Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Melli Character Profile

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Legends Arceus - Warden Melli character profile

Melli is a warden from the Diamond Clan in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. Learn more about Melli, his role in the story, and how to beat him at the Moonview Arena!

Melli Profile and Battle Guide
Melli ProfileMelli Character Profile Melli BattleHow to Beat Melli

Who is Melli?

Clan / Organization Diamond Clan
Role Warden
Noble Pokemon Hisuian Electrode

Melli is one of Diamond Clan's wardens. He wears a blue Diamond Clan uniform designed with a symbol of their clan on it.

You'll first meet Melli in the Galaxy Team Headquarters at the beginning of the mission Scaling Perilous Heights.

Takes care of Electrode

Legends Arceus - Melli as Electrode

Melli is the warden assigned to watch over the Noble Electrode, the Lord of the Hollow. He believes that the strange lightning that struck Electrode was a blessing from the almighty Sinnoh, so he doesn't want to get involved in its quelling.

All Noble Pokemon

Attempts to stop Electrode's quelling

Legends Arceus - challenging Melli at Wayward Cave

Throughout the mission Scaling Perilous Heights, Melli will attempt to stop you from reaching the Moonview Arena to prevent the quelling of Electrode's frenzy.

Upon meeting him and Ingo at the entrance of Wayward Cave, Melli will enter first and remove the torches inside. You'll run into him next at the entrance to the Ancient Quarry, where he'll challenge you to a Pokemon battle, and at the Moonview Arena, where you'll battle him again.

How to Beat Melli

Use tanky Pokemon

Recommended Pokemon
Snorlax ImageSnorlax Golem ImageGolem Steelix ImageSteelix

Your first battle against Melli at the Ancient Quarry won't be too difficult as you can take out his Skuntank with only a couple of Ground type moves. But when you reach the entrance of Moonview Arena, Melli will send out three Pokemon at once to gang up on your single Pokemon.

Since you're Pokemon will be outnumbered, it is best to fight defensively and prepare tanky Pokemon. Snorlax would be the best choice for this task as it can take a beating from the three due to its high HP and use Rest to completely restore HP when needed.

Snorlax can also learn Ground type moves like High Horsepower to take care of Skuntank.

How to Beat Melli

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