Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Updates and Patch Notes

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Pokemon Legends Arceus Updates

This is a list of all update versions and patch notes available for Pokemon Legends: Arceus as of April 2022. Read on for recent and new updates, bug fixes, QoL improvements, and how to update Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Updates and Patch Notes

Version 1.1.1 Update Released on March 18

The newest patch to update Pokemon Legends: Arceus was released on March 18. Version 1.1.1 fixes an existing bug that prevents players from obtaining the Shiny Charm from Professor Laventon even after meeting all requirements.

Version 1.1.1 Patch Notes
・Fixed an issue where certain conditions would prevent players from obtaining the Shiny Charm even if they met the requirements.
・After updating the game, players who experienced this issue can obtain the Shiny Charm by speaking with Professor Laventon inside Galaxy hall in Jubilife Village provided they meet the requirements.

Version 1.1.1 Update and Patch Notes

Daybreak and Version 1.1.0 Update Released on February 27

PLA Daybreak Update

New features and content to Pokemon Legends: Arceus will be added during the Version 1.1.0 update to the game. Titled as the Daybreak update, new gameplay features are added, including the appearance of rare Pokemon in mass outbreaks, as well as new battles in the Training Grounds.

Daybreak Update New Features
・Rare Pokemon Mass Outbreaks
・Eternal Battle Reverie
・Warden Battles at the Training Ground
・New Photo Studio Features

Daybreak and Ver. 1.1.0 Update

Version 1.0.2 Update Released on February 9

A patch to update Pokemon Legends: Arceus to Version 1.0.2 is available for download on February 9, 2022 and fixes several issues from the 1.0.1 Version of the game. It is recommended to update to this version as it addresses bugs from the day one patch, including game freezing, catching Cherrim, and more.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Notes
1 Fixed a bug where the screen would freeze if you picked up fallen items (or knocked down items to pick up) by throwing a Pokemon in a Pokeball at the item in Offline Mode.
2 Fixed a bug where players could become unable to catch Cherrim. This was a common concern from the day one patch as a lot of users experienced being unable to catch Cherrim once it changes forms.
How to Catch Cherrim
3 Fixed a bug where some events would not trigger during the Main Story Missions, leaving players unable to progress the game.
4 Fixed a bug where some Pokemon that were only supposed to be possible to catch once during Missions were able to be caught twice.

Version 1.0.2 Patch Notes

Version 1.0.1 Update Announced on January 27

The day one patch for Pokemon Legends: Arceus was announced on January 27, 2022. Since the Version 1.0.1 update was announced before launch, it will be available upon the game's release.

Version 1.0.1 Patch Notes

How to Update Pokemon Legends: Arceus

1 With the Pokemon Legends Arceus game selected on the Home Screen, press the + button on your Switch to view the game data.
2 Select Software Update from the left tab.
3 You can update your game Via the Internet (connection to Wi-Fi is required) or you can Match Version with Local Users (this will prompt you to create or join a group with other nearby users with the updated software).
4 Wait for the update download to complete.

Current Bugs as of 1.1.1

The Plate of Moonview Arena Bug

Cresselia Bug.png

Some players can't progress through the post-game if they have caught Cresselia before triggering the cutscene with Melli and Calaba in Moonview Arena. No Dread Plate will be given and Mission 23: The Plate of Moonview Arena will remain incomplete despite having Cresselia in your team.

Restarting the game, uninstalling and installing the game again, having Research Level 10 on Cresselia, or even releasing Cresselia itself do not fix the bug.

The Pokemon Company has acknowledged the problem and said the bug will be fixed in the next patch. In the meantime, don't forget to watch the cutscene with Melli and Calaba first before catching Cresselia.

Known Bugs, Glitches, and Exploits

The Plate of Moonview Arena Bug Temporary Fix

You can try loading your backup save data to fix the Cresselia bug. Do this by following the steps below.

Steps to Temporarily Fix Cresselia Bug
1 Close the game and go to the Nintendo Switch's home menu.
2 Open the game again and wait until you see the title screen.
3 Once you're at the title screen, press the Up, X, and B buttons at the same time to bring up the save screen.
4 Load Backup Save File.png
Now that you're on the save screen, all you need to do is press A to load your backup save file.
5 You should find yourself at Coronet Highlands just before capturing Cresselia. This time, talk to Melli and Calaba first to make sure the game won't bug and you'll be able to continue with your adventure.

There is a chance that this fix won't work for you especially when you have already made plenty of progress in the game after catching Cresselia. In such cases, the only fix would be a patch from the Pokemon Company itself.

Build and Walk on Bibarel Bridge

It is possible to cross a body of water by lining up Bibarels and walking on top of them. This will allow you to reach islands in Obsidian Fieldlands and Crimson Mirelands during the early game even before unlocking Basculegion which lets you surf on water.

Steps to Make a Bibarel Bridge
1 Riverbank Slope
Along a riverbank, find a slope that is not too steep.
You should still be able to stand on the slope without sliding in the water.
2 Bibarel Placement
Face the water and throw a Bibarel with half its body still on land and the other submerged.
3 Standing on Bibarel
Walk up to Bibarel until you are able to stand mid-air.
This step will take you a couple of attempts. Try adjusting Bibarel's positioning, crouching and walking up to Bibarel, or find another area.
4 Bibarel Bridge
Face the direction of where you want to go and throw another Bibarel next to the one you are standing on.
It is recommended to save often as you progress so you can reset the game if you fall down Bibarel.
5 Return the first few Bibarels you sent out to their Poke Balls and connect them in front of you.

Fly Up with Hisuian Braviary

Hisuian Braviary Gains Altitude

Although riding Hisuian Braviary seems more like gliding rather than flying, there is actually a trick to gain altitude while riding the noble. To do this, simply press the Y, +, and A buttons in that order and in rapid succession. It takes a few tries to get the timing right but this is the only way we have found to fly higher.

It doesn't have a lot of practical uses other than reaching higher places that Sneasler can't climb like the Glacier in Avalugg's Legacy and Snowpoint Temple.

All Rideable Pokemon (Mounts)

Make Your Character Glow

There is a visual bug in Pokemon Legends: Arceus where you can make your character glow. All you need is Basculegion and the balloon race game.

This bug doesn't really offer a lot of practical uses but it sure is fun to see your character glow! It's also neat that sleeping and fast travelling to different sub-areas would not make your character lose that glow. Follow the steps below to try it out yourself.

Steps to Make Your Character Glow
1 Balloon Race Man.png
Fast travel to Coastlands Camp in Cobalt Coastlands and talk to the Balloon Race man to start the mini-game.
2 Basculegion Leap.png
As soon as the mini-game starts, go to the water to summon Basculegion and do a leap with it by pressing the Y button.
3 End Run.png
While in the air, press the + button and end the mini-game.
4 Akari Glowing and Balloon Race Man.png
The Balloon Race man will talk to you afterrwards but you should be able to notice that your character is already glowing as he talks to you.

How to Troubleshoot Update Issues

Check Your Internet Connection

Pokemon Legends Arceus Issue with Update
If your update still would not push through, check if your Switch is connected to the internet.

You can check your internet status by going to the System Settings from the Home screen, and selecting Internet on the left tab.

If the problem persists, you can try restarting your Switch or your router.

Check Nintendo's Official Server Status

Nintendo Servers
If Nintendo's official servers are offline, that may explain why you aren't able to update your game.

Nintendo's Official Server Status

How To Check Current Version

Press the + Button on the Home Screen

You can check if your software is up to date after pressing the + or - buttons on the Pokemon Legends Arceus application while on the Home Screen. It will be under the title on the top left corner.

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