Pokemon Legends: Arceus

List of All Poison Type Pokemon

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PLA - List of all Poison Type Pokemon.png
This is a list of all Poison Type Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn Poison Type Pokemon strengths, weaknesses, and type advantages!

List of Poison Type Pokemon

Dex #
Pokemon Type Location - How to Get
22 Dustox ImageDustox
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Bug Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Obsidian Fieldlands - Floaro Gardens, The Heartwood, Grueling Grove
Cobalt Coastlands - Veilstone Cape
34 Zubat ImageZubat
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Flying Type Icon
Obsidian Fieldlands - Deertrack Path, Nature's Pantry, The Heartwood, Oreburrow Tunnel
Crimson Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout, Wayward Cave
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
35 Golbat ImageGolbat
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Flying Type Icon
Obsidian Fieldlands - Oreburrow Tunnel
Crimson Mirelands - Bolderoll Slope, Diamond Heath, Cloudpool Ridge
Coronet Highlands - Heavenward Lookout, Wayward Cave
Alabaster Icelands - Snowpoint Temple
36 Crobat ImageCrobat
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Flying Type Icon
Coronet Highlands - Wayward Cave
Alabaster Icelands - Icebound Falls
84 Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dark Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Obsidian Fieldlands - Ramanas Island
Cobalt Coastlands - Tranquility Cove, Lunker's Lair, Islespy Shore
85 Overqwil ImageOverqwil
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dark Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Evolution only - Evolve by letting Hisuian Qwilfish use Barb Barrage in Strong Style 20 times.
89 Budew ImageBudew
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog
Cobalt Coastlands - Fabled Spring
90 Roselia ImageRoselia
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Cloudpool Ridge
Cobalt Coastlands - Fabled Spring
91 Roserade ImageRoserade
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Cloudpool Ridge
99 Croagunk ImageCroagunk
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, Holm of Trials
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
100 Toxicroak ImageToxicroak
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Holm of Trials
Cobalt Coastlands - Spring Path
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
110 Stunky ImageStunky
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dark Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Scarlet Bog
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
111 Skuntank ImageSkuntank
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dark Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Scarlet Bog
Coronet Highlands - Ancient Quarry
136 Gastly ImageGastly
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Golden Lowlands, Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, Shrouded Ruins
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes
137 Haunter ImageHaunter
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Crimson Mirelands - Gapejaw Bog, Scarlet Bog, Shrouded Ruins, Cottonsedge Prairie
Coronet Highlands - Bolderoll Ravine, Sacred Plaza, Celestica Ruins
Alabaster Icelands - Bonechill Wastes
138 Gengar ImageGengar
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Obsidian Fieldlands - Space-Time Distortions
148 Skorupi ImageSkorupi
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Bug Type Icon
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing, Castaway Shore
149 Drapion ImageDrapion
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Dark Type Icon
Cobalt Coastlands - Ginkgo Landing
170 Tentacool ImageTentacool
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Water Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Cobalt Coastlands - Lunker's Lair, Seagrass Haven, Islespy Shore
171 Tentacruel ImageTentacruel
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Water Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Cobalt Coastlands - Lunker's Lair, Seagrass Haven, Islespy Shore
202.1 Hisuian Sneasel ImageHisuian Sneasel
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon
Coronet Highlands - Celestica Trail, Primeval Grotto
Alabaster Icelands - Avalugg's Legacy, Glacier Terrace
203 Sneasler ImageSneasler
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon
Evolution only - Evolve by using the Razor Claw on Hisuian Sneasel at Noon.

Hisui Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

Poison Type Strengths and Weaknesses

Damage Dealt When Attacking When Defending
2x Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ground Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Psychic Type Icon
1/2x Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ground Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Rock Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fighting Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Poison Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Bug Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fairy Type Icon
No Effect Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Steel Type Icon None

Type Weakness Chart: All Matchups and Effectiveness

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Pokedex Partial Banner
Hisui Pokedex: List of All Pokemon

Special Pokemon

Special Pokemon
Arceus - Starter PokemonStarter Pokemon Arceus - Alpha PokemonAlpha Pokemon Arceus - Noble PokemonNoble Pokemon

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Arceus - Generation 1 PokemonGen 1 Arceus - Generation 2 PokemonGen 2 Arceus - Generation 3 PokemonGen 3 Arceus - Generation 4 PokemonGen 4
Arceus - Generation 5 PokemonGen 5 Arceus - Generation 6 PokemonGen 6 Arceus - Generation 7 PokemonGen 7 Arceus - Generation 8 PokemonGen 8

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon by Type

Arceus - Bug Type PokemonBug Arceus - Dark Type PokemonDark Arceus - Dragon Type PokemonDragon
Arceus - Electric Type PokemonElectric Arceus - Fairy Type PokemonFairy Arceus - Fighting Type PokemonFighting
Arceus - Fire Type PokemonFire Arceus - Flying Type PokemonFlying Arceus - Ghost Type PokemonGhost
Arceus - Grass Type PokemonGrass Arceus - Ground Type PokemonGround Arceus - Ice Type PokemonIce
Arceus - Normal Type PokemonNormal Arceus - Poison Type PokemonPoison Arceus - Psychic Type PokemonPsychic
Arceus - Rock Type PokemonRock Arceus - Steel Type PokemonSteel Arceus - Water Type PokemonWater

Pokemon by Stats

Pokemon by Locations


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