Pokemon Legends: Arceus

How to Get Mints: List of All Mints

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Pokemon Legends Arceus - How to Get Mints List of All Mints
This is a list of all Mints in Pokemon Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to find out how to use Mints, and how to get them!

List of Mints

Raises Attack Stat

Item Effect
Lonely Mint ImageLonely Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Adamant Mint ImageAdamant Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Naughty Mint ImageNaughty Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Brave Mint ImageBrave Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Attack will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.

Raises Defense Stat

Item Effect
Bold Mint ImageBold Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Impish Mint ImageImpish Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Lax Mint ImageLax Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Relaxed Mint ImageRelaxed Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Defense will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.

Raises Special Attack Stat

Item Effect
Modest Mint ImageModest Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Mild Mint ImageMild Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Rash Mint ImageRash Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.
Quiet Mint ImageQuiet Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Atk will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.

Raises Special Defense Stat

Item Effect
Calm Mint ImageCalm Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Gentle Mint ImageGentle Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Careful Mint ImageCareful Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Sassy Mint ImageSassy Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Sp. Def will grow more easily, but Speed will grow more slowly.

Raises Speed

Item Effect
Timid Mint ImageTimid Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Attack will grow more slowly.
Hasty Mint ImageHasty Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Defense will grow more slowly.
Jolly Mint ImageJolly Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Atk will grow more slowly.
Naive Mint ImageNaive Mint When a Pokemon smells this mint, Speed will grow more easily, but Sp. Def will grow more slowly.

Raises All Stats Equally

Item Effect
Serious Mint ImageSerious Mint When a Pokémon smells this mint, all of its stats other than its HP will grow at an equal rate.

How to Get Mints

Order Mint Harvest at the Farm

PLA - Mint Harvest

Mints can be obtained at the Farm in Jubilife Village. It costs ₽10,000 to plant them, and you need to catch 20 Pokemon in a single excursion before you can harvest Mints.

Farm Guide: Harvest Requirements and Crop List

How to Unlock Mint Harvest

The option to obtain Mints at the Farm will be unlocked after finishing the Request Help Wanted: Rock Smashing in the Fields.

To get this Request at the Farm, you need to accept the Scaling Perilous Heights Mission.

How to Use Mints

Select Mint in Your Satchel

Pokemon Legends Arceus - Use the Mint on the Selected Pokemon

Choose a Mint you want to use in your Satchel, and then choose the Pokemon whose Nature you want to change.

You will get a final prompt if you want to change the stats of the selected Pokemon. Select Yes to push through!

Nature Chart and How to Check Natures

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