

Remoraid ImageRemoraid Octillery ImageOctillery Skorupi ImageSkorupi
Machop ImageMachop Machoke ImageMachoke

Windbreak Stand

Alpha Pokemon

No Pokemon to display.

Regular Pokemon

Graveler ImageGraveler Stantler ImageStantler Paras ImageParas
Parasect ImageParasect Pikachu ImagePikachu Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe

Veilstone Cape

Alpha Pokemon

Purugly ImagePurugly

Regular Pokemon

Beautifly ImageBeautifly Dustox ImageDustox Burmy ImageBurmy
Wormadam ImageWormadam Mothim ImageMothim Geodude ImageGeodude
Murkrow ImageMurkrow Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe Glameow ImageGlameow
Purugly ImagePurugly Vulpix ImageVulpix

Lunker's Lair

Alpha Pokemon

Tentacruel ImageTentacruel

Regular Pokemon

Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Tentacool ImageTentacool Tentacruel ImageTentacruel

Spring Path

Alpha Pokemon

Mothim ImageMothim

Regular Pokemon

Bibarel ImageBibarel Mothim ImageMothim Graveler ImageGraveler
Golduck ImageGolduck Toxicroak ImageToxicroak Piplup ImagePiplup
Prinplup ImagePrinplup

Islespy Shore

Alpha Pokemon

Empoleon ImageEmpoleon

Regular Pokemon

Graveler ImageGraveler Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Murkrow ImageMurkrow
Sealeo ImageSealeo Walrein ImageWalrein Octillery ImageOctillery
Empoleon ImageEmpoleon Basculin ImageBasculin Tentacool ImageTentacool
Tentacruel ImageTentacruel

Seagrass Haven

Alpha Pokemon

Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Lumineon ImageLumineon

Regular Pokemon

Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Tentacool ImageTentacool
Tentacruel ImageTentacruel Finneon ImageFinneon Lumineon ImageLumineon

Firespit Island

Alpha Pokemon

Ninetales ImageNinetales

Regular Pokemon

Graveler ImageGraveler Ninetales ImageNinetales Magby ImageMagby
Magmar ImageMagmar

Cobalt Coastlands Space-Time Distortion Pokemon

Space-Time Distortion Spawn Types

Appears → Disappears
(Repeating Spawn)
Randomly Appear
(Limited Spawn)

There are two ways a Pokemon spawns in Space-Time Distortions. One way, the repeating spawn type, is that a set of 2-3 Pokemon will consistently appear and disappear near the player throughout the Space-Time Distortion.

The other method, the limited spawn type, is that some Pokemon will just spawn randomly and may not respawn once it vanishes. This is usually the case for rarer Pokemon and ones that can only be caught during Space-Time Distortions. After completing the main story and watching the credits, the Starter Pokemon can also appear as limited spawns as well.

Repeating Spawn
Eevee ImageEevee Flareon ImageFlareon Vaporeon ImageVaporeon Mr. Mime ImageMr. Mime
Kadabra ImageKadabra Alakazam ImageAlakazam Rhydon ImageRhydon Rhyperior ImageRhyperior
Skuntank ImageSkuntank Carnivine ImageCarnivine
Limited Spawn
Magnemite ImageMagnemite Magneton ImageMagneton Magnezone ImageMagnezone

Space-Time Distortions: How to Find and List of Pokemon

Cobalt Coastlands Massive Mass Outbreak Pokemon

Starly ImageStarly Staravia ImageStaravia Staraptor ImageStaraptor Geodude ImageGeodude
Graveler ImageGraveler Golem ImageGolem Psyduck ImagePsyduck Golduck ImageGolduck
Aipom ImageAipom Ambipom ImageAmbipom Magikarp ImageMagikarp Gyarados ImageGyarados
Shellos ImageShellos Gastrodon ImageGastrodon Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish Overqwil ImageOverqwil
Happiny ImageHappiny Chansey ImageChansey Blissey ImageBlissey Onix ImageOnix
Steelix ImageSteelix Togepi ImageTogepi Togetic ImageTogetic Togekiss ImageTogekiss
Spheal ImageSpheal Sealeo ImageSealeo Walrein ImageWalrein Skorupi ImageSkorupi
Drapion ImageDrapion Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe Hisuian Arcanine ImageHisuian Arcanine Glameow ImageGlameow
Purugly ImagePurugly Machop ImageMachop Machoke ImageMachoke Machamp ImageMachamp
Chatot ImageChatot Piplup ImagePiplup Prinplup ImagePrinplup Empoleon ImageEmpoleon
Mantyke ImageMantyke Mantine ImageMantine Basculin ImageBasculin Basculegion ImageBasculegion
Vulpix ImageVulpix Ninetales ImageNinetales Tentacool ImageTentacool Tentacruel ImageTentacruel
Finneon ImageFinneon Lumineon ImageLumineon Magby ImageMagby Magmar ImageMagmar
Magmortar ImageMagmortar Cleffa ImageCleffa Clefairy ImageClefairy Riolu ImageRiolu
Lucario ImageLucario

Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

Cobalt Coastlands Wisps

Wisp Locations in Cobalt Coastlands

Cobalt Coastlands Wisps Map
Cobalt Coastlands Wisp Map Small.png
View Full Map Image
Number of Wisps 20

Cobalt Coastlands Wisp Locations and Maps

Old Verse Locations in Cobalt Coastlands

Old Verse Locations and Maps

Cobalt Coastlands Missions and Requests


No. Mission/Request Requested By
Mission Description
10 The Lordless Island Commander Kamado
Curious rumors have been pouring in from the Cobalt Coastlands, an area without a noble Pokémon. You must find out what’s behind these strange happenings.


No. Mission/Request Requested By
How to Complete
46 Setting Up the Coastlands Camp Gully
Find Yorrich and defeat the Chatot
A new base camp!
47 Balloon Race in the Coastlands Balloon Race
Pop 24 Balloons in the Balloon Race minigame
Nugget (x1)
Ultra Ball (x10)
49 Keep an Eye Out for Aipom! Hiko
Chase down and defeat the Aimpom in battle
Scatter Bang (x5)
Exp. Candy M (x1)
55 Poor, Peckish Piplup Maris
Give Maris a Bean Cake
Razz Berry (x5)
Hyper Potion (x3)
56 Getting Help from Machoke Bosley
Complete Machoke's Pokedex entry
Grit Gravel (x3)
Aux Powerguard (x1)
106 Adaman's Hope Adaman
Defeat Adaman in battle with only Origin Forme Dialga
Exp. Candy XL (x1)
Leaf Stone (x1)

Cobalt Coastlands Noble Pokemon (Boss)

Hisuian Arcanine

PLA Noble Hisuian Arcanine.png

Arcanine will be the toughest boss you've fought so far, so keep your guard up! It is swift at moving around, and will leave behind fire that severely limits where you are capable of moving! Be sure to bring Pokemon with Water or Ground type moves to exploit its weaknesses!

How to Beat Hisuian Arcanine

Cobalt Coastlands Items

Obtainable Items

Cobalt Coastlands Items
Apricorn ImageApricorn Black Tumblestone ImageBlack Tumblestone Bugwort ImageBugwort
Caster Fern ImageCaster Fern Dazzling Honey ImageDazzling Honey Exp. Candy S ImageExp. Candy S
Grain Cake ImageGrain Cake Great Ball ImageGreat Ball Honey Cake ImageHoney Cake
Iron Chunk ImageIron Chunk Leppa Berry ImageLeppa Berry Medicinal Leek ImageMedicinal Leek
Mushroom Cake ImageMushroom Cake Nanab Berry ImageNanab Berry Oran Berry ImageOran Berry
Pecha Berry ImagePecha Berry Pinap Berry ImagePinap Berry Plump Beans ImagePlump Beans
Poke Ball ImagePoke Ball Pop Pod ImagePop Pod Razz Berry ImageRazz Berry
Scatter Bang ImageScatter Bang Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry Sky Tumblestone ImageSky Tumblestone
Smoke Bomb ImageSmoke Bomb Spoiled Apricorn ImageSpoiled Apricorn Stardust ImageStardust
Sticky Glob ImageSticky Glob Thunder Stone ImageThunder Stone Tumblestone ImageTumblestone
Vivichoke ImageVivichoke

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus Maps & Locations

Full Hisui Map: All Maps and Locations

Main Locations
Jubilife Village Obsidian Fieldlands
Crimson Mirelands Cobalt Coastlands
Coronet Highlands Alabaster Icelands


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