Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Complete Story Walkthrough

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Legends Arceus Story Walkthrough

Learn how to complete the game and handle all the Frenzied Noble Pokemon with Game8's complete story walkthrough for Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn how to handle each mission, what objectives you'll need to complate, as well as any other helpful information!

Complete Story Walkthrough

Frenzied Noble Kleavor Objectives

1 In an Unfamiliar Land
Pick up the Arc Phone and after completing the tutorial on the use of Poke Balls, catch the three starter Pokemon.
2 The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial
Choose your starter and head to the village gate to fight Volo in a Pokemon battle.
Best Starter Pokemon to Choose
3 Head to the Obsidian Fieldlands and catch a Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx.
4 Report back to Cyllene to complete the trial and receive your Survey Corps outfit. Meet with Captain Kamado after wearing them in your quarters.
5 The Basics of Crafting
Receive the recipe for Poke Balls and some funds from Cyllene then head to the Craftworks workbench to create your own Poke Ball.
6 Getting to Work on Research Tasks
Travel to the Fieldlands Camp to learn about research tasks then gain enough research points to move up to the next rank.
7 Return to Cyllene to advance to First Star rank.
8 A Request from Mai
Go to the Training Grounds and win the battle against Akari/Rei.
9 Travel to Obsidian Fieldlands to meet with Mai and defeat her in battle.
10 Make your way to Deertrack Heights and drive away the Alpha Kricketune.
11 Summoned by Commander Kamado
Enter the headquarters to speak to Commander Kamado.
12 The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods
Speak with Cyllene and travel to Grandtree Arena to meet Lian. Defeat him in a Pokemon battle.
13 Return to the base camp and speak with Professor Laventon.
14 Head to the Heights Camp and talk to Adaman. Ride Wydeer to Grandtree Arena and talk to Irina, who will challenge you to a Pokemon battle.
15 Defeat the Frenzied Noble Kleavor in a boss battle then report back to Commander Kamado.
How to Beat Frenzied Noble Kleavor

Protip: Do Not Collect Wisps Early!

After defeating Kleavor, a cutscene will play in which you will receive Request 22: Eerie Apparitions in the Night, in which you must collect 107 Wisps scattered across the game's 5 zones and Jubilife Village.

If you collect Wisps absentmindedly, later on when attempting to gather all the Wisps, you will not be sure which ones are still remaining in an area, forcing you to re-check every Wisp spot to figure out which ones are still missing.

The most efficient way to collect Wisps is to wait until you unlock Hisuian Braviary in Alabaster Icelands, and flying around each zone while consulting maps, so resist the urge to grab Wisps early and instead, save them for the right time.

All Wisp Locations: Guide & Maps

Frenzied Noble Hisuian Lilligant Objectives

16 Arezu's Predicament
Receive your next mission from Kamado then make your way to Solaceon Ruins in the Crimson Mirelands to meet Warden Calaba. Defeat Akari/Rei in battle on your way out of the village. Note that you must reach a Two Star Rank to enter the Crimson Mirelands.
17 Defeat Volo in another Pokemon battle after meeting Calaba. Afterwards, head out to find the Miss Fortune Sisters and retrieve the stolen wall fragment after beating Coin.
18 After giving the wall fragment to Calaba, go to Sludge Mound and defeat Ursaluna.
19 Return to Jubilife Village and talk to Kamado to continue the mission.
20 Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to find Arezu in the Crimson Mirelands.
Where to Find Arezu
21 Meet with Adaman at Brava Arena and defeat the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Lilligant in a boss battle.
How to Get to Brava Arena
How to Beat Frenzied Noble Hisuian Lilligant

Unown Research Notes added

Upon returning to the Mirelands Camp after retrieving the stolen Wall Fragment, the Professor will add Unown Research Notes to your Pokedex. There are a total of 28 Unown that can be found across the region so be sure to be on the lookout while exploring. Unown cannot be forced in a battle and you must catch it directly using Poke Balls.

