Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Cyndaquil - How to Get and Location, Evolution, and Research Tasks

✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
☆ Check out all PLA Pokemon Transferrable to BDSP!
★ Finish the story → Story Walkthrough
┣ Complete the Dex → Pokemon Locations / Trading Board
┗ Research Tasks → Best Tasks / Farm Research Points

Legends Arceus - Cyndaquil

Cyndaquil in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Cyndaquil is one of the Pokemon found in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on for more information on how to get Cyndaquil and all locations, its evolutions, type advantages, stats, what moves Cyndaquil learns, and how to complete all research tasks for Cyndaquil.

Hisui Pokedex
Pokemon Legends Arceus Hisuian DecidueyeHisuian Decidueye
Pokemon Legends Arceus CyndaquilCyndaquil
Pokemon Legends Arceus QuilavaQuilava

How to Get Cyndaquil


When you choose to join the Galaxy Team's Survey Corps, Professor Laventon will entrust you with one of three available starters.

You can choose Cyndaquil to join you as your partner before you start your adventure!

All Starter Pokemon

Appears in Space-Time Distortions Post-Game

Space-Time Distortions

Distortion Locations
Crimson Mirelands

Cyndaquil can be caught randomly in Space-Time Distortions found in the areas listed above after clearing the main game.

Space-Time Distortions: How to Find and List of Pokemon

Appears in Massive Mass Outbreaks

This Pokemon can appear in Massive Mass Outbreaks in the following maps after downloading the Daybreak and Ver. 1.1.0 Update.

Crimson Mirelands

Massive Mass Outbreaks Guide and List of Pokemon

The Other Starters are available in the Post-Game too

Consequently, you can catch the other two starter Pokemon in these Space-Time Distortions as well, meaning that you no longer have to trade Pokemon in order to complete the starters unlike in previous games. Starters from the Space-Time Distortions also have a chance to be shiny!

Are Starters and Legendaries Shiny Locked?

Receive Cyndaquil from Professor Laventon Post Game

Once you have reached post-game, visit the Galaxy Team HQ and talk to Captain Cyllene followed by Professor Laventon.

The professor will hand you the two starters you did not choose at the beginning of the game if you agree to bring them along to your excursions.

Can the Starter Cyndaquil be Shiny?

All Pokemon found through static encounters are shiny-locked, meaning they are unable to be shiny. This applies to the starter you choose from Professor Laventon at the start of the game.

Starters found through other means will have a chance to be shiny, but you won't be able to have a shiny starter join you on your adventure.
How to Get Shiny Pokemon

Cyndaquil Evolution

Evolution Line
Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil Lv. 17
Quilava ImageQuilava Lv. 36
Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion

Research Tasks for Cyndaquil

Research Tasks and Objectives

Research Task Objectives
Double Icon
Number caught 1/2/3/4/5
Double Icon
Times you've seen it use Ember 1/2/4/10/15
Times you've seen it use Quick Attack 1/2/4/10/15
Times you've seen it use Flame Wheel 1/2/4/10/15
Times you've seen it use a strong style move 1/2/4/10/15
Times you've seen it use a agile style move 1/2/4/10/15
Double Icon
Number you've evolved 1
Double Icon = 2 Research Levels

How to Complete Cyndaquil's Research Tasks Fast

Use Ember four times, then evolve it.

As you progress through the story, the number of Research Points you still need for each Pokemon will undoubtedly change, but following the process above and skipping unneeded steps will work for achieving the goal.

Research Tasks Guide: How to Complete the Pokedex

Cyndaquil Type and Basic Info

Cyndaquil - Description

PLA - Cinematic Cyndaquil.png
First introduced in Generation 2, Cyndaquil served as the Fire-type starter Pokemon in the Johto Region.

This timid mouse-like creature will often shoot flames out of its back to intimidate foes. When startled or surprised, the flames will burn more vigorously.

Professor Laventon came to the Hisui Region bringing along Cyndaquil and other Pokemon he met in various other regions. He will entrust you with Cyndaquil if you choose it as your partner before you start your adventure!

