Pokemon Legends: Arceus

How to Get Celestica Flute: Effects and Locations

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Celestica Flute is an item in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Read on to learn where to find Celestica Flute, as well as their effect and price!

How to Get Celestica Flute

Defeat Lian and Head to the Heights Camp at Obsidian Fieldlands

After defeating Warden Lian at a Pokemon battle, return to Professor Laventon to report your findings and head back to Jubilife Village.

Head to the front gate of the village to meet up with Mai. You will automatically get transported to Heights Camp, where you will obtain the Celestica Flute and Wyrdeer as a Rideable Pokemon.

The Frenzy of the Lord of the Woods Mission Guide and Walkthrough

Celestica Flute Effect and General Information

Celestica Flute ImageCelestica Flute
Effect A flute that can be used to call special Pokémon that are willing to bear you around the region. Its timbre is eerie and mysterious.

Sell and Buy Price

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Old Verse 10 ImageOld Verse 10 Old Verse 11 ImageOld Verse 11
Old Verse 12 ImageOld Verse 12 Old Verse 13 ImageOld Verse 13
Old Verse 14 ImageOld Verse 14 Old Verse 15 ImageOld Verse 15
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