Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Galaxy Expedition Team Profile and Major Characters

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Galaxy Expedition Team Banner.png

At the center of Jubilife Village is the Galaxy Expedition Team's operations. Learn more about the Galaxy Expedition Team, their members, and what goal they're trying to achieve in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Galaxy Expedition Team

Galaxy Expedition Team In Game.png

The Galaxy Expedition Team is a group of people dedicated to studying the Hisui region and the various kinds of Pokemon that make their home there.

The team includes various corps, such as the Medical Corps and the Security Corps, as well as the Survey Corps, which carries out research on how Pokemon live.

Galaxy Expedition Team Members

Akari and Rei


As a member of the Survey Corps, you and your partner (Akari/Rei) are tasked to study various areas in the Hisui region including the Pokemon that live there.

You'll be carrying out different assignments or requests throughout the game. Luckily, Jubilife Village boasts a range of useful institutions and services such as trading posts, which can help you complete the land's first-ever Pokedex!

Commander Kamado

Commander Kamado.png

Commander Kamado is the Galaxy Expedition Team's leader. He's sporting a look quite similar to his descendant, Professor Rowan.

Despite being harsh at times, his team members know him to be reliable and trustworthy. He encourages you to do your best in carrying out your task but also to be careful as he deems Pokemon as terrifying creatures.

Captain Cyllene

Captain Cyllene.png

Cyllene is the leader of Galaxy Expedition Team's Survey Corps. She plays a strict hand in her leadership and watches over her team closely.

As the head of the Survey Corps team, Cyllene will see great potential in you and will let you participate in a trial to determine if you can join the Galaxy Team.

Professor Laventon

Professor Laventon.png

Professor Laventon is Hisui region's very own Pokemon professor. As a member of the Galaxy Expedition Team's Survey Corps, he studies Pokemon and is aiming to create a complete Pokedex.

Pokemon Legends: Arceus Related Guides


List of All Characters

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Galaxy Expedition Team

Galaxy Expedition Team
KamadoCommander Kamado
CylleneCaptain Cyllene Akari and ReiAkari and Rei LaventonProfessor Laventon

Galaxy Expedition Team Profile

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