Best Starter Pokemon

Cyndaquil - Basic Info

Category Fire Mouse Pokemon
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon
Height 1' 08" Weight 17.4 lbs
Pokedex Entry Hails from the Johto region. Though usually curled into a ball due to its timid disposition, it harbors tremendous firepower.

Preferred Foods

Preferred Foods
Springy Mushroom ImageSpringy Mushroom Hearty Grains ImageHearty Grains Plump Beans ImagePlump Beans

Item Drops (Items Carried)

Items Carried
Spoiled Apricorn ImageSpoiled Apricorn Oran Berry ImageOran Berry

Cyndaquil Type Effectiveness

Takes 4x damage
Takes 2x damage
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Water Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ground Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Rock Type Icon
Takes 0.5x damage
Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Grass Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Ice Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Bug Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Steel Type Icon Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fairy Type Icon
Takes 1/4x damage
Takes 0x damage

Unlisted types deal neutral damage to Cyndaquil

Cyndaquil Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Cyndaquil Learnset

Learnset by Leveling Up

Lv. (Master) Move Type BP Acc. PP
1 (10) Quick Attack Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon 40 100 20
6 (15) Ember Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon 40 100 25
11 (20) Rollout Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Rock Type Icon 40 90 20
18 (28) Flame Wheel Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon 60 100 20
25 (35) Swift Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon 60 - 20
34 (45) Flamethrower Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon 80 100 10
43 (54) Overheat Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon 110 90 5

Learned from the Training Grounds

Move Type BP Acc PP
Aerial Ace Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Flying Type Icon 60 - 20
Swift Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon 60 - 20
Rest Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Normal Type Icon 0 - 10
Iron Tail Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Steel Type Icon 100 75 5
Wild Charge Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Electric Type Icon 85 100 10
Flamethrower Pokemon Legends: Arceus - Fire Type Icon 80 100 10

Cyndaquil Pokedex Number

Hisui Pokedex
Pokemon Legends Arceus Hisuian DecidueyeHisuian Decidueye
Pokemon Legends Arceus CyndaquilCyndaquil
Pokemon Legends Arceus QuilavaQuilava

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Cyndaquil in Other Pokemon Games

Cyndaquil in Other Pokemon Games
Pokemon_Scarlet_Logo.pngSV Pokemon Brilliant Diamond LogoBDSP Pokemon Legends Arceus LogoPLA

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Pokedex

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Pokedex Partial Banner

Hisui Pokedex: List of All Pokemon

Special Pokemon

Special Pokemon
Arceus - Starter PokemonStarter Pokemon Arceus - Alpha PokemonAlpha Pokemon Arceus - Noble PokemonNoble Pokemon

Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Arceus - Generation 1 PokemonGen 1 Arceus - Generation 2 PokemonGen 2 Arceus - Generation 3 PokemonGen 3 Arceus - Generation 4 PokemonGen 4
Arceus - Generation 5 PokemonGen 5 Arceus - Generation 6 PokemonGen 6 Arceus - Generation 7 PokemonGen 7 Arceus - Generation 8 PokemonGen 8

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon by Type

Arceus - Bug Type PokemonBug Arceus - Dark Type PokemonDark Arceus - Dragon Type PokemonDragon
Arceus - Electric Type PokemonElectric Arceus - Fairy Type PokemonFairy Arceus - Fighting Type PokemonFighting
Arceus - Fire Type PokemonFire Arceus - Flying Type PokemonFlying Arceus - Ghost Type PokemonGhost
Arceus - Grass Type PokemonGrass Arceus - Ground Type PokemonGround Arceus - Ice Type PokemonIce
Arceus - Normal Type PokemonNormal Arceus - Poison Type PokemonPoison Arceus - Psychic Type PokemonPsychic
Arceus - Rock Type PokemonRock Arceus - Steel Type PokemonSteel Arceus - Water Type PokemonWater

Pokemon by Stats

All Pokemon by Base Stats


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