Pokemon Legends: Arceus

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Walkthrough: How to Beat Sabi

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The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Walkthrough

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra is a Mission in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn the Snowpoint Temple Puzzle Solution, with a walkthrough of the quest, including rewards, location, how to complete, and the Pokemon you need!

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The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Walkthrough

Video Explanation

Mission Objectives

Steps to proceed through The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
1 After speaking to Commander Kamado about the final Frenzied Lord, enter Captain Cyllene's office to recieve more information about the next area. You need to reach the rank of Fifth Star first before you can continue the mission.
2 Head over to the village gate and defeat Rei/Akari.
You will be against a Lv46 Mr. Mime, a Lv46 Staravia, and a Lv47 Pikachu in this battle.
Travel to Alabaster Icelands and head to Avalugg's Legacy at the center of the map, where Gaeric will challenge you to a battle.
Gaeric will send out a Lv48 Glalie and a Lv24 Froslass.
4 Talk to Sabi and follow her to Whiteout Valley.
5 Head north to Snowpoint Temple and reach to the top floor by solving the puzzles.
First door: Rock → Steel → Ice
Second door: Ice → Rock → Steel → Rock → Ice
Third Door: Steel → Ice → Rock → Ice → Steel → Rock
Snowpoint Temple Door Puzzle Solution
6 Defeat Sabi in a trainer battle once at the top. Sabi will send in a Lv50 Rhyperior, a Lv30 Magmortar, and a Lv30 Electivire in this 3v1 battle.
How to Beat Sabi
7 Prepare for the next battle, ascend the stairs, and prove your strength to Braviary next, which will be at Lv54.
Braviary will be unlocked as a Rideable Pokemon after winning.
8 Fly down to the large mass of ice at the center of Avalugg's Legacy and obtain a piece of Eternal Ice.
9 Make your way to Icepeak Arena and quell the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg.
Frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg Boss Guide
10 Report back to Commander Kamado to complete the mission.
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Scaling Perilous Heights Disaster Looming

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Tips and Strategies

Set Up the Icepeak Camp

Legends Arceus set up the Icepeak Camp

Before you proceed to the Pearl Settlement, make a left and find Brice south of Lake Acuity and accept his Request. Next, cross the river and find Craig by the tree and speak to him. Return to Brice to complete the Request and set up the Icepeak Camp.

This camp will make it easier for you to reach Snowpoint Temple and other areas on the upper half of the map.

Setting Up the Icepeak Camp Guide and Walkthrough

Opening the Doors in Snowpoint Temple

Legends Arceus solving the Snowpoint Temple door puzzle

Order to touch the panels
1st door Rock → Steel → Ice
2nd door Ice → Rock → Steel → Rock → Ice
3rd door Steel → Ice → Rock → Ice → Steel → Rock

To unlock the doors inside the Snowpoint Temple, you'll have to touch the panels in the order shown above. These marks are found on the statues along the path before the door.

Snowpoint Temple Door Puzzle Solutions

Best Pokemon to Use Against Sabi

Legends Arceus defeating Sabi

Recommended Pokemon
Garchomp ImageGarchomp Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna Hippowdon ImageHippowdon

All three Pokemon that Sabi will send out are weak to Ground type moves so it's best to bring Pokemon with strong Ground type moves that are also not weak to Electric, Ground, and Fire type moves like Garchomp, Ursaluna, and Hippowdon.

Additionally, you can take out Electivire first and let your Water type Pokemon handle Rhyperior and Magmortar.

Keep Dodging Avalugg's Attacks until the Ice Beam

Legends Arceus attack Avalugg after the ice beam

Most of Avalugg's attacks will have you running around the arena and dodging that you won't have enough chance to throw Snow Balms.

Keep dodging its attacks until the Ice Beam then throw in your strongest Pokemon with a Fighting or Steel type move. Defeat Avalugg in battle to stun and make it more vulnerable to balms for a short while.

How to Beat Hisuian Avalugg

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Information

#12 The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
Requested By Commander Kamado
Description Avalugg, the Lord of the Tundra, has been driven into a frenzy by the strange lightning. Investigate the matter and find a way to quell his frenzy.
Recommended Rank 5

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Location

The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra Map

Alabaster Icelands

How to Unlock The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra

Quell the Frenzied Noble Electrode

Following the events of the previous mission, once you have quelled the Noble Electrode, speak to Commander Kamado to unlock this mission.

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Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Links

Story Walkthrough Banner

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Story Walkthrough Guides

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Other Story Walkthrough Guides

Other Story Guides
Arezu Location in Mission 8 How to Get to Brava Arena
Snowpoint Temple Door Puzzle Solution Story Summary and Ending Explained

List of All Missions

No. Mission No. Mission
1 In an Unfamiliar Land 2 The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial
3 The Basics of Crafting 4 Getting to Work on Research Tasks
5 A Request from Mai 6 Summoned by Commander Kamado
7 The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods 8 Arezu's Predicament
9 A New Mission 10 The Lordless Island
11 Scaling Perilous Heights 12 The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
13 Disaster Looming 14 The Trial of Lake Verity
15 The Trial of Lake Valor 16 The Trial of Lake Acuity
17 Atop Mount Coronet 18 The Counterpart
19 A New Day Dawns 20 The Researcher of Myths
21 The Plate of the Lakes 22 The Plate of Firespit Island
23 The Plate of Moonview Arena 24 The Plate of Snowpoint Temple
25 The Plate of Prelude Beach 26 Seeking the Remaining Plates
27 The Deified Pokemon


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