Pokemon Legends: Arceus

All Trailers and Gameplay Videos

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All Trailers and Gameplay Videos

This is a summary of all the trailers and gameplay videos released for Pokemon Legends: Arceus up until now. Learn about all the new details revealed for the game up until this point!

All Trailers and Gameplay Videos

Daybreak Software Update Trailer

The Daybreak update for Pokemon Legends: Arceus has been released on February 27. This software update comes with new features in the game, as well as updating the game to Ver. 1.1.0

Daybreak and Ver. 1.1.0 Update

February 19 Trailer

Three weeks following the release of the game, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company are now revealing some of the secrets they held back from before release.

February 19 Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 25 Starter Reveals

English Version

Japanese Version

On January 25, the final Japanese trailer for Pokemon Legends: Arceus released on Twitter, which heavily teases Hisuian forms of the final evolutions of the three starters, reveals a few new Alpha Pokemon, along with a mysterious structure atop a mountain, which is likely the iconic Spear Pillar.

January 25 Final Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 25 English Overview Trailer

This 6-minute overview trailer released on January 25 and is an English version of the previously released Japanese overview trailer last January 7. It recaps most of the information shown in the previous trailer, but contains English narration and clips from the game.

Poke Times Videos

The Japanese official account Poke Times has been releasing daily videos with footage from the game. Although new info is scarce, a few new reveals are occasionally included.

Catching a Pokemon

This video shows off sneaking up on a Staravia and catching it, and approaching and starting a battle a Shinx. It is also the first appearance of the move Ember.

Adventure Guide

This clip shows the player using an Oran Berry and Smoke Bomb to aid in catching an Abra and Kricketot. The tweet also gives some helpful tips in Japanese on how to catch Pokemon.

Starting a Battle

This tweet shows off the feature of throwing a Poke Ball containing one of your Pokemon at a wild Pokemon to start a battle with them while catching them unaware, causing them to lose a turn.

Hisui 360° View

On January 18, a video was released with over two minutes of footage featuring a first-person view of the Hisui region. The player takes us on a ride across the Obsidian Fieldlands on the backs of different rideable Pokemon as we view the landscapes and Pokemon of Hisui.

Gameplay Preview

A 13-minute video with details on each aspect of gameplay was revealed on January 13! Info on Missions and Requests, Pokemon battle specifics, new items and areas, and more were revealed in the trailer.

January 13 Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 12 Trailer

A short trailer released on January 12 doesn't reveal much new footage, but it does contain a close-up look at a Rapidash knocking down berries from a tree.

January 12 Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 10 Trailer

A short, 1-min trailer was released on January 10, revealing new Alpha Pokemon, a crafting table, and the abilities to summon ridable Pokemon and have Pokemon collect crafting materials.

January 10 Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 7 Japanese Overview Trailer

The 6-min overview trailer released on January 7 reveals more in-depth look at features such as Research Levelling, the Base Camp, and Alpha Pokemon!

January 7 Trailer: Everything We Learned

January 2 Gameplay Commercial

New gameplay was shown in a commercial exclusive to Japanese television, including a volcano thought to be Stark Mountain.

January 2 Gameplay: Everything We Learned

December 15 Trailer

A new trailer on December 15 introduced new characters from three new groups – the Diamond and Pearl Clans, and the Ginkgo Guild.

December 15 Trailer: Everything We Learned

October 26 Gameplay Footage

Gameplay footage of the Hisuian forms of Zorua and Zoroark in battle was unveiled on October 26th. The footage also came with an announcement of two Mystery Gifts as early purchase bonuses.

October 26 Gameplay: Everything We Learned

Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark Reveal

On October 21st, Pokemon released a follow up to the ominous teaser posted on October 19. In this teaser, Hisuian Zorua and Hisuian Zoroark were revealed to be the Pokemon that the man spotted and was attacked by. Both have been confirmed to be Normal/Ghost-type Pokemon!

October 21 Trailer Explanation and Meaning

Pokemon Diamond and Pearl 15th Anniversary

Nintendo dropped a trailer for both Pokemon Legends: Arceus and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Pearl during the latter's predecessors' 15th anniversary.

They showcased new features such as Crafting Materials and the Celestica Flute. Additionally, they also introduced new characters called Wardens and a new type of Pokemon referred to as Noble Pokemon.

September 28 Trailer: Everything We Learned

Pokemon Presents August 18

The Pokemon Presents held on August 18 showed the Hisui region a bit more. This includes new regional variants for beloved Pokemon such as Growlithe (Hisuian Growlithe) and new evolutions for older Pokemon such as Stantler evolving into Wyrdeer.

Additionally, they showcased the Alpha Pokemon during this trailer. These are the aggressive Pokemon that chase you around if you get too close!

August 18 Trailer: Everything We Learned

25th Anniversary Pokemon Presents

The first trailer dropped during the Pokemon Presents for Pokemon 25. It showed the difference in terms of gameplay between Pokemon Legends: Arceus compared to the mainline Pokemon games.

Announcement Trailer: Everything We Learned

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