All Unown Locations

Frenzied Noble Hisuian Arcanine Objectives

22 A New Mission
Find Commander Kamado in the Galaxy Hall to learn about your next mission.
23 The Lordless Island
Travel to Cobalt Coastlands and defeat Irida in battle. Note that you must reach a Three Star Rank to enter the Cobalt Coastlands.
24 Find Palina on the ridge Irida was talking about.
25 Go to Aipom Hill and talk to Iscan. Capture a Dusclops at night and return to him afterwards.
26 Bring the Basculegion Food to Gingko Landing and feed it to Basculegion. Ride Basculegion across the waters and head for Firespit Island.
27 Find the Miss Fortune Sisters and defeat them in three consecutive battles.
28 Talk to Iscan and defeat the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Arcanine in a boss battle. Report back to Commander Kamado to complete the mission.
How to Beat Frenzied Noble Hisuian Arcanine

Catch Pokemon easier by making Basculegion jump

After unlocking Basculegion as a Rideable Pokemon, you will be able to traverse the waters as well as catch Pokemon that you will run into while surfing!

It will be difficult to aim and throw Pokeballs as most of these Pokemon are constantly moving. To make catching Pokemon a lot less challenging, make Basculegion jump by pressing the Y button then while in mid-air, hold ZR to slow down time, giving you an opportunity to adjust your throw.

How to Unlock Basculegion

Frenzied Noble Hisuian Electrode Objectives

29 Scaling Perilous Heights
Exit the headquarters and battle Adaman outside. Receive your next mission from Cyllene then travel to Coronet Highlands. Note that you must reach a Four Star Rank to enter the Coronet Highlands.
30 Meet with Ingo and pass through Wayward Cave. When you're back outside, make your way to the mountain and defeat Melli at the entrance of the quarry.
31 Pass through the quarry and continue making your way up. Ingo will challenge you upon reaching your next destination.
32 Climb the cliffs with Sneasler then head to Moonview Arena, where Melli will challenge you to another battle.
33 Defeat the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Electrode in a boss battle then report back to Commander Kamado to complete the mission.
How to Beat Frenzied Noble Hisuian Electrode

Climbing with Sneasler

When you unlock Sneasler as a Rideable Pokemon after defeating Ingo, you will be able to climb cliffs and other high places, making map exploration a lot easier.

How to Unlock Sneasler

Frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg Objectives

34 The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
Walk towards the village gate and you'll be challenged by Akari/Rei. After the battle, head to Alabaster Icelands. Note that you must reach a Five Star Rank to enter the Alabaster Icelands.
35 Head to Avalugg's Legacy at the center of the map, where Gaeric will challenge you to a battle.
36 Head to the mountaintop southwest of Avalugg's Legacy to reach Sabi. Use Wrydeer and Sneasler to climb up the mountain.
37 Head to Snowpoint Temple and solve the door puzzles until you reach the top floor. Defeat Sabi in a trainer battle.
First door: Rock → Steel → Ice
Second door: Ice → Rock → Steel → Rock → Ice
Third Door: Steel → Ice → Rock → Ice → Steel → Rock
38 Defeat Hisuian Braviary to unlock it as a Rideable Pokemon. Use the Pokemon to land on top of Avalugg's Legacy. Investigate the ice at the center to obtain a piece of Eternal Ice.
39 Make your way towards Icepeak Arena and defeat the Frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg in a boss battle. Report back to Commander Kamado to complete the mission.
How to Beat Frenzied Noble Hisuian Avalugg

Use Hisuian Braviary to collect Wisps

Now that you have the ability to fly, thanks to Hisuian Braviary, you can now reach every Wisp that you need to complete the Eerie Apparitions in the Night Request! It is best to check each map and collect the Wisps in one sweep so you don't forget which ones you already found and which ones remain.

