Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Best Pokemon Tier List

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Hisuian Typhlosion and Kleavor.png

This is our tier list for the best Pokemon in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn which are the strongest Pokemon and are the best to use in-game, as well as their advantages and disadvantages

Best Pokemon Tier List Video

Best Pokemon Tier List

SS Tier
Arceus ImageArceus
S Tier
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Dialga ImageDialga Palkia ImagePalkia -
A Tier
Gyarados ImageGyarados Togekiss ImageTogekiss Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
B Tier
Machamp ImageMachamp Infernape ImageInfernape Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z Rhyperior ImageRhyperior
Mamoswine ImageMamoswine Magnezone ImageMagnezone - -
C Tier
Snorlax ImageSnorlax Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion Lucario ImageLucario Electivire ImageElectivire
Sylveon ImageSylveon Basculegion ImageBasculegion Kleavor ImageKleavor -

Best Pokemon Explained

SS Tier

Pokemon Pros and Cons
Arceus ImageArceus
・Amazingly high Base Stats with 120 in each stat
・Can change into any type you want
・Judgment always hits for super effective damage with the Legend Plate

S Tier

Pokemon Pros and Cons
Garchomp ImageGarchomp
・High base stat total and is well-rounded offensively and defensively
・Has great coverage against types that dragon types normally can't handle such as Steel and Fairy

Dialga ImageDialga
・Very high base stat total and excellent resistance due to its typing
・Has a great learnset

Palkia ImagePalkia
・ Very high base stat total and is well-rounded offensively and defensively
・ Has a great learnset
・ Its Water and Dragon STAB coverage is unresisted by any Pokemon in the game except Empoleon

A Tier

Pokemon Pros and Cons
Gyarados ImageGyarados
・ High attack and special defense
・ One of the best Water-type Pokemon
The only disadvantage is that most physical Water moves have low power

Togekiss ImageTogekiss
・Best balance of offense and defense among fairy types

Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra
・Excellent Dragon and Steel typing
Not good offensively but has a very high special defense
・ Has a great learnset

Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
・Very high attack power at 140
・Its signature move (Headlong Rush) has a power and accuracy of 100

B Tier

Pokemon Pros and Cons
Machamp ImageMachamp
・Best balance of offense and defense among Fighting types
・Has a great learnset including elemental punches and Rock moves

Infernape ImageInfernape
・A speedy attacker that excels in both physical and special attacks
・Has access to STAB moves with high power
Low durability

Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z
・Hyper Beam is a STAB move with 135 power
・Has a great learnset

Rhyperior ImageRhyperior
・Very high attack and defense
・Has a great learnset including the elemental punches
Has 6 weaknesses and is very slow

Mamoswine ImageMamoswine
・High attack and defense
・Has access to STAB Ground and Ice moves
・Strong against Dragon-type Alpha Pokemon

Magnezone ImageMagnezone
・High special attack at 130 and great defense
・Excellent Electric and Steel typing
・Has excellent resistance due to its typing

C Tier

Pokemon Pros and Cons
Snorlax ImageSnorlax
・A bulky normal type that can handle most Pokemon
・Has a great learnset
Extremely slow

Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion
・High special attack but low defense
・Its signature move (Infernal Parade) has high power that can be doubled when the opponent has a status condition
・The only Fire- and Ghost-type Pokemon in the game

Lucario ImageLucario
・Excels in both physical and special attacks
・Has a great learnset
Has low durability

Electivire ImageElectivire
・Excellent attack among Electric types
・Has a great learnset including the 3 elemental punches

Sylveon ImageSylveon
・High special attack and special defense
・Excellent Fairy-type Pokemon
Has a small movepool

Basculegion ImageBasculegion
・Its signature move (Wave Crash) is a strong physical water move that also raises action speed
・ Base stat total is above average
Has no access to strong physical Ghost moves

Kleavor ImageKleavor
・Attack is high at 135 and has a good defense
・Only has 3 weaknesses despite being a Rock-type
・Can continuously damage an opponent with its signature move Stone Axe

Tier List Criteria

Favoring Balanced Defense and Offense

Due to the wide range of your opponent's levels, durability plays a larger role in the game. Pokemon that used to be very strong due to their stats and excellent movepool, but had low durability, are ranked lower.

Speed Is Not a Priority

Since turn order is mostly dictated by the Agile and Strong Styles, speed does not play as big of a role as it used to. It only becomes troublesome for Pokemon with extremely low speed who may receive attacks twice in a row or may not be able to attack for two turns in a row.

Agile and Strong Styles: How to Master Moves

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3 Anonymous7 months

A bit disappointed there aren't more Pokemon included, but nice information on what is. Appreciate you adding the criteria, so we can work better with what we've got at any time. I'd be amazed if this is ever seen, but it'd be great to have another tier maybe, to see a wider array of mons :) Either way, thanks for this!


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