Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Wurmple Can Evolve Guide (Request 1)

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Wurmple Can Evolve.png
Wurmple Can Evolve is a Request in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to for a walkthrough of the quest, including rewards, location, how to complete, and the Pokemon you need!

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Wurmple Wurmple Can Evolve Request
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- Adorable Starly

How to Unlock Wurmple Can Evolve

Unlock Location

Beauregard Location

Outside Galaxy Hall
Request Location in Map

Jubilife Village

Unlock Condition

Complete the The Basics of Crafting Mission from the main storyline, then speak to Beauregard in front of Galaxy Hall.

The Basics of Crafting Mission Guide and Walkthrough

Wurmple Can Evolve Information

#1 Wurmple Can Evolve
Requested By Beauregard
Description Beauregard of the Security Corps heard about Evolution from the professor, and now Beauregard wants to evolve a Wurmple of his own. You need to catch one for him.
Recommended Rank 0

Wurmple Can Evolve Rewards

Reward Qty

Wurmple Can Evolve Walkthrough

Mission Objectives

Steps to proceed through Wurmple Can Evolve
1 After completing The Basics of Crafting Mission, Beauregard will approach you when you walk in front of the Galaxy Hall.
2 Talk to Beauregard to receive the request.
3 Catch a Wurmple and give it to him.
It is possible to catch a Wurmple before accepting this Request.
4 Choose a name for Wurmple to complete the Request.

Wurmple Location

Wurmple Location for the Request

Obsidian Fieldlands

Wurmple are commonly found in the plains east of the Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. They can spawn near Horseshoe Plains, which is an area near the camp. If you can't find one, keep going southeast.

Does the Reward Change Based on the Name?

Rewards stays the same regardless of name chosen

PLA Wurmple Request Name

Once you give Wurmple to Beauregard, you will be prompted to choose a name for Wurmple.

The reward is the same for whichever name you pick in this Request, and the only difference is the displayed name of Wurmple, so pick whatever you like!

Required to Unlock Request 10

Completing the first request in the game is required to unlock Request 10: Wurmple Evolved, which is also given by Beauregard. However, there are also other unlock conditions for this request that need to be met.

Wurmple Can Evolve Pokemon

Pokemon Required for the Quest

Pokemon Requirement
Pokemon Legends Arceus Bug Type
Catch and give to Beauregard

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Wurmple Wurmple Can Evolve Request
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- Adorable Starly

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

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All Request Walkthroughs and How to Unlock

List of All Requests

No. Mission No. Mission
1 Wurmple Can Evolve 2 Adorable Starly
3 What Did Shinx's Ears Look Like? 4 Big Buizel, Little Buizel
5 What It Takes to Be Awesome 6 Mushroom Cake Marketing
7 Playing With Drifloon 8 Bothersome Bidoof
9 Zubat's Eyes 10 Wurmple's Evolved
11 The Timbre of the Fields 12 A Perfect Pickling Stone
13 Trees that Bear Berries 14 Berry Helpful
15 Balloon Race in the Fieldlands 16 Strange Happenings at Midnight
17 To Bloom or Not to Bloom 18 Please! Make Me a Pokeshi Doll!
19 A Peculiar Ponyta 20 The Mysterious Will-o'-the-Wisp
21 Back-Alley Mr. Mime 22 Eerie Apparitions in the Night
23 Getting Ahold of New Wares 24 Inspiration from Hippopotas
25 The Pokemon in the Woodland Photo 26 Aim for the Big Leagues
27 Help Wanted: Plowing the Fields 28 Measuring Your Compatibility
29 The Search for Bitter Leaves 30 A Beautiful Rose...
31 Setting Up the Bogbound Camp 32 The Headache-Stricken Psyduck
33 What a Massive Mushroom! 34 Croagunk's Curative Poison
35 Battling with Pachirisu 36 Watering with Care
37 The Fragrance of Nostalgic Herbs 38 Gone Astray...in the Mirelands
39 All about Magikarp 40 The Charm Lost in the Swamp
41 An Elegant Tail 42 Help Wanted: Watering the Fields
43 More New Wares 44 The Pokemon in the Nighttime Photo
45 Shellos of the East and West 46 Setting Up the Coastlands Camp
47 Balloon Race in the Coastlands 48 The Taste of Home
49 Keep an Eye Out for Aipom! 50 Double the Tails, Double the Fun
51 Coming Up Roses 52 Eevee's Evolutions
53 Octillery's Ink 54 Serving Up Swap Snacks
55 Poor, Peckish Piplup 56 Getting Help from Machoke
57 The Taste of Honey 58 Gone Astray...in the Coastlands
59 Misdreavus the Hairstyle Muse 60 Help Wanted: Rock Smashing in the Fields
61 Even More New Wares 62 The Pokemon in the River Photo
63 Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam 64 Getting to Know the Ghosts
65 Setting Up the Mountain Camp 66 The Sea's Legend
67 The Clefairy's Moonlit Dance 68 A Nosepass to Guide the Way
69 Gone Astray...in the Highlands 70 Colorful New Looks
71 New Wares Yet Again 72 Pesselle's Easy Errand
73 Which is the Real Burmy? 74 A Bit of Help from Blissey
75 Kirlia the Hairstyle Muse 76 Mushroom Hunting with Swinub
77 Gone Astray...in the Fieldlands 78 Setting Up the Icepeak Camp
79 Balloon Race in the Icelands 80 The Perfect Pickle Recipe
81 In Search of a Fiery Pokemon 82 Traces of a Lost Village
83 Snow-White Vulpix in the Snow 84 The Bergmite Enthusiast
85 At Home under the Eaves 86 Gone Astray...in the Icelands
87 Rolling with Spheal 88 Steely Lucario
89 The Diamond Clan's Treasure 90 The Pearl Clan's Treasure
91 On the Trail of Giratina 92 A Token of Gratitude
93 The Darksome Nightmare 94 Incarnate Forces of Hisui
95 A New Anomaly 96 Massive Mass Outbreak in the Fieldlands
97 Massive Mass Outbreak in the Mirelands 98 Massive Mass Outbreak in the Coastlands
99 Tricky Treat Strategy 100 Massive Mass Outbreak in the Highlands
101 Massive Mass Outbreak in the Icelands 102 Daybreak
103 Digging for Tomorrow 104 Battling the Security Corps' Secret Weapon
105 The Ultimate Balloon Race 106 Adaman's Hope
107 Irida's Wish 108 Bidoof's Path of Solitude
109 Eevee's Path of Solitude 110 Wormadam's Path of Solitude
111 Abra's Path of Solitude 112 Blissey's Path of Solitude
113 Sneasel's Path of Solitude 114 Rotom's Path of Solitude
115 Bastiodon's Path of Solitude 116 Roselia's Path of Solitude
117 Magikarp's Path of Solitude 118 Roserade's Path of Solitude
119 Kleavor's Path of Solitude 120 Lilligant's Path of Solitude
121 Wurmple's Path of Solitude 122 Kricketot's Path of Solitude


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