How to Unlock Hisuian Braviary

The Lake Trials Objectives

40 Disaster Looming
Go outside your quarters. After a few cutscenes, follow Cyllene to reach the front gate of Jubilife Village.
41 Find Lian at the Grandtree Arena. After speaking with him, head to the area east of the Worn Bridge to find Mai. After a few cutscenes, exit the tent to go outside.
42 Choose either Adaman from the Diamond Clan or Irida from the Pearl Clan to accompany you at the lake trials. This decision will affect the Legendary Pokemon that you will face later on.
43 The Trial of Lake Verity
Head to Lake Verity in Obsidian Fieldlands. Defeat the Alpha Hisuian Goodra and talk to Mesprit. You can pick any reply and still complete the trial.
44 The Trial of Lake Valor
Head to Lake Valor in Crimson Mirelands. Defeat the Alpha Overqwill and try to hit Azelf with the Marsh Balms. You won't be able to hit Azelf but you will complete the trial if you don't give up on throwing.
45 The Trial of Lake Acuity
Head to Lake Acuity in Alabaster Icelands. Defeat the Alpha Hisuian Zoroark and answer Uxie correctly to complete the trial. The answer is 60131.
46 After finishing all three trials, you will automatically head to the Shrouded Ruins and obtain the Red Chain.

You can choose either Adaman or Irida

The choice between Adaman and Irida only affects which of the two Legendary Pokemon you will fight first and which of them will be on their Origin Form. Whoever you choose, Dialga and Palkia's level will be both at 65, so it doesn't matter who you choose unless you have a reason to get the one you like as soon as possible.

Climbing Mount Coronet Objectives

47 Atop Mount Coronet
Head to Mount Coronet's peak and enter the cave. Defeat Beni near the end of the cave to proceed.
48 Talk to Commander Kamado and defeat him in a trainer battle.
49 Bring the Red Chain at the Temple of Sinnoh and catch Dialga/Palkia. You won't be able to proceed if you don't catch the Legendary Pokemon and the battle will restart if you defeat it.
50 The Counterpart
Go to the cave marked on your map and defeat Charm to obtain the Origin Ore. Report back to the professor to obtain the Origin Ball.
51 Head back to the Temple of Sinnoh and defeat Dialga/Palkia (Origin Form) in a boss battle.

Finding All the Plates (Post-Game) Objectives

52 A New Day Dawns
Exit your quarters and talk to Captain Cyllene at the Survey Corps office.
53 The Researcher of Myths
Travel to the Obsidian Fieldlands and meet Volo at the Heights Camp.
54 Follow Volo to Grueling Grove and defeat the Vespiquen.
55 Travel to the Ancient Retreat and speak to Cogita. Choose all 5 options to unlock the next missions associated with the remaining Plates.
56 The Plate of the Lakes
Travel to Lake Verity in the Obsidian Fieldlands, Lake Valor in the Crimson Mirelands, and Lake Acuity in the Alabaster Icelands and catch Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie to obtain the Draco Plate.
57 The Plate of Firespit Island
Travel to Firespit Island in the Cobalt Coastlands, enter the cave at the Molten Arena, and catch Heatran to obtain the Iron Plate.
58 The Plate of Moonview Arena
Travel to Moonview Arena in the Coronet Highlands and catch Cresselia to obtain the Dread Plate.
59 The Plate of Snowpoint Temple
Travel to Snowpoint Temple in the Alabaster Icelands and descend to the lowest floor to catch Regigigas and obtain the Blank Plate.
60 The Plate of Prelude Beach
Travel to Jubilife Village and talk to Commander Kamado. Meet him at the Prelude Beach and defeat him in battle to obtain the Fist Plate.
61 Seeking the Remaining Plates
Return to Cogita to report your progress and give her 3 logs of Wood to obtain the Pixie Plate.
Where to Find Wood and Craftable Items
62 Meet Volo at the Sacred Plaza in the Coronet Highlands then head to the Temple of Sinnoh and defeat him in battle.
63 Giratina will appear right after winning the battle against Volo. You won't be able to capture Giratina so your only choice is to defeat its Altered and Origin Forms to proceed. You will receive the Spooky Plate from Volo after taking down Giratina.
64 The Deified Pokemon
Capture all Pokemon and use the Azure Flute at the Temple of Sinnoh. Ascend the stairs and meet Arceus at the top.
How to Get Arceus
Story Summary and Ending Explained

Tips for Your Journey

Aim for a Five Star Rank

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Aim for a Five Star Rank
In order to visit each new map and progress with the main story, you'll need to complete Research Tasks and reach a certain Star for your Survery Corps Rank. Even if you complete all the story objectives, you won't be able to continue on unless you've finished enough Research Tasks and gained enough Research Points to proceed.

Although there are ten ranks in total, only reaching the five star rank is required for completing the main story, so you don't need to continue grinding once you've reached this point.

Star Rank Area Unlocked
Second Star Member Crimson Mirelands
Third Star Member Cobalt Coastlands
Fourth Star Member Coronet Highlands
Fifth Star Member Alabaster Icelands

How to Increase Research Level Fast

Upgrade Your Satchel Size

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Expanding Satchel Size from Bagin
After completing Mission 6: Summoned by Commander Kamado, you gain the ability to increase your inventory space. We recommend upgrading the satchel as soon as you unlock the option as this makes gathering Crafting Materials easier.

How to Increase Satchel (Inventory) Size

Change Your Pokemon's Moves

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Changing Moves
Unlike in previous Pokemon games, no prompt will appear if a Pokemon learns a new move upon leveling up. You need to manually replace the move in the Satchel menu if you want to use the new one.

In addition, replacing a move does not make the Pokemon forget it permanently, so you can always go back and change the previous move that was replaced.

How to Change Moves

Pokedex Research Tasks Guide

Complete Tasks to Level Up a Pokemon's Research Level

Unlike previous Pokemon games, catching a Pokemon does not complete their Pokedex entries. Instead, you need to complete research tasks assigned to each Pokemon.

Each Pokemon have a unique set of research tasks to do, although the most common include: catching it, defeating it, observing it perform a specific move, and evolving it. You can find the list of research tasks for each Pokemon in the Research Tasks menu of your Pokedex.

Research Tasks Guide: How to Complete the Pokedex

Update the Pokedex to Earn Pokemon Research Points

Pokemon Legends Arceus Research Points
After completing Research Tasks for certain Pokemon, you can go to Professor Laventon at the Base Camp to update the Pokedex. The updates to your Pokedex will be calculated into Pokemon Research Points, which helps you level up to the next Star Rank and unlock new areas.

Updating the Pokedex also helps you earn money, which you can use to stock up on items you need for your adventure.

How to Get Research Points Fast and Increase Research Level

All Mission Walkthrough Guides

Arc Phone In-Game

Missions are regarded as main quests in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Completing Missions will progress the story and further unravel the mysteries surrounding the region of Hisui!

List of All Missions

No. Mission No. Mission
1 In an Unfamiliar Land 2 The Galaxy Team's Entry Trial
3 The Basics of Crafting 4 Getting to Work on Research Tasks
5 A Request from Mai 6 Summoned by Commander Kamado
7 The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods 8 Arezu's Predicament
9 A New Mission 10 The Lordless Island
11 Scaling Perilous Heights 12 The Slumbering Lord of the Tundra
13 Disaster Looming 14 The Trial of Lake Verity
15 The Trial of Lake Valor 16 The Trial of Lake Acuity
17 Atop Mount Coronet 18 The Counterpart
19 A New Day Dawns 20 The Researcher of Myths
21 The Plate of the Lakes 22 The Plate of Firespit Island
23 The Plate of Moonview Arena 24 The Plate of Snowpoint Temple
25 The Plate of Prelude Beach 26 Seeking the Remaining Plates
27 The Deified Pokemon

All Trainer Battle Guides

All Trainer Battles
All Trainer Battle Akari/Rei All Trainer Battle Mei All Trainer Battles Lian
All Trainer Battles Melli All Trainer Battles Ingo All Trainer Battles Sabi
All Trainer Battles Gaeric All Trainer Battles Beni All Trainer Battles Commander Kamado
All Trainer Battles Adaman All Trainer Battles Irida All Trainer Battles Volo

All Trainer Battles

Other Story Walkthrough Guides

Other Story Guides
Arezu Location in Mission 8 How to Get to Brava Arena
Snowpoint Temple Door Puzzle Solution Story Summary and Ending Explained

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Wiki Front

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Pokemon Legends Arceus MovesMoves PLA - News and Game Info Banner.pngNews and Game Info
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